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  • Dilemmas of interpreting folk culture in the cross-border regions of Hajdú-Bihar and Bihor counties

    Identity connected to the dwelling-place has been, and still is, shaped by many (regional, natural, cultural, administrative, and historical) factors. The Euro region of Hajdú-Bihar–Bihor can be considered as a sort of transitional region, which has a strong impact on the cultural identity of both individuals and small communities. The identity construction of local inhabitants, however, does not necessarily follow the different geographical, ethnographical and historical borders of subregions. As a result, several transitional zones exist, which are now divided by a national border, too. Consequently, although many research theories and aspects have been conceived, no uniform method of approach has been created, which would define exactly the classification of folk culture in terms of small, medium and large region. The present short study examines problems posed by this question.

  • The role of Local wine administration bodies in creating social and cultural capital and in the preservation of local identity

    Due to the peculiarities of viniculture, some kind of a community organizing force has always existed in every European wine region. The Hungarian system of local wine administration
    bodies is however unique. The foundations of the system have hardly changed throughout the centuries and the communities’ function as a socio-organizing power has been historically proven. In this essay I am attempting to demonstrate this power and ability using social, ethnical, sciences, anthropological, landscapeeconomical and occasionally mathematical methods. As former leader of a local wine administration body in Egerbakta, the member of the same body in Eger and also a vine-grower in Létavértes I also have first hand information about the practical issues of the system. The paper could not be more timely after the 2006’s modification of legislations governing wine administration. One element of the modifications is the creation of large and centralized administration bodies over the ruins of small ones that
    were presumed to be indispensable for a long time.

  • The relationship between the organizational culture and the individual attitude, particulary the question of individualism and collectivism

    There is considerable consensus regarding the development of organizational culture; namely, that culture is the result of socialization, evolving through a social learning process. However, the mechanism of the process itself, along with the factors influencing it, raises a number of questions that are researched by different schools of thought. Some of the contextual factors that affect the development of culture, such as the characteristics of national culture or charismatic and other dominant people as role models, seem to be quite influential, especially when other influential factors affect these as well. Value analysis can be helpful for understanding the essence of organizational culture, and it can reveal underlying, hidden phenomena. The results of these studies depict organizational culture as a list of values or as a hierarchy. Values carry emotions as well, that may refer to their link with attitudes and to the fact that the two can be mixed up. The latest innovations in action and thought were the results of the political changes of the 1990s whose implications can be identified in both individual and national values. Changes of views and attitudes also emerge in the changes of collectivist-individualistic thinking and values which become part of the organizational culture and value structure according to value-centered analyses. The changing values define and influence our own opinions, identity, and, in turn, our behavior. Values reflected by our behavior and actions are to be guided by the harmony of individual, organizational, and national value systems. The lack of this synergy results in the dissonance of contrastive values and blocks actions. This, in turn, interferes with individual productivity and thus slows down organizational productivity as well. Our goal should be the synergy of values which creates the harmony of individual thinking and behavior since this harmony is the basis of success and productivity.

  • Examination of the usability of the MALDI-TOF method in sunflower genetic identity analyses

    Economically, one of our most important crop is the sunflower. Regarding its production it is essential to use top quality seeds. As the conditions of seed certification and the certification parameters are regulated by laws and ordinances, it is highly important to farmers and seed producers to detect seeds of low quality or dubious origins.
    Nowadays, the examination of the cultivar homogenity of sunflower is based on a reference method of the International Seed Testing Association Rules International (ISTA), Chapter 8. This standard reference method uses ultrathin poliakrilamid isoelectric focusing gel electrophoresis (IEF-UTL, or simply IEF). With this work we have set out to compare the results of MALDI-TOF to the test results – used as reference results – achieved by this reference method. The aim is to develop a new, quick, cheap and reliable method. In this article I summarized the results of some of the experiments that will provide basis for my further work.
    During our previous experiments we have concluded that out of four extracting agents we can get the most protein markers using NaCl acid buffer, 1 propanol buffer.

  • Cultural landscape on the border: érmellék

    Cultural landscapes are haunting topic of the european spatial development. Cultural landscapes as cultural heritage determine the local and regional identity. The study shows the role and the significance of the cultural landscape by the help of UNESCO World Heritage Convention, the European Spatial Development Perspective and the European Landscape Convention. The article speaks about how can we maintain and develop cross border landscapes and cultural landscapes and through introducing Érmellék it would like to draw attention to the fact that landscape level planning and development of common landscape politics are one of the main interests of Hungary. That kind of politics play an important role not only in maintaining landscapes but in the regional economic development.

  • Evaluation of Hungarian show-jumping results using different measurement variables

    The aim of the study was to compare different fitted models for show-jumping results of sporthorses and to estimate heritability and repeatability value. Show-jumping competition results collected between 1996 and 2011 were analyzed. The database contained 358 342 starts of 10 199 horses. Identity number, name and gender of the horse, rider, competition year, the level and location of the competition and placing were recorded in the database. To measure performance of horses, placing, number of starters and competition level were used. Competitions were categorized into five groups based on their difficulty level. The used repeatability animal model included fixed effects for age, gender, competition place, year of competition (and competition level in case of non-weighted measurement variables), and random effects for rider, animal and permanent environment effect. Variance components were estimated with VCE-6 software package. The goodness-of-fit of the models was low and moderate. Heritability and repeatability values were low for each measurement variables. The best goodness-of-fit model the weighted square root of placing resulted the highest heritability and repeatability value h2=0.074 and R=0.296.

  • Random regression models for genetic evaluation of performance of the Hungarian show-jumping horse population

    The aim of the study was to estimate genetic parameters for show-jumping competition performance using random regression model. Show-jumping competition results collected between 1996 and 2009 were analyzed. The database contained 272 951 starts of 8020 horses. Identity number and gender of the horse, rider, competition date, the level of the competition and placing were recorded in the database. Competition levels were categorized into five groups. Weighted – competition level used – square root transformed placing was used to measure performance of horses. The random regression model included fixed effects for gender, year and place of competition, and random effects for rider, animal and permanent environment.

    Later performance of show-jumping horses measured with weighted square root ranks is less influenced by rider and permanent environmental effects than performance at the beginning of a horse’s sporting career. Heritability increased continuously from 6.3 years of age (2296 age in days), values were in the range of 0.07 and 0.37. Higher heritability was found in later ages. Weak genetic and phenotypic correlation was found between the early 4–5–6 years of age and older (7, 8, 8+) age classes. From 8.5 years of age (3132 days old) there were strong genetic and phenotypic correlations between neighboring age groups. For the same age classes moderate and strong genetic and phenotypic correlation was found. Genetic correlation between 13.5 years of age and older horses was very strong.

  • Connections between the folk dance culture and regionality in the area of Derecske and Mikepércs

    The culture of folk dance has been prominently cultivated in Hungary nowadays, however some regions are yet to be discovered by ethnographers. Stopping this gap by this time is almost impossible due to the small number of informants. Nevertheless, memories of ethographers’ collections, motion pictures, photographs, notes and the choregraphies made from them endure, on the basis of which traditions can be reconstructed, that were so typical of some townships at one time and have been forgotten by now. What can a recreated tradition mean to a community, that sometime was left to waste by them? This is the problem the article is dealing with through the history of Derecske and Mikepércs, two townships in Hajdú-Bihar county, revealing the regional relationship system as well as late and recent potentials of the area.

  • The role of Local wine administration bodies in creating social and cultural capital and in the preservation of local identity

    the target for the European Union to make Europe the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world. In this process, the education and training are of great importance for the member states. The restructuring of higher education, the modernization of the universities cannot be achieved without new financial resources. They should be ensured by increasing contribution of the private sector. However it is not enough to invest sufficient funds in the educational and training system, they must be expended efficiently. The free higher education itself does
    not necessarily guarantee the equal access and maximal participation. The quality of higher education and equal opportunity can be improved, if the rising funds are expended on infrastructure development and creating an efficiently working student support system.
    Quality, equal opportunity, efficiency – they are the most important views for the decision-makers in the higher education reform. In my paper, I would like to interpret definitions relating to higher education and in this way I attempt to evaluate the financing systems of the Hungarian higher education formed since the change of the regime, with special regards to the normative financial system combined with the payment of tuition fees. For classification, it is necessary to present the different basic financial models. Furthermore, on the basis of the above criteria, I try to make recommendations on how to improve the present financial model in order to achieve the Lisbon objectives.
    The topic is important in our days, because tuition fees will be introduced in Hungary from 2008. The problem is very complex, although the analysts in most cases tend to approach the topic with prejudice, depending on their financial and political interests. My analysis may contribute to discernment in the tangle of the pros and cons.