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  • Labour- or Talent Shortage? – Exploring the Conceptual Differences for Effective Practice

    Regarding the issue of unemployment, a number of researches have been done at national level. Deliberately, public awareness has a particular emphasis on this situation from employee aspect. However, from the labour market point, the issue of labour shortage has just as serious consequences like unemployment, although its extent is detectable mainly at employers side. Nowadays, employers are negatively affected by the very nature of labour shortage, and the issue of talented shortage became the most sensitive issue. It has a prominent importance to distinguish labour and talent shortage. Despite the fact that these phrases are frequently used as synonyms these have different meanings. The aim of my research is to determine main differences between labour and talent shortage by seconder data to help in correct use and understanding at organisational level.

  • Level of Digital Competences and the Examination the Relationship Between Unemployment and in Job-Trainings in the European Union

    In this study we examined the digital competences by the EU Member States between 2015 and 2017 based on data of OECD and EuroStat. We wanted to know, are there any relationship between the unemployment and the level of digital competences. We realised that, in these countries where the percentage of individuals with basic digital skills is higher, there the harmonized unemployment rate is lower, than in those states where the individuals have above-average digital skills. In the case of lower educated states (where the citizens do not have a general digital knowledge), the unemployment rate is higher. We researched the openness of companies towards individuals with different levels of digital knowledge. In these countries, where the more educated people live there provide the comapnies more chance to take part further trainings, than in the less educated countires. We found a moderately strong negative correlation between the group of individuals who have low overall digital skills and in-work trainings. It means, if a country has individuals with a few digital competences, there the organisations will not offer trainings them. According to the available data we could divide the EU Member States in three clusters. These groups are underdeveloped, developing, developed countries. The biggest difference is between these groups in the quantity of skilled people, however the distribution of individuals in the developed group also shows interesting features. We realised in these countries the so-called „reverse competence pyramid”. It means, as the level of skill grows, the number of individuals, who own it, grows as well. As a continuation of the research, it would be worth examining the countries regionally, so it would be clear where are, the "digital kingdoms" can be found. On the one hand this could help the state in the allocation of digital education, on the other hand, it would also improve the position of companies. They could create regional centers in less developed countries, thus outsourcing expensive high added value work.

  • Analysis of Labor Market Indicators in the Northern Great Plain Region in 2018 and 2022

    In my study, I analyze the labor market indicators of the North Great Plain statistical region for the years 2018 and 2022 in order to map the regional labour market characteristics based on the indicators. One method of the analysis is the Beveridge curve. This complex analysis method graphically illustrates the evolution of the relationship between the unemployment rate and the proportion of vacant positions typical of the region under investigation. The results of the analysis can draw attention to possible problems in the labour market in the region. I examine the secondary statistical data in parallel with the available related literature.

  • Labor Market Effects of Organizational Health Promotion

    Nowadays, we can observe an increasing trend in the spread of non-communicable diseases. It is important to highlight the social factors that negatively affect health. Determinants includes income, education and the research-relevant working and living conditions. From a labor market perspective, unemployment and poor working conditions are a significant responsibility for the deterioration of mental and physical health. Health is also affected by employment conditions. Extended working hours have been shown to be harmful to health. Poor health has generates poorer work performance, a higher rate of sick leave, and higher health care costs. My primary goals in my research was to explore the labor market impacts of workplace health promotion and guidelines for corporate health promotion. Within health promotion, physical activity has played a prominent role. I’ve been used secondary data collection during my research. I have been performed a traditional literature analysis based on domestic and international studies. My results are suggest that the workplace health promotion has more positive labor market effects than increasing productivity and reducing absenteeism and health care costs. It is important to mention that health promotion could bring benefits to both employers and employees. Regarding corporate guidelines, there is no new approach directive other than the older literature sources. thus, it may be worthwhile to develop a new and different corporate process for effective workplace health promotion.

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