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  • A Debreceni Egyetem centenáriumi előkészületei
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    Centenary Preparations at the University of Debrecen. The editors of the journal offer status reports on the preparations for the centenary celebrations of the University of Debrecen in 2010. Special attention is devoted to those publications which thematize the history of the university (as well as the history of its predecessor institutions) and of the faculties, of which pre-eminent position is occupied by the commemorative centenary volume offering a comprehensive history of the university in answer to the expectations and requirements of the 21st century. Brief surveys are provided of preparatory projects such as the ones aimed at establishing a Museum of the University, the processes of conducting interviews pertaining to the history of the university, as well as the emerging programs of the centenary year.

  • Centenáriumi kalendárium
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    A CENTENARY CALENDAR. In the previous issue of our periodical the proceedings of the Opening Event of the Series of Centenary Programmes of the University of Debrecen were given a detailed presentation. he current assortment ofers a chronological introduction of the most important university events of the Centenary Year of 2012. he calendar can make mention of a wide selection of respective programme events: in addition to various festive commemorations, exhibitions and conferences there is a salutation of the university’s irst Olympic champion, further sports and festival events are also mentioned.

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    A Debreceni Egyetem Bőrgyógyászati Klinikája 2021-ben ünnepelte megalakulásának 100. évfordulóját. A 2021-es esztendő azonban a COVID pandémia miatt nem tette lehetővé számunkra, hogy ezt a jeles évfordulót kellőképpen meg tudjuk ünnepelni, így a Centenárium tiszteletére rendezett ünnepi ülés és egy összefoglaló közlemény 2023 tavaszán került megszervezésre, illetve készült el. Ezen áttekintő közlemény beszámol a Bőrgyógyászati Klinika elmúlt 100 évéről, röviden bemutatja a klinikán végzett betegellátás, oktatás és kutatás fejlődésének fő lépéseit, emléket állít a korábbi munkatársak és vezetők munkásságának, valamint lehetőséget ad az Egyetem minden dolgozójának és az érdeklődő olvasóknak is, hogy betekintést nyerjenek a debreceni bőrgyógyászat orvostörténetileg is érdekes több mint százéves időszakába.

  • Arany János születésének 100. évfordulója és a háború a nagyszalontai Emlékegyesület értesítése a Debreceni m. kir. Tudományegyetemnek az ünnepség elmaradásáról
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    the Centenary of the Birth of János Arany and the War. The Message of the Memorial Society from Nagyszalonta to the University of Debrecen about the Cancellation of the Ceremony. One hundred years ago and one hundred years after the birth of Arany the memorial society prepared for a nationwide celebration in Nagyszalonta. They sent their official invitation to every literary and scholarly society, with the University of Debrecen among them. Nándor Láng, who was the Rector of the university in the 1916/17. academic year gave the mandate to Károly Pap to attend the ceremony and represent the university. Károly Pap, who was the dean of the faculty of arts, accepted this with pleasure because he was a researcher of the poetry of Arany. But the ceremony was postponed because the train service became unreliable due to the war. The nationwide ceremony had to be cancelled because of the bad traffic conditions and it was never held in Nagyszalonta in 1917. This printed media sources inform us about this and the effect of the Great War on the centenary of the birth of János Arany.

  • 100 esztendő öröksége
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    The Heritage of 100 Years. The library of the University of Debrecen celebrated its centenary in 2016. The current selection offers a summary of the most significant ideas in the lectures presented at the memorial session on September 30, 2016. It also offers a survey of the relevant events of the University of Debrecen pertaining to the festive occasion.

  • Pomáztól Princetonig: Alföldi András élete és munkássága
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    FROM POMÁZ TO PRINCETON: THE LIFE AND WORK OF ANDRÁS ALFÖLDI. András Alföldi was head of the Department of Ancient History, István Tisza University of Debrecen, from 1923 to 1930. Subsequently he joined the Department of Ancient History and Archaeology of Budapest’s Péter Pázmány University of Arts and Sciences. It is owing to his activity in Debrecen that from his estate two suitcasefuls of correspondence and other personal relics have been obtained by the Department of Classical Philology and Ancient History in Debrecen. Despite the fact that Alföldi spent only a short period of his early years in Debrecen, his internationally recognized activity justiies a more detailed discussion of his life career and professional activity. Before 1947, he primarily focussed on the archaeology of the Carpathian Basin. Subsequently he emigrated to Switzerland, where he taught at the University of Bern and the University of Basel. In 1955 he got an invitation to the Institute of Advanced Studies at Princeton, where he continued to work until his death. Cut of from the archaeological materials of Hungary, he initiated new projects overseas, such as the most substantial problems of early or imperial Rome, respectively. Oicially, the representatives of classical studies in Hungary have started to recognize his work since the 1990s; in 1995, on the occasion of the centenary of his birth, several commemorative sessions were held. One of these was hosted by Debrecen.

  • A Debreceni Egyetem Centenáriumi Év programsorozatának nyitó rendezvénye
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    THE OPENING EVENT OF THE SERIES OF PROGRAMS COMMEMORATING THE CENTENNIAL OF THE UNIVERSITY OF DEBRECEN, FEBRUARY 3–4, 2012. A commemorative session of the University Senate, the inauguration of a memorial plaque, the opening of an exhibition, a theatrical world premier, and an evening ball were part of the opening program of the centenary year with which the University of Debrecen celebrated the onehundredth anniversary of the foundation of its legal predecessor, the Royal Hungarian University of Debreczen. he brief summary below will evoke the respective events of the series of pertinent events.

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    A Debreceni Tudományegyetem történetének megismeréséhez nélkülözhetetlen az alapvető adatok, oktatói és tisztviselői névsorok összeállítása. Az egyetem centenáriumára készült kiadvány egyik „melléktermékeként” került összeállításra az egyetemi tisztviselők napra pontos összeállítása. Mivel az 1914-1950 közötti levéltári anyag az 1950-es években nagyfokú selejtezésen ment át, az így a fennmaradt iratanyagból nem mindig lehet a tisztviselők működési idejét megállapítani. Mindenesetre az ezek figyelembevételével elkészített archontológia tartalmazza a Rektori Hivatal, a dékáni hivatalok, a Quaestura („Tanulmányi Hivatal”), Gazdasági Hivatal (majd Igazgatóság) és más kiszolgáló intézmények tisztviselőit a fentebb jelzett időpontok között. Az Egyetemi Könyvtár személyzete már korábban, máshol megjelent.


  • Szalay Sándor – a hazai atommagfizikai alap­kutatások elindítója
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    Sándor Szalay Was the Founder of Basic Research in Nuclear Physics in Hungary. Academian Sándor Szalay, former head of the Department of Experimental Physics at the University of Debrecen as well as the founding director of the Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (ATOMKI) was born in 1909. He was a trail-blazing physicist, a dedicated teacher, and his achievements in fundamental and applied science are both substantial and diverse. One of his remarkable legacies was the inititation of nuclear physics research in Hungary. On 24 September, 2009, ATOMKI hosted a symposium to mark the centenary of its founder.

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