
Publikált ez után
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Keresési eredmények

  • The Effect of Administrative Empowerment on the Organizational Effectiveness of Bank Employees
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    This study seeks to identify the level of the impact of administrative empowerment in its dimensions on the organizational effectiveness in the banking sector in Syria. In order to verify the objectives, develop and test the validity of the hypotheses, the descriptive approach was adopted. The study found that there is a statistically significant effect of the dimensions of administrative empowerment on the organizational effectiveness of workers in banking sector.  

  • Numerical Model Analysis of Myring–Savonius wind turbines
    Megtekintések száma:

    Nowadays the importance of renewable energy is growing, and the utilization of the low wind energy potential is getting crucial. There are turbines with low and high tip speed ratio. Turbines with low tip speed ratio such as the Savonius wind turbine can generate adequate amount of torque at low wind velocities. These types of turbines are also called drag machines. The geometry of the blade can greatly influence the efficiency of the device. With Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) method, several optimizations can be done before the production. In our paper the Savonius wind turbine blade geometry was based on the so-called Myring equation. The primary objective of this paper was to increase the power coefficient by modelling the effect of the wind on the turbine blade. For the sake of simplicity, a 2D cross-sectional area was investigated in the simulation with ANSYS CFX 19.1.

  • The Impact of labor Turnover on The Service Quality of Hotels
    Megtekintések száma:

    This study aimed to know the dimensions of labor turnover (low morale, poor employees training, payment, job satisfaction) and study the effect of these dimensions on the quality of service in hotels. The results of multiple regression show that there is an effect of dimensions labor turnover on quality of service. Correlation between labor turnover and tangibility was the strongest and there is a moderate relationship between labor turnover and each of responsibility, reliability, assurance, and empathy.

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