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Search Results

  • The Effect of Grazing Intensities on Magnesium Contents

    Research was carried out on two areas of grassland in Hortobágy National Park, Hungary. Two herds of Hungarian Grey Cattle were kept in free range grazing and the effects of grazing pressure on the magnesium content of soil and ryegrass (Lolium perenne L) were determined.
    Changes of plant available and total soil magnesium content under different grazing intensities did not show any evident tendency on the investigated grasslands. Different amounts of cattle faeces, urine and trampling had no effect on the magnesium concentration of ryegrass. We conclude that the magnesium content of ryegrass on both grassland sites as moderate grazing and overgrazing matches the requirements of cattle. Symptoms of magnesium deficiency of cattle will likely not appear.

  • Examination of Possibilities for Increasing Sugar Content

    The result of sugar beet production is highly effected by the quality and the yield. Those agricultural techniques are very important which can be applied at low cost to improve these parameters. Such an opportunity is to increase sugar yield by foliar fertilization with nutrients and by treatment with bioactive fungicides.
    In my small block trial I examined the effect of the magnesium and strobilurin active ingredients in different combinations and at different application times on the quality and the yield of sugar beet.
    I found that there was a signifficant increase in sugar content on that blocks which were treated with a bioactive ingredient combined with magnesium in the middle of July and on those which were sprayed with bioactive ingredient in August.

  • Magnesium uptake dynamism of maize (Zea mays L.) on prairie soil

    Different influence factors on the magnesium (Mg) uptake in case of three maize hybrids with different long vegetation period have been investigated at the Experimental Station of the University of Debrecen, Centre of Agricultural Sciences and Engineering, at Debrecen-Látókép. The soil of the experiment is a calcareous chernozem, based on loess, with high fertility, that is characteristic for soils of the region Hajdúság.
    Upon irrigation is the experiment divided to main plots, by different hybrids into sub-plots, while treatments of five nutrientsupply levels with fixed N:P2O5:K2O rate (beside control)mean sub-subplots. Soil samples were taken from the upper, cultivated soil layer 3 times during the year 2008. Their pH has been measures in a 0.01 M CaCl2-solution and their Mg-content from the same solution and from ammonium-lactate acetic acid (AL) extract. Plant samples were taken seven times in the vegetation period, of which we measured the Mg-content. Beside this, the during the
    vegetation period by maize biomass extracted Mg-amount has been calculated using fresh and dry matter weights. The effects of irrigation, hybrids and nutrient-supply levels on the soil pH and on the AL- and CaCl2-extractable Mg-amount have been studied, as well. After that I tried to find a correlation between soil pH and the Mg-content of soil determined in different extractants, beside this between the by the two solutions extracted Mg-amount. 

  • Evaluation of mineral element content of beetroot during the different stages of the growing season

    In modern nutrition, bioactive materials of different vegetables are especially important to be researched. The experiment was carried out on March 30, 2016 (sowing date). Mineral element content (B, Ca, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Na, P, S, Zn) was evaluated on the 60th, 85th and the 105th day of the vegetation period. The data are presented as the mean of five varieties which can give the real state of these parameters of beetroot grown on lowland chernozem soil.

    In the young beetroot leaves (60 days) the mineral element content was higher than in the older ones (85 days). The calcium and magnesium content of the leaves was much more favourable (10 times higher) than in the root. The potassium content of leaves has reached the amount of 5000 mg kg-1, but at the same time more than 3000 mg kg-1 was detected in the improved root. This value is favourable for the potassium supply of the human organism.

    The sulphur content (1300 mg kg-1) of the leaves was the highest on the 85th day of vegetation period. Similar tendency was detected for boron content (2.45 mg kg-1), while for iron content it was higher (28.23 mg kg-1) in the younger leaves (60 days).

    Finally, it can be concluded that the increased element content of beetroot leaves will be a favourable source of mineral element supply of the human organism.

  • The impact of applying foliar fertilizers on the health condition of maize


    The nutrient supply of plants is becoming more important in plant protection since the appropriate condition of plants can be ensured by optimal and satisfactory nutrient supply to avoid nutritional deficiency diseases. Due to the extreme weather conditions, plants are forced to face several stress factors, which leads to deterioration of the plant health. The increasing occurrence of droughts poses threat to nutrient uptake through the roots since all the nutrients can be accessible to the plants only if they are in dissolved form in the soil – which is not possible in the absence of water. Therefore, the importance of foliar fertilizer is becoming a more and more significant part of the nutrient supply, because with the help of this technology the development of any nutrient deficiency can be prevented.

    In this experiment, we focused on the efficiency of two different foliar fertilizers on maize.  Foliar fertilizers were applied two times, once in the stage with 8 leaves and tasseling phenophase of the maize. To verify the efficiency of the foliar fertilizers, the chlorophyll content of untreated and treated plant’s leaves was measured after each application. Moreover, the length and diameter of maize cobs, thousand kernel weight, protein, oil and starch content were also measured, and the results were compared to the untreated (control) ones. According to the results, in all aspects significant differences were observed and due to the laboratory analysis of leaves, in the case of magnesium and zinc supply the foliar fertilizers were able to prevent the development of nutrient deficiency.

  • The possibilities of the development of functional dairy products

    Because of our new aged world’s emerging stress, over exhausting and move less lifestyle the pollution, the not appropriate food consuming and the low calories in the consumed food there are more and more the called „civilian” disorders.
    Many people have diabetes and osteoporosis others fight with lung, cardiovascular system, problems and find cancers of many kinds without age exemptions. 
    There could be a solution in changing lifestyle. In the developed side of the world there are presence of food lines with higher content in nutritious and/or vitamins and fibers such as: kalium, calcium, selen, magnesium, plus it contains less saturated fat. Because of that there is a new word in dietetics as functional foods.
    Food having more inner content and/or biological values, so healthier, are called functional foods. Those foods components picked carefully for healthiness by modern knowledge of dietetics.
    One of the best raw materials for functional food is the milk. It is already healthy by itself. The Körös-Maros Biofarm Ltd. has a goal of developing and marketing, health protecting organic functional foods in hungaricum products from cured milk. The Jedlik Ányos project helps the Ltd. to achieve this goal. We just finished an antioxidant test and we check if the antioxidant in present in the milk than we check the final product of the presence of the original antioxidant and the form and amount of it.
    It had been feeding, for two weeks for three herd of cows selected for age, milk output and consanguinity. All of the three herd had been feeding with basic forage. One of the herds had been getting vitamin-E in the amount of 250 mg/bwkg the other group got licopin in the amount of 200 mg/bwkg once a day each by each orally, the third herd was the control group. 
    After two weeks we toke a sample of every herd were processed the samples into yogurt and cheese. Than we checked the raw milk, the cheese and the yogurt for antioxidant content with HPLC method. The test ended with good results by finding a great amount of antioxidant, in not only the raw milk but also in the final product. 

  • Application of the Collision Cell (CCT) in the ICP-MS Analytical System

    Our laboratory has seen a sharp rise in the number of requests for the analysis of smaller and smaller concentrations of elements from foods, plants, soil, organic fertiliser, irrigation and ground water, sewage, sewage sludge, raw material of food, as well as human and animal origin samples. From the above elements the inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer is capable of analysing the smallest concentration of elements. Our method of analysis is to use our ICP-MS instrument, together with a ICP-MS with Collision Cell Technology (CCT). The CCT method has better detection limit, with 1-3 magnitudes, compared to the normal ICP-MS analytical method. The CCT has better detection limits mainly for the following elements in the periodical system: analysis of arsenic, selenium, germanium, vanadium and chromium. Additionally a collision cell can be applied for the analysis of silicium, sulphur, zink, copper, iron, calcium, magnesium and potassium in smaller concentrations.

  • Investigation of the production parameters, nutrient and mineral composition of mealworm (Tenebrio molitor) larvae grown on different substrates

    During the rearing of mealworm (Tenebrio molitor) larvae, the optimisation of the growing substrate has a particular importance. The application of the appropriate substrate is a fundamental pillar for intensive and safe production. The requirements for substrate include the lack of toxins, high nutrient and micro-macro element content. The aim of this study was the evaluation of the effects of different substrates on the production parameters, nutrient and mineral composition of the mealworm larvae. The experiment lasted through 14 days. 5 treatments were set up at, where the variable was the substrate. The test system consisted of 25 units (5 treatments and 5 replicates). 10 mealworm larvae per unit, (total of 250 larvae) were used at the beginning of the experiment. Regarding the substrates, our study included sweet potato (SP), may turnip tuber (MT) and may turnip leaf (ML). In addition to the plant by-products, wheat flour (WF) and wheat semolina (WS) were used as control substrates. Trace element uptake and production parameters of the larvae were determined at the end of the experiment. Regarding the production parameters, it can be stated that the wheat semolina (0.081 ± 0.005 g) and wheat flour (0.069 ± 0.007 g) substrate used as control gave the best results for the final body weight. In terms of plant raw materials and by-products, sweet potatoes (0.063 ± 0.007) can only be recommended as substrate, while may turnip tuber and may turnip leaf produced significantly lower final body weight results (MT=0.034 ± 0.002 g ; ML= 0.036 ± 0.002 g). The nutrient composition of the larvae was not affected by the substrate, these results confirmed the high protein and fat content reported in the literature. The results with the production parameters were contradicted by the micronutrient content. Larvae reared on may turnip leaf (ML) and tuber (MT) showed the highest values for most of the macro- and microelements (potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, copper) tested.

  • Influence of Foliar Treatments on the Sugar Yield Changes of Sugar Beet (Beta vulgaris L.)

    In our small block experiment in randomised blocks, we examined the effect of 6 foliar treatments at 3 different nutrition levels in 2002 on meadow chernozem soil.
    The experiment consisted of 3 blocks, which corresponded to 3 different nutrition levels. The first block was the control, the fertilization rate of the second block was 20 kg ha-1 N, 40 kg ha-1 P2O5, 120 kg ha-1 K2O, on the third block 40 kg ha-1 N, 80 kg ha-1 P2O5, 240 kg ha-1 K2O were applied. We applied magnesium and strobilurin active ingredient (Juwel, BAS 51200), in different combination and with different application dates.
    We found that the foliar treatments with bioactive fungicides significantly influenced the yield and some quality parameters in this field experiment.

  • Nutritional disorders of arable crop growth in eastern Croatia

    Nutritional imbalances accompanied with growth retardation of crops at early growth stage were found since the last 40 years on certain arable lands in eastern Croatia. In this regard, phosphorus (P) deficiencies in maize and wheat were found mainly on acid soils of the western part of the region, potassium (K) deficiencies in maize, soybean on the hydromorphic neutral to alkaline calcaric drained gleysols of Sava valley lowland, while zinc (Zn) deficiencies were observed mainly in seed-maize and soybean on neutral calcaric eutric cambisols of the eastern part of the region. Cold and moist spring is factor promoting P deficiency symptoms. As oasis of normal crops existed on same arable land, comparison of plant and soil composition was possible from typical sites. P nutrition disorders were in connection with the lower P and the higher aluminum (Al) and iron (Fe) concentrations in the top of plants and the lower soil pH values. K-deficiency as result of strong K fixation and imbalances with high levels of magnesium (Mg) were the main responsible factors of low maize and soybean yields on some drained gleysols. Chlorosis incidences typical for Zn deficiency in maize and soybean were in close connection with the higher soil pH, the lower quantities of mobile Zn, here and there the higher mobile P in soil, the lower concentrations of Zn and the higher levels of Al and Fe in plants. Overcoming the above mentioned disorders and normalization of yields were achieved using ameliorative fertilization either by K or P fertilizers and in case of Zn by foliar spraying of crops with 0.75% ZnSO4 solution. Also, alleviations are possible by selection of more tolerant genotypes of field crops to specific types of nutritional disorders. From this aspect, some practical solutions were recommended for maize with reference to K nutritional problems.