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  • Arany János születésének 100. évfordulója és a háború a nagyszalontai Emlékegyesület értesítése a Debreceni m. kir. Tudományegyetemnek az ünnepség elmaradásáról
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    the Centenary of the Birth of János Arany and the War. The Message of the Memorial Society from Nagyszalonta to the University of Debrecen about the Cancellation of the Ceremony. One hundred years ago and one hundred years after the birth of Arany the memorial society prepared for a nationwide celebration in Nagyszalonta. They sent their official invitation to every literary and scholarly society, with the University of Debrecen among them. Nándor Láng, who was the Rector of the university in the 1916/17. academic year gave the mandate to Károly Pap to attend the ceremony and represent the university. Károly Pap, who was the dean of the faculty of arts, accepted this with pleasure because he was a researcher of the poetry of Arany. But the ceremony was postponed because the train service became unreliable due to the war. The nationwide ceremony had to be cancelled because of the bad traffic conditions and it was never held in Nagyszalonta in 1917. This printed media sources inform us about this and the effect of the Great War on the centenary of the birth of János Arany.

  • Holland Tanszék alapításának kísérlete a két világháború között
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    An Attempt to Establish a Department of Dutch Between the Two World Wars. On 20th June, 1921, Ms. Catharina Kuyper, daughter of the former prime minister of the Netherlands, visited Debrecen. This occasion brought the rector of the Hungarian Royal István Tisza University of Debrecen to write her a letter and ask her to convince the Dutch government of the importance of a Department of Dutch Literature and Culture at this university. Kuyper agreed with this wish and promised the board of the university her mediation to raise money for the new department. The managers of the university found a qualified person, dr. Zsigmond Nagy, for the leadership of the Dutch Studies. They received only goodwill support from the Hungarian government but no money. Nagy died in the spring of 1922 and the Dutch government refused to help establish a new Dutch department because of the hard financial situation of the Netherlands.

  • Egyetemi legendárium – emlékek, töredékek a Debreceni Tudományegyetem történetéből
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    MEMOIRS OF LÁSZLÓ VINCE, PART I. László Vince started his career at the University of Debrecen in 1951 as a stenographer at the Lecture notes oice. After the termination of the oice, from 1952 he worked at he Regsitrar oice of the Arts Faculty, and in 1956 he was transferred to the Rector’s Oice where he worked as a unit director of external afairs (secretary of the rector) between 1972 and 1990, his retirement. During his oice years he gained extensive knowledge ont he history of the university. In 1950s he had contact with
    the oicers from the previous era. His detailed but rather subjective memoirs are published in two parts with extensive endnoting.

  • „Non procul ex proprio stipite poma cadunt”, avagy a „két Kolosváry” élete az egyetemtörténet tükrében
    23 - 41
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    Non procul ex proprio stipite poma cadunt, or the Life of the „two Kolosvárys” in the Mirror of the Univerity History. In my study, I intend to introduce the history of the Faculty. The study outlines the life’s work of father and son, who are closely related to the legal history embedded in the history of the University. They both were closely connected with the city, and in addition to their teaching activities they also played an active role in the social life of Cluj-Napoca: they were chief editors of the papers and presidents of scientific and civil associations. Alexander Kolosváry has played a prominent role in the life of the University and within the Faculty of Law. He was four times the dean of the Faculty and once held the post of rector. In addition, he coproduced the Hungarian translation of Tripartitum and Corpus Juris Hungarici with Professor Clement Óvári. Valentine Kolosváry was considered one of the biggest private lawyers of the century at the time. Valentine Kolosváry was a worthy successor to his father, not only as a head of department at the University but also in the patronage of the Reformed Church of John Calvin and Church Districts and its rights.

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