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Keresési eredmények

  • Displacement: Translation and Rotation. Differences and Similarities in the Discrete and Continuous Models
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    The motion (displacement) of the Euclidean space can be decomposed into translation and rotation. The two kinds of motion of the Euclidean space based on two structures of the Euclidean space: The first one is the topological structure, the second one is the idea of distance. The motion is such a (topological) map, that the distance of any two points remains the same. The bounded and closed domain of the Euclidean space is taken as a model of the rigid body. The bounded and closed domain of the Euclidean space is also taken as a model of the deformable solid body. The map – i.e. the displacement field – of the deformable solid body is continuous, but is not (necessarily) motion; the size and the shape of body can change. The material has atomic-molecular structure. In compliance with it, the material can be comprehended as a discrete system. In this case the elements of the material, as an atom, molecule, grain, can be comprehended as either material point, or rigid body. In the first case the kinematical freedom is the translation, in the latter case the translation and the rotation. In the paper we analyse how the kinematical behaviour of the discrete and continuous mechanical system can be characterise by translation and rotation. In the discrete system the two motions are independent variable. At the same time they characterise the movement of the body different way. For instance homogeneous local translation gives the global translation, but the homogeneous local rotation does not give the global rotation. To realise global rotation in a discrete system on one hand global rotation of the position of the discrete elements, on the other hand homogeneous local rotations of the discrete elements in harmony with global rotation are required. In the continuous system the two kinds of movement cannot be interpreted: a point cannot rotate, a rotation of surrounding of a point or direction can be interpreted. The kinematical characteristics, as the displacement (practically this is equal to translation) of (neighbourhood of) point, the rotation of surrounding of that point and the rotation of a direction went through that point are not independent variables: the translation of a point determines the rotation of the surrounding of that point as well as the rotation of a direction went through that point. With accordance this statement the displacement (practically translation) (field) as the only kinematical variable can be interpreted in the continuous medium.

  • A technológiai fejlődés lehetséges munkahelyteremtő-, és romboló hatásai
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    A történelem során a technológiai változások gyakran a munkavállalói szorongások alapját szolgálták. 1811 és 1816 között Angliában a munkavállalók egy csoportja – akik „Luddistáknak” nevezték magukat – tönkretették azokat a gépeket, amelyekről azt gondolták, hogy veszélyeztetik a munkahelyüket. A 19. századi gondolkodók és közgazdászok, mint Karl Marx és David Ricardo azt jósolták, hogy a gazdaság gépesítése végső soron a munkavállalói körülményeket rontaná, megfosztva őket attól, hogy egy elfogadható szintű bérből élhessenek. Az elmúlt évszázadban John M. Keynes (az 1930-as években) és Wassily Leontief (az 1950-es években) azon félelmüket fogalmazták meg, hogy egyre több és több munkást váltanak ki gépi megoldásokkal, amely munkanélküliséghez vezet. Az utóbbi években Brynjolfsson és McAfee (2014) állította, hogy a jelenlévő technológiák csökkentik a munkaerő iránti keresletet és az emberi munkaerő egy részét tartós hátrányba sodorják. Azonban számos kompenzációs mechanizmus létezik, amelyek ellensúlyozhatják az automatizálás és általában a folyamatinnováció kezdeti munkaerő-kiszorító  hatásait (Vivarelli, 2015). Először is, miközben a munkavállalókat kiváltják azokban az iparágakban, amelyekben bevezetik az új gépekbe épített technológiát, további munkavállalókra van szükség az új gépeket gyártó iparágakban. Másodszor, az automatizálás (és általánosságban a folyamatinnováció) csökkenti az átlagos költségeket. Acemoglu és Restrepo (2017) azt állapították meg, hogy ez egyrészről ár-termelékenységi („priceproductivity”) hatást eredményez (mivel a termelési költségek csökkennek, az iparág kibővítheti és növelheti munkaerő-igényét); és másrészről a termelés méretgazdaságossági hatásához vezet (az automatizálás miatti költségcsökkenés a teljes kibocsátás növekedéséhez vezet, és minden iparágban növeli a munkaerő iránti igényt). Hasonlóképpen, Vivarelli (2015) azzal érvel, hogy az alacsonyabb átlagköltségek alacsonyabb árakat eredményezhetnek (ha az ipar piaci struktúrája tökéletesen versenyképes), stimulálják a termékkeresletet, vagy extra nyereséget eredményezhetnek (ha az ipar szerkezete nem tökéletesen versenyképes). Ha ezeket az extra nyereségeket újra befektetik a cégbe, ez a beruházás új munkahelyeket teremthet. Az előadás ezen ellensúlyozó eseteket szándékozik bemutatni és valós példákkal alátámasztani a szakirodalom alapján.

  • An Analytical Solution for the Two-Layered Composite Beam-Column with Interlayer Slip and Constant Axial Load
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    The authors present an analytical solution for the two-layered composite beams with imperfect shear connections. The considered beam is simply supported at both ends. The beam is subjected to transverse and axial loads. The kinematic assumptions of the Euler-Bernoulli beam theory are used. The connection of the beam components is perfect in normal direction, but the axial displacement field may have jump. The shear axial force derived from the imperfect connection is proportional to the relative slip occurring between the layers. The determination of the analytical solution is based on the Fourier method. Two examples illustrate the application of the presented analytical method.

  • Optimization of the Sheet Metal Base of a Toggle Clamp Using Finite Element Method
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    Optimization relates to the ultimate yield strength and the maximum stress incident on the current model under critical working conditions and finds through iterative processing a way to compensate for the strength requirement without going beyond the desired mass limits. In this paper, the horizontal sheet metal base of a horizontal toggle clamp is optimised for mass reduction using the finite element analysis in the computer aided design software. The sheet metal base material is the ANSI32 Steel. In the design software, it is designed with the thickness of 7 mm and it is intended to support a workload of up to 750 N. The constraints were a fixed point added at all the holes and at the bottom surface of the sheet metal base. A number of iterations were made for the 750N loading force across the base plate to run the simulation. For optimization, the aim was to minimize the mass of the base plate. The design parameters  were Von Mises, factor of safety and displacement. The variables were the slots’ width and material thickness along the mid-surface of the sheet metal. The mass was reduced by more than thirty per cent overall.

  • Topology Optimization of Automotive sheet metal part using Altair Inspire
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    In an optimization problem, different candidate solutions are compared with each other, and then the best or optimal solution is obtained which means that solution quality is fundamental. Topology optimization is used at the concept stage of design. It deals with the optimal distribution of material within the structure. Altair Inspire software is the industry's most powerful and easy-to-use Generative Design/Topology Optimization and rapid simulation solution for design engineers. In this paper Topology optimization is applied using Altair inspire to optimize the Sheet metal Angle bracket. Different results are conducted the better and final results are fulfilling the goal of the paper which is minimizing the mass of the sheet metal part by 65.9%  part and Maximizing the stiffness with Better Results of Von- Miss Stress Analysis,  Displacement, and comparison with different load cases.  This can lead to reduced costs, development time, material consumption, and product less weight.

  • Neutral Inhomogeneity in Circular Cylinder Subjected to Axial Load on its Lateral Boundary
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    In this paper we consider the problem of single circular elastic inhomogeneity embedded within a circular cylinder whose curved boundary surface is subjected to surface traction acting on axial direction. We investigate the displacement neutrality of the coupled system of host body and inclusion. Neutral inhomogeneity (inclusion) does not disturb the displacement, strain and stress fields in the host body. The deformation of the considered inhomogenneous cylinder is antiplane shear deformation.

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