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Determining the antioxidant compounds of beer
5-10Views:378The increasing consumption of beer indicates the necessity of the thorough analysis of its composition. In this study, the total phenolic content, flavonoid content and colour intensity of 24 beer samples have been determined. The samples contained pale barley, dark barley, pale wheat and dark wheat beers. The aim of the study was to determine the amount of the antioxidant compounds in beer, as well as to find correlation between different beer types and the above mentioned parameters.
Dark barley samples contained phenolic compounds in the highest concentrations, and it can also be concluded that dark beers contain phenolic compounds and flavonoids in higher concentrations than pale beers in the case of barley and wheat samples.
According to the performed statistical analysis, these beer types cannot be differentiated based on the analysed parameters. The highest percentage of correctly classified samples could be observed in case of dark barley samples, but this value has only been 75%, and the total result of correctly classified cases was only 41.7%. The analysis of more samples and parameters is required to carry out a successful differentiation.
Regional Development Differences in Hungary and the Northern-Great Plain Region
62-71Views:208The most important endeavour of European Union’s regional policy is to moderate disparities. An emphasised strategic objective of member states, based on the principle of solidarity, fairness and justice, is to develop regions and almost forty percent of the common budget is devoted to achieving this objective.
Hungary, as a full EU member state, will get a new chance for underdeveloped regions, especially for the Eastern-Hungarian as well as the North Hungarian and North Plain Region.
The differences in development among the regions are significantly influenced by the economic characteristics of the specific region, quality and quantity of human resources, accessability of the region and other factors influencing local quality of life beside natural conditions.
The new spatial structure was formed by change of regime, processes of the nineties, primarily the economic renewal based on foreign capital investments and the crisis phenomena in parallel with these. The economic, political and social consequences of the transformation significantly changed spatial structure and increased disparities. New disparities formed which were further aggravated as a consequence due to the formation of the eastern-western slope and local crisis zones. As a result of the outstanding development of the capital, the long term differentiation of regional development differences can also be detected when examining the regional distribution of Hungarian gross domestic product. The collapse of heavy industry and agricultural mass production based on the eastern markets primarily affected the north-east counties in the eastern part of the country.
Strengthening regional competitiveness is of key importance for the region, which requires the application of consistent development policy. The most important is economic development which, if it operates well, also infers the possibility of establishing welfare infrastructures. Drawing in external sources to ease the significant lack of capital is important for the processing industry and the development of supplier networks. Agricultural development also plays an important role in transforming economic structure, since the characteristics of the region, its traditions and long term competitive advantages are favourable, therefore it is going to represent a higher ratio within the economy than the EU average. The modernisation of the agricultural sector can be promoted by supporting market accession, quality agricultural production and stimulating producer-retailer cooperation. The development of transportation and informatics infrastructure as well as human resource development plays a significantly important role in the development of the region.
In conclusion, the implementation of such a consistent regional development policy is required in the future, based on the strengths of the region, that serves the most efficient utilisation of regional development funds through the implementation of regional policy principles and prevents the irreversible decay of the region while promoting rapid development. -
Genetic discontinuity analysis of Collared Dove (Streptopelia decaocto)
5-11Views:188The Collared Dove conquered continent areas within a few decades. Causes and dispersion pattern of expansion has been investigated in several studies. However, the relationship between the geographic distribution and genetic structure of populations has not been researched. We used 152 individuals from 19 countries in this study. We analyze a 650 bp long mitochondrial COI sequences of each individuals. We were performed Spatial Autocorrelation Analysis, Principal Component Analysis and analysis of the genetic discontinuity in this study. Under 2500 km distance was a positive correlation between the genetic differentiation and different geographical areas. Hidden genetic barriers were found only Carpatian Basin. Could not be detected signs of genetic isolation in other regions. This will probably due to the unevenness of the sample collection, because these areas proportionally much fewer sequences were available. Therefore, is worth repeat this analysis after further sample collection, in the future.
Differentiation of Agricultural Economic Organizations
141-156Views:64A gazdasági szervezetek differenciálódásának vizsgálatát nyolc éve végezzük. A tanulmányban először adunk átfogó képet e kutatás eredményeiről. A gazdasági szervezetek differenciálódását külön végeztük el a mezőgazdasági szövetkezetekre, a mezőgazdasági társaságokra és az élelmiszer-ipari szervezetekre. Ezek mindegyikét négy ismérv alapján osztjuk el egy-egy színvonal-skálán. Ezek a következők:
− a gazdaságok nagysága a bruttó termelési érték és a nettó árbevétel nagyságának megoszlása alapján;
− a gazdaságok eladósodásának mértéke szerint, amit az összes kötelezettségének az összes eszközállományhoz viszonyított százalékos aránya fejez ki;
− és végül a jövedelmezőség aránya alapján, amit az adózás előtti eredményeknek az árbevételhez viszonyított aránya mutat.
Terjedelmi korlátok miatt ebben a tanulmányban csak a mezőgazdasági szervezetek differenciálódásának főbb adatait mutatjuk be, azt is rövidítve. A hasonló módszerrel gyűjtött és feldolgozott adatokra támaszkodva vált lehetővé, hogy a mezőgazdasági szervezeteknek nemcsak a jelenlegi helyzetét, hanem jövőjét is megalapozottan előre jelezzük. Ebből kiderül, hogy a magyar agrárszektor üzemeinek mely típusai képesek rövid időn belül felzárkózni az EU piacaiért folyó versenyben, melyeknek kell időt és hatékony segítséget adni, hogy behozzák lemaradásukat és mekkora lesz azoknak az üzemeknek a száma, amelyeknek aligha lesz esélyük a felzárkózásra.
A gazdasági szervezetek a könyvvitelt illetően két csoportra oszlanak. Egyszeres és kettős könyvvitelt vezetőkre. Ez 2003-ig van érvényben. Attól kezdve minden szervezet kettős könyvelést fog vezetni. Addig az egyes könyvelést vezetőket el kell hagynunk, mert mérlegadataik nem azonosak a kettős könyvelést vezetőkével. Az APEH 2000-ben 9749 mezőgazdasági, erdő- és vadgazdálkodási gazdasági szervezet adóbevallását dolgozta fel. Ebből az egyszeres könyvelést vezető vállalkozások aránya 32,9%, mivel ezek általában kisméretű szervezetek, a termelési erőforrásokból és az eredményből való részesedésük számarányuknál jóval kisebb. Így a gazdálkodó szervezetek tevékenységét, annak feltételeit és eredményességét a kettős könyvelést vezetők határozzák meg. A tanulmányban ezek adatait elemezzük. -
Tulip bulbs preparation by heat treatment for forced culture in green house
70-72Views:107Tulip can be grown in parks as ornamental plant and cut flowers, or possibly in protected areas for cut flowers during winter and early
An important condition for the successful cultivation of tulips is the quality of the bulbs that are going to be planted and their
biological preparation.
Under the quality aspect bulbs have to be uniform and large, preferably with circumference greater than 11 cm and must have good
phytosanitarical status.
Preparation of organic bulbs for ensuring the continuation of the differentiation process of germs (floral), is made during the storage.
It is known that the preparation of organic bulbs are made in interaction with environmental factors, among which temperature plays an
important role. At the beginning and throughout the process of biological preparation, temperature is maintained at a higher level then the
temperature must be low until planting.
The temperature level and the duration of treatment varies by followed objective respectively early or late flowering and staggered
flowers production over a longer period of time. -
Differentiation of enterprises headquarters and activities
55-59Views:135The University of Miskolc – as part of a needs assessment – took up contact with businesses that have the nature of the industry in line with the strategic objective areas of the institution. The survey focused on industry-wide is so limited, most of the knowledge-intensive company was that the knowledge economy is distinguished by relevant stakeholders through innovation activity.
The research results of the questionnaire are within the framework of this study, we intend to review how the knowledge-intensive small and medium enterprises differentiate implantation of the headquarters and activities their scope.
There are two types of embeddedness adapt the functions of universities with the aim to investigate the geographic scope of their activities in the extent of whether there is any impact on the local embedded and engagement.
Evaluation of the blood product characteristics of meat meal and hemoglobin with non-invasive methods in the VISNIR wavelength
49-56Views:273The separate collection of poultry slaughterhouse trimmings and blood is partially solved in Hungary. Only properly prepared animal by-products, protein meals can be utilized as animal feed additive. However, different protein meals are appropriate for feeding different animal species. That is the reason why it is important to avoid accidental cross contamination of the products. Meat and blood meal produced on the same technological line, therefore mixing of the products can happen in various proportions during the shift of production.
Thus the aim of this study is to develop a spectral method which will allow to estimate the ratio of meat and blood protein meal in the final product. During the test the products were mixed in different proportions and were examined by the spectral method. Measurements were conducted with AvaSpec 2048 spectrometer in visible (VIS) and in near infrared (NIR) wavelength range (400–1000 nm) to define the spectral differentiation of the different meal products. Significant difference can be detected in spectral reflectance between the meat and blood product in the VIS-NIR range. The blood product has a characteristic spectral property: in the range of 600 and 735 nm reflectance values are increasing following a sigmoid curve. This property is not observed in the case of meat meal: close to linear rising is detected. Effective protein rate and purity detection could be made by Blood Product Sensitive Mixing Index (BPSMI – R930/R600), and by the calculation of inflection point in 600–735 nm.
Study of alternative oxidase as possible molecular marker for phylogenetic analysis of the Botrytis cinerea
127-132Views:150Botrytis cinerea (teleomorph Botryotinia fuckeliana (de Bary) Whetzel) is able to attack several economically important plants causing gray rot. Botrytis cinerea species complex includes two cryptic species (B. cinerea and B. pseudocinerea) that tolerate fungicides differently. On the basis of classical taxonomic markers, the two related species are very difficult to be distinguished; therefore, their separation is usually performed using molecular methods based on the time-consuming molecular analysis of several markers. Our goal was to find markers, which are suitable for the differentiation. Testing the nucleotide sequences of the alternative oxidase encoding gene, B. cinerea and B. pseudocinerea strains were clearly differentiated. Moreover, the analysis of the protein sequences of the enzyme with the maximum likelihood method reflected well the taxonomic relationships of the different fungi.
Correlation of pruning time and fruiting part differentiation of sweet cherry cultivars
131-134Views:112There are several extended studies in sweet cherry production in Hungary and all over the world i.e. for creation and maintainence of smaller tree crown and high density orchards. The use of suitable dwarf rootstocks for this fruit species are very limited. On one hand, most of the draf rootstocks do not cause enough growth reduction and on the other hand these rootstocks are get old very quikcly and their fruits become small, and therefore, they not serve the requirements for intensification. In summary, there is a need for those rootstock which are vital, regeneration enhanching and delay ageing. Due to ensuring above features, Prunus mahaleb is still an obvious solution for intesive production. Increasing intensification can be obtained by use of modernisation of technological elements and suitable cultivar choice.
According to this increasement of intensity through application of novel technological elements (timing, manner and severity of pruning) and selection of the proper cultivar is implement able. Important differences are experienced between sweet cherry cultivars in their growth attributes, light demand and dynamics of fall back in regenerative potencial of different aged wood parts. From this point knowledge of the abow detailed is very important in order to maintain rentability of already established plantations. Our work shows the formation of production part in
9-year old plantation with spike spindle and free spindle crown forms depending on pruning timing (winter, summer) and determining of their various effects.