Keresési eredmények
A Debreceni Egyetem díszudvarának panteonja
59-82Megtekintések száma:93THE PANTHEON OF THE FORMAL COURTYARD OF THE UNIVERSITY OF DEBRECEN. In the plaques of the formal courtyard of the University of Debrecen 23 names are inscribed, which faithfully relect the mentality of the city, as well as its scientiic and scholarly signiicance. he pantheon is a replica of the rich store of Hungarian spirituality, which faithfully renders the speciic heritage of Debrecen and it also comprises within itself the values of Hungarian national culture in the spirit of universitas scientiarum. Based on thorough research, the study is the irst exploration of how the list of names of those chosen was established, and it ofers short biographies of the respective denizens of the pantheon.
261-263Megtekintések száma:1332020 októberében a Debreceni Egyetem klinikai telepén szobrot avattak Prof. Dr. Szabó Gábor tiszteletére, akinek úttörő szerepe volt a az orvosi biológia, majd orvosi genetika oktatásának debreceni és hazai megszervezésében. A professzor személyiségét, legfőbb kutatási eredményeit és nemzetközi elismertségét egyik volt tanítványa elevenítette fel beszédében.
Orsós Ferenc orvosprofesszor, a Debreceni M. Kir. Tisza István Tudományegyetem 1923/24. tanévi rector magnificusa
16-28Megtekintések száma:116FERENC ORSÓS PROFESSOR OF MEDICINE, THE RECTOR MAGNIFICUS OF ISTVÁN TISZA HUNGARIAN ROYAL UNIVERSITY IN DEBRECEN DURING THE ACADEMIC YEAR OF 1923/24. Ferenc Orsós was born in Temesvár, graduated from medical school in Budapest, worked in the Institute of Pathology in Debrecen, and as a hospital commander during the WWI. He was appointed a professor of pathology, and the rector of the University of Debrecen in the academic year of 1923/24. He was the professor of forensic medicine at the Péter Pázmány University from 1936 until 1944 when he leed to the West. Later on, from 1946 until his retirement in 1955 he worked as the teacher of artistic anatomy at the Art Academy in Mainz. he name of Ferenc Orsós is well-known even today, irstly in connection to the excavation of the Katyń mass graves, secondly to his active participation in the senate discussion of the so-called 3rd anti-jewish laws. His scientiic achievements have been acknowledged not just in his time, but also today, since several of his discoveries seem to be futureproof.
Bernolák Nándor (1880–1951), a Debreceni M. Kir. Tudományegyetem második rektora
13-31Megtekintések száma:95Nándor Bernolák (1880–1951), the Second Rector of the Hungarian Royal University of Arts and Sciences in Debrecen. As second rector of the Hungarian Royal University of Arts and Sciences, Debrecen, which was launched in 1914, Nándor Bernolák played an important role in shaping the events of the first years. He was a nationally recognized theoretical criminal jurist when he was invited to chair the department of penal law in Debrecen. In addition to an outline of his brief, seven-year, university career, a discussion of his previous professional activities is offered, and the events of his life pertaining both to the early history of the university and to his subsequent political and legal career are highlighted. Professor Bernolák’s reformist initiatives pertaining to criminal law as well as his attempts aimed at the renewal of law training are likewise reviewed. In summary it is stated that Nándor Bernolák excelled both as a criminal jurist and as a university manager. As regards his political career, it turned out to be rather brief and controversial. In view of the fact that he turned his back to his university commitments, we are obliged to consider him as one of those university professors who was lost for Hungarian higher education when they assumed political commitments.
Rectori beszámoló
77-94Megtekintések száma:84Rector’s Report on Debrecen University 1914–1915 The rector’s report about the first academic year of the Royal University of Debrecen depicts a poignant picture. While recording the national joy that was felt over the opening of a new university, he also notes how the first academic year was rudely disrupted by the outbreak of World War I. His report reflects the sense of duty and the patriotic spirit which pervaded both the students and the faculty of the university, and the immediate ensuing hardship which was conquered by an undiminished faith in education despite all difficulties.
Bakó Elemér hagyatéka a debreceni egyetemi könyvtár kézirattárában
159-168Megtekintések száma:80THE LEGACY OF ELEMÉR BAKÓ IN THE ARCHIVE OF THE UNIVERSITY OF DEBRECEN. he legacy of Elemér Bakó (1915–2000), the former Department Head of the Library of Congress and famous researcher of Hungarians, is held in the archive of the University and National Library of the University of Debrecen since 2013. he essay reviews the main parts of the 20 boxes of archive materials, which contain important information for contemporary linguistic research.
36-44Megtekintések száma:109Gerlőtei Jenő fontos szerepet töltött be műgyűjtő és művészeket támogató tevékenységével a debreceni egyetem működésének első korszakában. A Francia Intézet magántanára, irodalomtörténész volt. Meghirdetett órái és publikációi, valamint a róla írt feljegyzések mély művészeti érdeklődéséről tanúskodnak. Fennmaradt levelezése bizonyítja mecénási törekvéseit. Képzőművészeti tárlatok és művész életutak méltatásával is találkozunk életművében. Sajnos, életéről nagyon keveset tudunk, alig áll rendelkezésünkre forrás vele kapcsolatban, a hazai adatbázisok és a debreceni egyetemi dokumentumok között még halálának időpontja sem ismert.
262-267Megtekintések száma:81INAUGURATION OF A STATUE OF DR. GYULA ELISCHER (1875–1939) IN THE SCULPTURE GARDEN OF DEBRECEN UNIVERSITY’S CAMPUS. he brief text highlights the inauguration, on November 8, 2014, of a bust of Gyula Elischer of hurzóbánya on the campus of the University of Debrecen. he text ofers a description of the life career of the world-famous radiologist professor, Hungary’s irst radiographer, his professional achievements and printed publications. he text also underscores the fact that Professor Elischer – like many other doctors of the heroic age of radiology – sacriiced his life in the service of science and of his fellow human beings.
258-260Megtekintések száma:126A Debreceni Egyetem Böszörményi úti kampuszán 2020 októberében avatták fel az 1919-ben elhunyt Kozma András professzor mellszobrát. Az ünnepségen a Gazdaságtudományi Kar dékánja emlékezett meg a nagy hatású, országos jelentőségű egyetemi tanár munkásságáról.
A Debreceni Egyetem centenáriumi előkészületei
3-7Megtekintések száma:69Centenary Preparations at the University of Debrecen. The editors of the journal offer status reports on the preparations for the centenary celebrations of the University of Debrecen in 2010. Special attention is devoted to those publications which thematize the history of the university (as well as the history of its predecessor institutions) and of the faculties, of which pre-eminent position is occupied by the commemorative centenary volume offering a comprehensive history of the university in answer to the expectations and requirements of the 21st century. Brief surveys are provided of preparatory projects such as the ones aimed at establishing a Museum of the University, the processes of conducting interviews pertaining to the history of the university, as well as the emerging programs of the centenary year.
Kincsek az egyetemen: A titokzatos festmény
139-142Megtekintések száma:172Treasures at the University – The mysterious Painting. For decades the Rectorial Council Hall of the Main Building of the University of Debrecen has been decorated by a large-sized painting created by Iványi- Grünwald Béla, that is titled: Dull Mihály elítélése [that translates as: Sentencing of Mihály Dull]. Until now, however, hardly just legends have been circling around about how, when and under what circumstances the painting was brought to Debrecen. The author of the writing attempts to explore the reality behind these legends.
15-32Megtekintések száma:105Kádár László 1947-től nyugdíjba vonulásáig (1978) az egyetem professzoraként működött. Időközben a Bölcsészettudományi Kar prodékánja, 1952–1954 között a Természettudományi Kar dékánja, majd 1954/55-ben az egyetem rektora volt. Egyetemi oktatói karrierjét gazdagodó tudományos eredményei és kiváló tanári talentuma mellett főleg széles látókörű, szaktudományából messze kitekintő szellemiségének és rendkívül energikus, határozott impulzív alkatának, kiváló vitakészségének köszönhette. Jó kapcsolatokat ápolt az intézeti és az egyetemi munkatársakkal.
Brit és amerikai részvétel a debreceni Nyári Egyetemen a II. világháború előtt
75-91Megtekintések száma:84British and American Participation at the Debrecen International Summer School before World War Two. This survey focuses on a selected aspect of the history of a peculiar and in many respects unique initiative: the pre-World War One British and American ties of the Debrecen International Summer School, which was established in 1927. In doing so, the study firstly identifies by name those British and American guests who can be documented as having attended the Summer School as officially enrolled students;
secondly, it follows up and evaluates those aspects of the teaching program which had a British or American relevance; and, in the third place, it supplies examples for how the International Summer School advertised itself in the English-speaking countries. The survey is concluded by an analysis of selected contemporaneous views formulated by the representatives of the university and of the Summer School with reference to the past and (then) presence of British/American and Hungarian ties. -
Kísérlet a jogösszehasonlítás mint diszciplína bevezetésére a debreceni egyetemen (1927)
58-75Megtekintések száma:108An Attempt to Introduce Comparative Law as a Self-Contaiained Discipliline at the University of Debrecen (1927) At the beginning of 1927, Géza Marton, professor of law in Debrecen, prepared a position paper with regard to the chances of introducing comparative law as a separate subject at the school of law. Commenting on this event, the present study—which thematically pertains to the history of the old law school—offers data concerning the history of comparative law, with proper priority given to disciplinary and educational ramifications of this area of study formerly both parly boosted, partly neglected int he history of Hungarian learning. Prior to the publication of and the comments on Professor Marton’s original text, the study reiterates some memorable facts and aspects of Hungarian scholarly and educational history, interlarding these with some less well-known data and points of interest.
Arany János születésének 100. évfordulója és a háború a nagyszalontai Emlékegyesület értesítése a Debreceni m. kir. Tudományegyetemnek az ünnepség elmaradásáról
105-116Megtekintések száma:243the Centenary of the Birth of János Arany and the War. The Message of the Memorial Society from Nagyszalonta to the University of Debrecen about the Cancellation of the Ceremony. One hundred years ago and one hundred years after the birth of Arany the memorial society prepared for a nationwide celebration in Nagyszalonta. They sent their official invitation to every literary and scholarly society, with the University of Debrecen among them. Nándor Láng, who was the Rector of the university in the 1916/17. academic year gave the mandate to Károly Pap to attend the ceremony and represent the university. Károly Pap, who was the dean of the faculty of arts, accepted this with pleasure because he was a researcher of the poetry of Arany. But the ceremony was postponed because the train service became unreliable due to the war. The nationwide ceremony had to be cancelled because of the bad traffic conditions and it was never held in Nagyszalonta in 1917. This printed media sources inform us about this and the effect of the Great War on the centenary of the birth of János Arany.
Simai Erdős József, a negyedik rektor
5-24Megtekintések száma:95József Simai Erdős, the Fourth Rector. The fourth rector of the University of Debrecen was József Erdős, who was born in Szatmárnémeti and who pursued his studies in Debrecen and Vienna. For a short time after 1888 he served as minister at the Theological Academy of Debrecen’s Protestant College, then, from 1914, at the Faculty of Theology of the newly-established university he was professor of New Testament exegesis. When, as dictated by the principle of rotation, it was again the Faculty of Theology’s turn to delegate a new Rector, in the academic year of 1917/18 he became the fourth Rector of the University. In 1908 be received a title of Hungarian nobility, and in 1946 the silver-headed scholar was awarded the title of Doctor honoris causa. He carried on extensive work in the history of religion (The General Outlines of the Life and Reformist Activity of Ulrick Zwingli; Theology at the University; The Basic Principles of the Statecraft of Apostle Paul, etc.). He translated and published the Catechism of Heidelberg and the Second Helvetian Creed.
199-239Megtekintések száma:91Országh László könyvtárának sorsáról már az 1970-es évek közepén rendelkezett egy részletes levélben, melynek eredeti kézírásos formáját a Debreceni Egyetem Egyetemi és Nemzeti Könyvtára őriz Kézirattárában. A levelet eredeti formájában adjuk közre.
Prof. Endes Pongrác élete és munkássága visszaemlékezés születésének 110. és halálának 25 éves évfordulójára
145 - 172Megtekintések száma:218The Life and Scientific Career of Prof. Endes Pongrác: In Memoriam of His 110Th Birthday, and the 25Th Anniversary of His Death. The study reminisces on the life and work of Prof. Pongrác Endes, through the account of the author who was a colleague and student of Endes. Professor Endes had been a dominant figure of the field of pathology at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Debrecen for a number of years. He became a legend even before his death, and a number of anecdotes circulated about his expertise. The study is based on the presentation of the author, adjured by the Hungarian Society for the History of Medicine, and the Professor’s Club of the University of Debrecen, to celebrate the dual anniversary of Professor Endes. The presentation includes bibliographical details, in addition to interesting scientific and educational information. The tone of the study clearly indicated that the Master and student relationship between Professor Endes and the author turned into a friendship over the years.
Csánki (Csánky) Benjámin teológus professzor, a Debreceni M. Kir. Tisza István Tudományegyetem 1929/30. tanévi rector magnificusa
14-22Megtekintések száma:123Benjámin Csánki (Csánky), Professor of Theology, the Rector Magnificus of the Hungarian Royal István Tisza University of Debrecen during the Academic Year 1929/30. It was during Csánki’s rectorship that the construction of the Main Building of the University was completed, together with the professors’ residential villas. The structure of the university library was also outlined in the said period. Again, it was during the time referred to that serious negotiations were launched for the purposes of establishing universitylevel
education for the agrarian program in Debrecen. The building of the university church and the construction of the modern student dormitories were also undertaken during this time. Besides offering an overview of the events of the rectorial year, the present discussion, by also looking at specific writings by him, evaluates Csánki’s most characteristic theological works. -
67-91Megtekintések száma:85A magyar diákok 20. századi hollandiai egyetemjárásának történetében fontos szerepet játszott az 1761-ben alapított utrechti Stipendium Bernardinum. Számos magyar teológus nyerte el az ösztöndíj támogatását. Forró Imre a debreceni teológiai tanulmányai végeztével nyert felvételt Utrechtbe, ahol három évet töltött el, majd kutatása folytatására még egy évet pályázott és nyert el az ösztöndíjbizottságtól. Jelen tanulmány Forró diákéveinek több aspektusát vizsgálja: a tanulmányait, a korabeli diákéletet és az 1930-as években megkezdett kutatómunkát, a franekeri magyar peregrináció történetének feldolgozását. Minden élettörténet egyedi, mégis a külföldön tanulók tanulmányai és hétköznapjai számos hasonlóságot mutat egymással.
228-235Megtekintések száma:1422013-ban a Debreceni Egyetem Fogorvostudományi Kara múzeumot hozott létre. Az elsőként kialakított múzeumi rész a Kar múltjával foglalkozik, az előd, a Stomatologiai Poliklinika, majd Klinika létrejöttét dokumentálja. Sorra veszi professzorait 2000-ig, és bemutatja a magyar nyelvű tankönyveket, kézikönyveket 1871-től 1948-ig. Ki van téve a világ első fogászati folyóirata 1839-ből és az első magyar nyelvű újság is 1892-ből. Régi eszközök és műszerek is ki vannak állítva. Ezen kívül fogászati plakátok, számolócédulák és egyéb régi dokumentumok láthatók. A 2017-ben berendezett üvegfalú régi fogászati rendelő három korabeli széket és gépeket mutat be az 1880-as évektől az 1930-as évekig. Egy korabeli orvosi szekrényben régi eszközök, gyógyszerek, és fogászati anyagok láthatók. A falon eredeti plakát, orvosi diploma és régi fotó valamint orvosi karikatúra van kihelyezve. A múzeum elsősorban magyar vonatkozású korabeli fogászati eszközöket, dokumentumokat gyűjt és csakis eredeti anyagokat tartalmaz. Hazánk egyik legnagyobb fogászati múzeuma jött létre az évek során karunkon.
Az egyetemi élet átolitizálódásának megnyilvánulása 1939-ben Debrecenben – hallgatói feljelentés Tankó Béla ellen és Hóman Bálint levele
117-120Megtekintések száma:189The Appearance of the Politicization of the University Life in Debrecen in 1939. A student’s Accusation against Béla Tankó and Bálint Hóman’s response. A very special source of the history of the Hungarian higher education and of the history of the University of Debrecen that accusation which was made in the autumn of 1939 by a student. This short and nameless letter was an accusation against professor Béla Tankó who had taken a note about the German origin of Bálint Hóman who was the Secretary of Religion and Public Education at that time. One of the students who was the member of the Árpád Comradeship Association wrote a short and modest letter to Hóman about it. This was a clear sign of the radicalization and the politicization of the whole society and of the life in the Hungarian universities. Also had been found the response of Bálint Hóman who sent back this accusation to Béla Tankó with a short letter in which he interpreted this as a wrong deliver. This unpleasant case had been solved by Hóman this way, but the radicalization of the students of the universities and the devaluation of the Hungarian political culture continued.
Tankó Béla filozófiaprofesszor, a debreceni M. kir, Tisza István- Tudományegyetem 1936-37. tanévi rector magnificusa
3 - 9Megtekintések száma:272Béla Tankó Professor of Philosophy the Rector Magnificus of the Hungarian Royal István Tisza University of Debrecen during the academic year 1936–37. After being a teacher in a secondary grammar school in Saxonpolis (Transylvania) Béla Tankó became the leader of the Department of Philosophy as a professor at the newly established Debrecen University of Arts and Sciences. He managed the Department on the ideas of neo-Kantianism what he learned in Cluj. He also managed the Department of Pedagogy as substitute for some years and hold English lessons as lecturer. He took part in establishing Summer University together with János Hankiss and Rezső Milleker. He was the Rector of the university in the academic year 1936–37 that was the period of the silent development. He was famous for his love of music, he patronized music, and during his rectorate, the University Music Circle was founded and the university received a piano. He died in 1946 after a long professorate not long before his retirement.
Jubileumi programok a 475 éves Debreceni Református Kollégium intézményeiben
198-205Megtekintések száma:115ANNIVERSARY PROGRAMS IN THE INSTITUTES OF THE 475-YEAR-OLD REFORMED COLLEGE OF DEBRECEN. he Reformed College of Debrecen celebrated its 475th anniversary in 2013. he College is a unique and interesting institute of Hungarian school system. It is a national historical site, where the reformed heritage of the 16th century, the values of Puritanism of the 17th century, and the intellectual efervescence of the 18th century are commemorated. Anational historical site where the victims of the freedom ight for our independence in 1848–49 are kept alive and where the College’s mission to foster talent even during the turbulent times of the 20th century is remembered. Today teaching activities are present on all levels of public and higher education from the kindergarten to the university.
Láng Nándor, az első bölcsész rektor élete és munkássága
32-40Megtekintések száma:90The Life and Work of Nándor Láng, the First Philologist Rector. Nándor Láng, who came from a German family, in the service of the shared goals of a multicultural Hungary prioritized those ideals which asserted the education of an increasing number of sophisticated scholars and scientists as well as elevating domestic science and scholarship to an international level. In the first period of his career, as a secondary-school teacher, he focussed on supporting the promulgation and teaching of classical culture
through his scholarly activity, including the authoring of textbooks. A crucial turning-point in his life occurred when he was invited in 1914 to serve as head of one (Latin) of the departments of Classical Philology of the newly created University of Debrecen. In the academic year of 1916/1917 he was Rector of the university, a service that he fulfilled with a maximum commitment and a truly professional approach. The combination of his professional erudition and human characteristics made him an ideal pedagogue.
He was active in Debrecen until 1932, when he retired, but he continued to carry on significant sholarly activity in the archeology and epigraphy of the Roman period in Pannonia.