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Investigation of new seed mixtures in wildlife forage ground managem
9-13Views:198One of the most important method of habitat development is wildlife forage ground management. Many plant species can be grown on the crop fields, as mixture, too. Use of seed mixtures has not been spread on the native wildlife forage ground, however there are many advantages of them.
The aim of the research is to examine the role of the different plant species, seed mixtures in the game feeding, the savouriness of the plants of crop fields, as well as ascertain which seed mixtures are more suitable for wildlife forage ground management. On the basis of the investigation it can be find out that big amount of forage can be produced on mixed crop fields. Buckwheat, corn, rape, millet and white lupine proved to be the most beloved plants. It is suitable to make such mixed forages and use widely in the native wildlife forage ground management,
– which assures better feed conditions for the game,
– which are more attractive for the game and can draw away from other areas, so prevent, reduce game damage in forestry sector and in
agriculture that is in the forest manager’s, agricultural and game manager’s interests, too.
Distribution of the American grapevine leafhopper (Scaphoideus titanus Ball 1932) in surroundings of Nagyvárad (Oradea, West Romania) and Debrecen (East Hungary)
39-44Views:188The first European appearance of american grapevine leafhopper (Scaphoideus titanus), which is the vector of Grapevine Flavescence Dorée phytoplasma (‘Ca. Phytoplasma vitis’), were detected in France in 1924. The leafhopper has been distributed since 2006 in Hungary and now it occurs in the whole country, while the first record of the phytoplasma was published in 2013.
We studied the distribution of the leafhopper in surroundings of Nagyvárad (Oradea, West Romania) in 2015 and surroundings of Debrecen (East Hungary) in 2016. During the studies 17 sites were sampled. The leafhoppers were found in six Romanian places with relatively low abundances while it occurs in all studied Hungarian sites and two of them showed extremely high frequenncy. -
Micropropagation of Leuce-poplar clones and its role in selection breeding
43-48Views:172Leuce-poplars (mostly white poplar and its natural hybrid grey poplar) are native tree species trough Hungary. They are covering more than 4.0 per cent of the Hungarian forested area (77 000 ha). The white (grey) poplars play a significant role in the forestation under sandy soil site conditions as well as they are of importance from nature conservation point of view as well.Long-term selection breeding work is going on at the National Agricultural Research and Innovation Centre Forest Research Institute (NARIC FRI), involving selection of fast-growing Leuce-poplar clones under dry site conditions.Micropropagation technology is relatively quickly spreading in forestry. In vitro multiplication of trees is applied mainly in fruit growing in Hungary, in case of forestry it is used mainly for selection breeding.This paper presents a short overview on the micropropagation trials with different Leuce-poplar clones and the early evaluation of the seedlings growing of the micropropagated clones/varieties. -
Caliometric characterisation of crop production byproducts
55-58Views:154By the decreasing tendency of the fossil energy resources more emphasis put on the usage of renewable energy resources. The consideration of environmental protection and the efforts of the European Union make current the widespread usage of renewable energy within biomass energy. One of the determinative trends of biomass energy is the direct combustion of biomass. Characteristically woody stocks are produced for this aim, but there is a considerable potential in several byproducts of growing herbaceous plants or of other processes.
In our study three byproducts of plant production have been investigated which appeared at the harvest. The Higher Heating Values of wheat, maize and sunflower byproducts have been determined by an IKA C2000 Basic adiabatic calorimeter. According to the statistical analysis of the measured data the HHV of the byproducts are different, and these values are in a negative correlation with the amount of ash in % (R2=0.873) appeared by the combustion.
Tending operation model for red oak stands
133-136Views:187Red oak (Quercus rubra L.) is our most important exotic oak species, that possesses growing culture with almost one hundred years in our country. Plantation character of red oak growing predominates principally by applied regeneration method (mostly artificial), regular planting space, applying defined method and planting space regulation system. Forest tending model for red oak, that considered stopgap in the native literature is intended to serving the latter. Especially important equation in the viewpoint of stand growing, that describes relationship of stem number (N, in hectare) and diameter at breast height (D1.3 in cm) is: N=e9.80220-1.12607lnD1.3.
Black walnut as a valuable stand-forming tree species in Hungary – a growing technology review
129-132Views:176In Hungary black walnut (Juglans nigra L.) is one of the most valuable exotic tree species, mainly because of its excessively liked wood for furniture industry, that has fine tissue and singular colour. Generally it is established by seeding, it can be regenerated by coopice shoot well, but not by seeding in natural way. Black walnut crops regurarly from the age of 25–30 years and its rotation age is 75–85 years. Prosperous decorative shape of stem allows its using in tree plantings out of forests, too. In the future its role can increase mainly on good.
Analysis of the situation of domestic game damage and forage ground management
5-8Views:157Game damage is an important problem in home wildlife management, because game managers pay more and more money for game damage year by year. Crop fields can do an appreciable part in reduction of game damages. The aim of the research is to survey the situation of domestic game damage and wildlife forage ground management. (Which are the most used plants on crop fields, how current are the using of seed mixtures, which are the most typical game damages, as well as which are the most applied game control methods?)
It can be stated that the number of plant species sown on crop fields is quite low. Mostly corn and alfalfa are raised, though besides those many other plants are suitable to grow on crop fields. Rising value of game damage and big proportion of the agricultural game damage are well traceable from the questionnaires, too.
Distribution of the American grapevine leafhopper (Scaphoideus titanus ball 1932) in west Romania
127-130Views:177The vector of Grapevine Flavescens Dorée phytoplasma, the American grapevine leafhopper (Scaphoideus titanus) has been in Europe since 1924. In Romania, the first populations were detected in 2009 in the central, eastern and southern part of the country. Later, the leafhopper was found also in West Romania in 2014. In 2015 and 2017, altogether, 14 sampling sites were studied in two vine regions of this area. The Scaphoideus titanus could be detected in 10 of them with relatively small abundances. During the studies, the yellow sticky traps proved more effective methods than sweep netting. To prevent vineyards from disease, we should do everything against the vector from prevention to chemical protection.