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  • Gyula Mitrovics, Professor of Pedagogy the Rector Magnificus of István Tisza University of Debrecen of the Academic Year 1940/41.

    Professor of Pedagogy Gyula Mitrovics was Rector Magnificus of the Hungarian Royal István Tisza University of Debrecen in the academic year of 1940-1941. His profound interest in the arts and his Protestant identity
    shaped by the oscillation between the Sárospatak versus Debrecen axis constituted the basis and the framework for an overarching career which the child of a Sárospatak family of educators could fulfill in the Hungary of the first half of the 20th century. Despite the fact that the success of his early publications and the affirmative critical responses beckoned the young and upcoming teacher to a career in art history or to the calling of an aesthete, the interests of the arts faculty of the ”newly born” university of Debrecen dictated a different professional alternative. His attention turned to pedagogy, of which he became privat-docent in 1917, then full professor in 1918. Starting from this juncture, he led parallel professional lives rooted in aesthetics and pedagogy. In the year before his retirement he was elected rector of the university. His attitude in this supreme office was characterized by seeking compromises, which was a direct consequence of the priorities of the age in which he lived. It was during his rectorship that the university was to surrender its science departments. However, the diplomatically sensitive rector was able to attain the continuance of instruction in the disrupted departments by employing external lecturers. During his retirement as pensioner his life assumed a tragic turn: int he year 1949 – prompted by outside advice – he resigned his position as corresponding member of the Hungarian Academy then, in the middle of the 1950s he left Hungary. The one-time Debrecen professor of pedagogy spent his remaining years in Stuttgart and that is also where he died in 1965.


    There were two types of study costs in the universities between the two World Wars, one of them was the tution fee, and the other one was the additional fee. The tution fee had been part of the Hungarian educational system since the middle of the 19th century. Those university students whose parents were in low social status with low income could get tution fee discount or exemption because of their financial situation. But in the case of the different kind of additional fees, there were not any discount or excemption because these fees required for the maintenance of several university institution, like university canteen, patient care fund, or the provision fund of the University Council. The system of these additional fees was different in the Hungarian universities, some additional fees were the same, some not. There were difference in the amount of the additional fees too. In this study, we can see the changes of the additional fee system in Debrecen between the two World Wars. All of the additional fees will be presented, for example canteen fee, patient care fund, and the two type of maintenance surcharges which were made due to the influence of the great economic crisis.

  • Glass Windows of Art Nouveau by Miksa Róth at the Department of reumatology of the University of Debrecen

    Miksa Róth (1865-1944) glass strainer and mosaic artist significantly contributed to the beautiful buildings of the University of Debrecen in the first part of the 20th century. It is regarded that his most famous work here is the five big glass windows in the Hall of the university that were reconstructed in 2012. Furthermore, he left the result of his artistic work in other buildings of the university. Nevertheless, these works were destroyed nearly without exception. The only exception is the three glass windows, which were discovered in the basement of the Surgery Clinic. They were taken out from there in 2018 and the following study introduces the history of the reconstruction.

  • Hungarológiai munkácska államtudományi hangsúlyokkal a 17. század első feléből

    A little work of Hungarology with jurisprudential acc ents from the first half of the 17th century. Wilhelm Artner was the second person from Sopron, who became a jurist doctor in the Early Modern Age and applied his professional knowledge for the benefit of his city and Lutheran church. The present paper gives an outlook of his studies in Tubingen by introducing one of his works created there in detail. First, a draft is presented of the education and professors in the Law Faculty of Tubingen in the first third of the 17th century. Second, the circumstances of the creation and content of the disputation titled „De Regno Hungariae ejusque jure” – which was created with the co-operation of Professor Christoph Besold and Artner – is emphasized. The paper tries to eliminate the  erroneous and stereotypical evaluations that have been linked with it throughout the past centuries and now the disputation is viewed as one of the first works of Hungarology.

  • Report of the international workshop Science between Tradition and Innovation: Historical Perspectives

    Conference Review on the workshop of Science between Tradition and Innovation: Historical Perspectives. On 28th and 29th of May 2019 ’The Patterns of the Circulation of Scientific Knowledge in Hungary, 1770–1830’ research group organized the conference on Science between Tradition and Innovation: Historical Perspectives in Szekfű Gyula Library (Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest). The programme of the conference was based on the English and German papers of the Hungarian, Czech, Austrian and German guests and the members of the research group of history of science at Eötvös Loránd University Institute of History. The principle aim of the conference was to negotiate the East-Central European context of the problem of tradition and innovation which has become well-known in recent studies of history of science and cultural history. Periodically, the conference framed the frequently underrated, eighteenth-century period of early modern scientific culture. The thematic panels and papers investigated the historical and analitical implications of the long eighteenth century paying special attention to such questions as of the use of concepts, scientific practices, knowledge production, transfer processes, and scientific disciplines.


    The aim of this study is to present the educational activities of Elek Dósa. The Dósa family played a very important role in the history of legal education in Marosvásárhely (Târgu Mureș). From the establishment of the legal education until the closed of the Law Academy, their three generations provided a significant part of the teaching staff. Gergely Dósa was the first who taught law in Târgu Mures. Elek Dósa was partly succeeded by his son Miklós and his nephew Gábor Vályi, who were always the leading figures in the teaching staff of the short-lived Târgu Mures Law Academy, which closed in 1872. Law played a central role in Elek Dósa's life. From a young age, he was preparing to follow in his father's footsteps and hoped that one day his son would take his place at the professorship. Although the family was extensive, it extinct in the second half of the 19th century.

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