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  • Finite Element Analysis of Cellular Structures Using Ansys
    Megtekintések száma:

    Additive manufacturing (AM) is a process in which the product is composed of overlapping layers of a material that is added using devices such as 3D printers. Its process has been evolving for decades and nowadays it can be used for several applications and with different materials. One modern usage is for medical and dental purposes. Since it became possible to print metal, it has been a good solution for bone implants, once it must be done with biomaterials and can now replicate the bone structure, for that unit cells should compose the implant. Both conditions are now possible to be achieved by AM, and the current study will analyze, using finite element method, the possibilities to create specimens for tests which the final product would result in a 3D printed bone implant.

  • Pin on disc vizsgálatok zártcellás alumíniumhabokon
    Megtekintések száma:

    A fémhabok cellás szerkezetük és kiváló mechanikai és fizikai tulajdonságaik révén előtérben vannak a jármű és egyéb iparágak anyagfejlesztéseiben. Ugyan a különböző típusú fémhabok közkedveltek, a bonyolult szerkezetük miatt továbbra is kutatások tárgyai. Jelen kutatás célja különböző gyártástechnológiával készült és különböző cellaméretű zártcellás fémhabok tribológiai vizsgálata. A cikkben bemutatásra kerülnek a vizsgálat tárgyai, azaz a direkt habosítással és gázinjektálással készült zártcellás alumíniumhabok és azok mátrixanyagai. Részletezésre kerül továbbá a kísérletekhez használt Pin on Disc vizsgálóberendezés, valamint a kísérletek legfontosabb paraméterei.

  • Simulation of Hot Rolling by Cellular Automata
    Megtekintések száma:

    Our research is focusing to one of the most complex and important production step of flat rolled products that is the simulation of hot rolling. During hot rolling two phenomena as work hardening and the process of regeneration of crystals has strong influence for physical properties of microstructure of aluminium alloys. It needs to be taken into account in case of rolling technology steps and development. When we talk about aluminium the dynamic softening in fact it is dynamic recovery that is followed by dynamic recrystallization. It goes in the same order of magnitude rate. But in steels the recovery has only a minor effect. Hot rolled and newly modified grain structure is influenced by these dynamic phenomena. Hot rolled grain structure goes through significant changes under further production steps like cold rolling and heat treatments. But aside from these intermediate production steps the microstructure that we get after hot rolling has significant effect for mechanical and grains structure of the final flat rolled product. Proper technology planning is essential that for cellular automata simulation method can ensure useable and good solution for the simulation of recrystallization.

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