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Application of Heutagogical Methods in Entrepreneurship Education
364-373Views:145According to Kuit and Fell (2010) the educators’ task is to develop the learners’ lifelong learning skills to be able to apply their skills and competences in and efficient and creative way in new situations in a constantly changing environment. Kamenetz (2010) argues that neither the pedagogical nor the andragogical teaching methods are suitable for performing well in their job, but more and more a self-directed and self-determined approach is needed in which the learner reflects on what and how he learned, and the educator teaches the learner how to teach himself. The concept of heutagogy provides such principles and practices which can give an answer for the above-mentioned challenges in higher education. The authors examined how the heutagogical methods can be adapted at entrepreneurial courses and how the students evaluated these courses.
What is the function? – experiences of an occasion among the secondary school students
560-570Views:137In the frame of the project EFOP-3.6.1-16-2016-00022 „Debrecen Venture Catapult Program" it was held an occasion among secondary school students the aim of which was formation of that concept which is very important in the engineering area. In many cases in order to solve problems necessary that students have an "ideal" function concept image (the image is interrelated with the notion of the concept) and they can change between different representations of the function. In our paper we will show the experiences of the occasion in which was formed the function concept by investigation of several relationships from the everyday life and engineering area with the help of individual and cooperative learning method.
The Relationship between Family Background and Labor Market Success
88-97Views:428In our study, we undertake to explore the social background of fresh graduates (has absolutorium) by field of study. In doing so, we put great emphasis on the educational attainment of the parents and the financial situation of the family, as these factors can have a significant impact on young people's learning opportunities, attitudes and career paths. In the theoretical part of our research, we consider it important to present the experiences of domestic and international authors on the socio-economic situation. Subsequently, the 2015 Graduate Career Tracking System (DPR) database provided us an excellent opportunity to study the complex data collected by the 34 higher education institutions. In our analysis, we highlighted the different socio-economic backgrounds of graduates from different disciplines. Based on our research, we have concluded that young people from richer families are in a better position on the labor market, earning higher incomes than children of parents with lower social status
The Cluster as a Learning Organization
313-330Views:145Globalizálódó világunkban, ahol a KKV-k egyre inkább részeseivé vállnak a nemzetközi piaci versenynek, a klaszterek szerepe a cégek versenyképességének támogatásában meghatározó. Az elmúlt évtizedben jelentősen megnőtt az érdeklődés az innovációs klaszterek iránt, mely mögött részben az a felismerés húzódhat, hogy a vállalatok versenyelőnyét nem csupán a saját kompetenciái, erőforrásai jelentik, hanem a földrajzilag közeli üzleti környezetében fellelhetőek is. Ahhoz, hogy a klaszterek eredményesen tudjanak működni, bizonyos egyéni és szervezeti kompetenciákat birtokolnia kell. A hatékonyan működő klaszterekre tekinthetünk úgy, mint tanuló szervezet, hiszen az egyének törekednek képességeik folyamatos fejlesztésére, a közös tanulás képességének elsajátításában motiváltak, kollektív elképzelések, közös célkitűzésekés és azok megvalósítására való törekvés jellemzik. A tökéletes tanuló szervezet rendelkezik a folyamatos innováció teremtő képességgel, melyhez nagymértékben hozzásegíti a folyamatos tanulási folyamat, amely új tudást és magatartásváltozásokat eredményezve, hozzásegíti a környezeti változásokhoz való alkalmazkodását. A tanulási folyamatok esetében fontos szem előtt tartani, hogy legalább olyan ütemben tanuljuk, fejlődjünk, amit a környezeti változások megkívánnak. A készségek, képességek, a klaszterszintű együttműködés szempontjából azért töltenek be kiemelt szerepet, mert ha a partnerek nem rendelkeznek a kooperációhoz szükséges kompetenciákkal, akkor az együttműködés lehet bármennyire előnyös, az nem lesz eredményes, hiszen csak korlátozott működésre lesz képes. Miként segítheti elő a „Tanuló szervezet-ként” való viselkedés a klasztert, hogy a szükséges kompetenciákat megfelelő szinten birtokolja? A cikk vezérfonalát a klaszterek eredményes működéséhez szükséges kompetenciák beazonosítása, valamint a klasztereken belüli tudásmenedzselés, tudásmegosztás megvalósulásának vizsgálata adja.
Analysis of Thermal Degradation in the Annealing Process of Colored Parts Built by Extrusion-Based 3D Printing
124-133Views:393With the ever-increasing request of light materials, poly lactic (acid) PLA, have got much in consideration. Low-cost PLA materials have risen its use. Those possess some benefits but nevertheless insufficient mechanical strength. The printed PLA objects have a stumbling block for practical applications. Thus, annealing is an interested alternative to make 3D printed objects strong. This thermal treatment can significantly develop investigational studies and offer technical data. Hence the purpose of this paper is study and discuss how to increase the flexural strength through annealing process. Geometry distortions and color degradation will be analyzed. Differential Scanning Calorimetry, Taguchi Method (TM) and variance (ANOVA) were applied as part of the design experiments and analysis. Twenty-seven printed specimens were tested and factors as temperature, time and color were selected.
Development of engineering and innovation skills
364-369Views:157Spatial visualization skills have an important role in teaching and learning of engineering studies. Many studies have shown that there are correlations between various measures of spatial skills and performance in particular Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). Many engineering students have problems with solving mathematics problems, using mathematical models in practice, imagining a spatial figure and therefore to solve the spatial geometry exercises, so development of these abilities is very important. We have developed special tools and worksheets for development of engineering and innovation skills.
Maintenance Strategies and Life Cycle Costs of Renewable Energy Systems
106-116Views:141Life cycle costs are important factors in decisions on renewable energy investments. Since maintenance costs generally constitute a high portion of the life cycle costs, the maintenance strategy applied in a project can affect the bottom line significantly. The effective maintenance tools used in the production industry (e.g., diagnostics, condition monitoring, data management, integrated information systems, machine learning, and automated decision making) can be involved in planning and maintenance of renewable energy systems to gain the benefits of these approaches. In this paper the effects of maintenance strategies on life cycle costs are investigated and the benefits of up-to-date condition monitoring techniques are presented through case studies.
The Challenges of the Labour Law and Economic in the Future Labour Market
116-130Views:774The aim of the study is to examine how the effects of globalization affect the global labor market, and how high-level automation and digitalization affect the expectations of labor market actors and the world of labor law. We analyze the legal framework and the economic and social utility of acquiring competences for new challenges in the industry. We will look in more detail at the future of the low-skilled labor force in a changing labor market as a function of acquiring new competencies. We believe that changes in the labor market and novel processes will also pose new challenges for employers and employees. Changes in the labor market raise the question of what kind of benefits an outgoing worker will receive until he or she acquires new competencies. Is the social welfare system in the current sense capable of supporting lifelong learning, or is it necessary to explore alternatives such as basic income? All this needs to be done in the light of the legal and economic scrutiny of the concepts of efficiency and economy. This is because acquiring competences for the new employee also brings new added value.