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  • Climate-Neutral Energy Production - Prospects in Hungary in 2024

    In order to protect our planet's climate, it is important to reduce humanity's carbon dioxide emissions significantly. The energy sector is one of the most polluting industries, but the rapid spread of renewable energy sources over the past 20 years can significantly contribute to the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions. The study examined which energy sources are used to produce electricity in Hungary, and how the proportion of renewable energy has developed in recent years compared to more polluting energy production methods. There is a strong negative exponential relationship between the share of renewable energy and the carbon dioxide emissions of the energy sector, based on which the carbon dioxide emissions of the energy sector can be significantly reduced by increasing the share of renewable energy. A forecast was made for the renewable share based on past data and the revised state of the National Energy and Climate Plan in 2023, and a linear forecast was made for the energy sector's emissions. There is a strong exponential relationship between the data series. Both models examined in the study had strong explanatory power, but neither model supports the possibility of climate-neutral energy production by 2030.

  • Energy-Efficient Buildings, a step towards Sustainability in Pakistan

    With every passing year, energy consumption in the world is increasing drastically. Most of the energy comes from fossil fuels which are also depleting in a fast manner. Buildings consume a significant amount of energy all over the world and the demand for energy is also increasing unremittingly in buildings. Developed countries are taking profound measures in order to make buildings energy efficient and sustainable by achieving nearly zero energy stage. Pakistan is facing a serious energy crisis from the past few decades. The building sector in Pakistan deserves special attention in this regard since the energy consumption in buildings in Pakistan is feverishly high. Many types of research have been carried out in Pakistan by the United Nations and Energy Department of Pakistan in order to devise applicable methods that not only provide thermal comfort to the occupants but also make a building energy efficient. Renewable energy also plays an important role in compensating building energy demands. It is easy to achieve nearly zero energy state in a good energy efficient building if it is coupled with renewable energy sources then it will make it self-sufficient in energy demand. A survey is also carried out to determine the thermal comfort of the occupants in different types of areas. Also, solar energy analysis is also taken into account to highlight the solar power potential in Pakistan. Several recommendations have also been suggested to implement energy efficiency measures in Pakistan.

  • Reduction of Energy Use for Heating in Detached Houses using Passive Technics

    Reduction of energy use in buildings continue to be one of the most important goals in this sector. The aim of our research was to analyse the effects on the heating energy demand of passive technics. In the case of a detached house the energy savings using mass wall, Trombe-Michel wall and sunspace was determined. The calculations have been performed in the case of a building with average thermophysical characteristics and in the case of a building having similar geometry but its external building elements fulfilling the requirements of nearly zero energy buildings. It was proven, that some of the mentioned technics may lead to higher energy demand for heating, so a complex energy analysis has to be carried out before implementing them.

  • The Impact of Electrical Vehicles on Sustainability: Jordan as a Case Study

    The Global concern is moving toward making a revolution in favor of exploitation of renewable energy in order to improve environment conditions, limit emissions and minimizes consumption of non-renewable resources within the planet. In this context, it is necessary to focus on the transport sector as it contributes of at least 30% of the total primary energy consumption. Therefore, a set of rules must be developed to maintain economic, environmental and social sustainability to address the problems so as not to increase their severity and these cannot be done unless there are joint measures and regulations from governments, companies, manufacturers and users. Unfortunately, the Jordanian transport system mostly depend on the individual transport which supported by cars, and that because of the weak role played by the public transport sector, especially at the capital, Amman. Buying hybrid cars (internal combustion engine + electric motor) and Electrical Vehicles (EV), in the past few years in Jordan is increasing, which is compatible with the global trend to use Electrical Vehicles (EV) instead of Internal Combustion Engine vehicles (ICE) powered by fossil fuels, this issue will have a direct and indirect impact on gas stations companies, also it will have direct impact on labor sector and the current car industry since electric charging stations as well as EV manufacturing is not labor intensive. The main purpose of the study is to show how much it is necessary now to start theoretical assumptions through studying the expected annual increase in passenger cars and its impact on sustainability and predicting the future fuel consumption and emissions and compare them with the base situation.

  • Geothermal energy utilization in the Bükkalja region by reusing abandoned hydrocarbon wells

    Hungary is a country in an inactive volcanic area, but with a geothermal potentical recognized bot hat European and international level. The geothermal gradient of the country is ~ 45°C/km on avarage, while in other countries it is ~ 20-30 °C/km. Accordingly, the temperature can reach 55-60°C at 1 km and 100-130°C at depths of 2 km. There are many types of extraction and utilization of geothermal energy, of which a large group is energy recovery . This direction is not typical in Hungary, so it is worth developing. The developement of the sector is slow due to high initial invertment demand and the long planning phase. On the one hand, the aim of our reserach is to take steps to remedy this problem by examining the funcion change of a barren well. Int he foreground and peripheral areas of the Bükk Mountains, there are numerous unused hydrocarbon wells, which our work is examining for energy purposes with a view to their later utilization. The present study focuses on 13 abandoned wells in the Pünkösd Mountain, area of Bükkalja, Demjén.

  • Trends in the Internet of Things (IoT) and Influence on the Industries’ Progress

    This research aims to investigate the critical role of the Internet of Things in the future of industries’ progress. For this purpose, a survey of 250 top managers across 13 industries has conducted. The objective was to find their view of point about what short and mega trends, in which sector will have the most considerable influence in the five years as well as 30 years ahead. Moreover, various technologies are also identified that will have the most importance in the future according to the majority of the respondents, such as Internet of things, Automation and Artificial Intelligence, and, on the other hand, the segments that capital expenditure is currently being directed towards, such as Energy Efficiency and Personalisation of Services.

  • Trends in Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Renewable Energy Policies in the EU and USA, with Special Emphasis on the Transportation Sector

    The aim of this work is to review recent trends in the field of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and renewable energy policies of the European Union and the United States of America. During the last few decades, there was a significant shift within the political attitude towards these fields, therefore important changes were realized in the electricity production and the climate policy. In the present paper, we discuss the current situation focusing on the transportation segment.

  • Water Shortage in Jordan

    Water shortage in Jordan is considered to be one of the main challenges that face the country throughout the years. In this manuscript all aspects of this issue will be highlighted.  In this article, first, the water situation inputs, contests and outputs will be discussed. Secondly, there will be a detailed study about the ‘WADI AL-ARAB’ Project which is funded by the European Investment Bank and managed by the Yarmouk Water Company, its missions, assets and workflow. Finally, the Improvement of Energy Efficiency in the water sector, project aims, framework, and the major findings expected as a result of these analysis will be highlighted. This document presents the essential elements of a work that required a long time, an enormous effort and a hard work to collect all the data from several sources such as the Jordanian Ministry of Water and Irrigation (MWI), the Water Authority of Jordan (WAJ) and the European Commission (EU Official Website) and analyze them. Also, all the information listed about “WADI AL ARAB” Project was collected from multiple site visits.

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