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145-149Views:208Count József Degenfeld took on a decisive role in the establishment of the University of Debrecen on the one hand as the major of Debrecen and on the other hand as the chief guardian of the Trans-Tisza Reformed Diocese. The state university has already expressed its honour symbolically in his life by providing the solemn address as a church official at the inauguration of the reception building in the presence of the royal couple. When he died it issued a special obituary acknowledging him as ”the best worker of the university’s establishment”.
Beáta Tombi: Science and Popular Education in Italy in XVII-XVIII century
Views:181Where we could draw the line between scientifique and general information publications? What are the main criteria based on which we could separate the scientifique and educational texts? These are the questions that are to be answered in the new book of Beata Tombi, lecturer of the University of Pecs. The book review was prepared by Laszló Pete.
Emlékképek Fornet Béla professzor úrról és az I. sz. belklinikai otthonunkról
133-137Views:58Flashes of Memory: About Professor Béla Fornet and Our Home at the Clinic of Internal Medicine One. Retired internalist head physician, titular professor, and writer-doctor János Hankiss reminiscenses about his years spent in Debrecen. The guiding spirit of the clinic of internal medicine headed by Professor Béla Fornet was this: the patient comes first. Moreover, it is not the disease that has to be treated, the sick man has to be cured, at the highest possible level of science and at the same time with a humane attitude. Forms of refresher training, reading, scientific research are required to make treatment ever more efficient. The mode of presentation is unusual: it assumes the form of a dialogue, and concrete memories elicit distilled ideas.
Szakszerűség, tudományosság, kritikusság – a politikai aktivitás kezdetei az egyetemi ifjúság körében kétszáz éve
43 - 58Views:228Comp etence, Erudition and Critical Thinking. The Beginnings of Political Act ivity among University Students in the Early 19th Century. The first decade of the 19th century was a period of significant change in terms of the political activity of European university students. They had come forward before in hope of achieving interest- or value-based goals, and in such cases, they exhibited a considerable ability to promote their own interests. However, their involvement and political role was entirely different in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Times. From the 1810s on, the opinion and activity of university student as political actors independent from both the university and the professors were taken into account – and often even feared – by the political elite in power. The transformation of university students’ political role was the result of several, almost simultaneous changes accumulating. Due to the branching off of professional degrees and the increasing expertise of their scientific base, expectations of civic engagement based on critical thinking, and a new kind of uncertainty deriving from various sources made university students especially responsive to problems of their times. Several factors played a vital role in this growing responsiveness: the (cameralist) teachings of the Enlightenment; the strengthening of academies of science, which were the primary competitors of universities; as well as a concomitant separation of disciplines and the disappearance of the shared theological-philosophical-philological language used before. These factors were intensified by career starter graduates’ recurring fears of unemployment – triggered by processes of professionalization – which further increased university students’ interest in public affairs and their political activity.
79-88Views:150. In 2018, Debrecen's agricultural higher education celebrated a century and a half since its foundation. In the decades since, it has become the country's leading professional education institute for agriculture. It was born in the post-1867 Reconciliation era, realising the vision of the city's farmer society, in line with the state's engagement, which extended the scope of central power, and gave a new impetus to Hungarian education policy and helped to launch the modernisation of Hungarian agriculture. This special anniversary has inspired the chroniclers of our times to provide an overview of the scholarly teachers of a century and a half who were school founders, who were at the head of the institution for a considerable period of time, and whose activities included enhancing the quality of Hungarian agricultural higher education. The articles in the university history journal, Gerundium, serve this purpose.
Ramism in the KIngdom of Hungary and in Transylvania
Views:234Ramism in the Kingdom of Hungary and in Transylvania. The study reviews the impacts of Ramism on the scholarly, pedagogical, and cultural life of the Kingdom of Hungary and of Transylvania, including the local publications in grammar, rhetoric, homiletics, and logic, and the presence of Ramist considerations and components in domestic education. Judging by the evidence of its reception in Hungary and Transylvania, we can conclude that Ramist influence was present in the main Calvinist institutions, that is, in the colleges at Gyulafehérvár, Kolozsvár, Sárospatak, Várad, and Debrecen during the mid- and late seventeenth century. Such influence affected the whole system of classification of the academic sciences, and elements of Ramism remained detectable until the mid-eighteenth century. More sporadic, but not insignificant, was Ramist influence usually taking a more syncretic form at Lutheran institutions that adhered to essentially Melanchthonian pedagogy.
Literary works by Hungarian authors with Ramist and, often, Puritan convictions are clearly understandable texts characterized by their conceptual plainness and clarity, which include only a few elements of belletrism, affective attraction, and literary originality in their predominantly rational argumentation. That such texts strive primarily for intellectual rationality is clearly connected with the authors’ Ramist mindsets, because, under a strictly Ramist theoretical framework, only a small number of the taxonomic processes which distinguish literary works from the natural order of precise, objective, rational discourse could be accepted.
38-53Views:61Dezső Szabó was professor of history at the University of Debrecen for 35 years from 1924 to 1959. He graduated from the University of Budapest with a degree in History and Latin. It was at the instigation of his patron, Henrik Marczali, that he began his research on the Hungarian assemblies of the pre-Mohács period. He also wrote his doctoral dissertation on this topic. Thanks to his excellent academic achievements, he graduated from the university with a royal gold ring of honour (sub auspiciis regis). He taught for many years in secondary schools and in 1912 became a privatdocent at the Budapest University of Science. In February 1924, Governor Miklós Horthy appointed him full professor of medieval and modern (universal) history at the University of Debrecen. At that time, his research was already focused on the Urbarium of Maria Theresa. In 1931 he was elected a corresponding member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. He published relatively little and concentrated his activities on secondary school teacher training. He was the dean of the Faculty of Humanities for four academic years. He made an invaluable contribution to the reorganisation of university education in 1944. Despite this, he was repeatedly persecuted under the new regime and was only able to retain his chair thanks to the intervention of his influential students. He retired at the age of 77. The second and third volumes of his work, A magyarországi úrbérrendezés története Mária Terézia korában, which is considered the major work of his life, are still awaiting publication.
238-244Views:179Book review by Ádám Hegyi
Szalay Sándor – a hazai atommagfizikai alapkutatások elindítója
35-41Views:82Sándor Szalay Was the Founder of Basic Research in Nuclear Physics in Hungary. Academian Sándor Szalay, former head of the Department of Experimental Physics at the University of Debrecen as well as the founding director of the Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (ATOMKI) was born in 1909. He was a trail-blazing physicist, a dedicated teacher, and his achievements in fundamental and applied science are both substantial and diverse. One of his remarkable legacies was the inititation of nuclear physics research in Hungary. On 24 September, 2009, ATOMKI hosted a symposium to mark the centenary of its founder.