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  • Changes in the Financial Condition of Families in Hungary between 2000 and 2019

    The financial condition of families living on wages is function of many factors. It is determined, among other things, by the development of wages, social benefits, tax rates and the amount of allowances that can be granted. The part of the tax system that affects the largest segment of individuals changes every year, and even during the year, reducing predictability. In recent years, discussions over the taxes have shown that the rate of personal income tax cannot be evaluated separately from the social security contribution rate. Gross average earnings - on the grounds of raising the minimum wage and the guaranteed minimum wage - have more than four-times in nearly 20 years. However the rate of growth is higher in the average net earnings due to changes in the tax system. Compulsory determined wages increased to almost six-times over the years under investigated. But in 20 years, how much has the income situation of an average family living on a salary become more favourable or more unfavourable? In our study we are looking for an answer to how the increase in the minimum wage and the changes in the law how to have affected the livelihood.

  • The green methanol - playing a role in sustainable energy management

    Global energy demand is constantly increasing, so the energy sources we use, and the efficiency of energy use are of paramount importance for the future of humanity. Methanol can play a key role in the sustainable use of natural resources, in the efficient and smooth transition from a fossil oil-based energy system as well as in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Long-term thinking will result in an increase in the use of renewable energy sources, which will favour the spread of green methanol technology and thus the use of a carbon-neutral fuel. The raw materials for the production of green methanol may include municipal solid waste, agricultural waste, renewable hydrogen and carbon dioxide and the methanol has many uses, both as fuel and chemical feedstock. It also provides an opportunity to chemically store excess renewable energy from intermittent sources, thereby reducing dependence on fossil fuels. The price of electricity used for electrolysis is the main determinant of the economical production of green methanol, so the reduction of the cost of solar and wind energy greatly contributes to the competitiveness of carbon-based production.

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