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  • The Influence of the Boundary Conditions on the Buckling of Thin-walled Cans during Manufacturing

    In this paper the effect of the boundary conditions on the stability of thin-walled aerosol cans under axial pressure is investigated. The main objective is to outline the main characteristics of this highly nonlinear mechanical problem and to present methods to simulate the buckling of cans with different boundary conditions. Due to the numerical difficulties coming from the contact between the can and different components of the machines, the effect of the different supports of the can is investigated on the crushing (or buckling) force at which the loss of stability occurs. The commercial finite element software Abaqus is used to solve the problems and to present the efficiency of FE codes in the design process of cans.

  • Using the Photostress Method to Determine the Residual Stresses

    Strains and stresses in loaded and photoelastically coated structural members can be determined using the PhotoStress method. The quantitative values of variations in the principal strains (stresses) and their directions could be employed to get the strain or stress components field on the entire coated surface. In the PhotoStress experiment, isochromatic fringes give qualitative and quantitative information. It provides a source of information on the directions and magnitudes of principal strain and principal normal stress on the surface of photoelastic coated parts. This article reviews the principle of using PhotoStress analysis to measure the residual stress and provides the boundary condition of using this method.

  • Boundary Value Problem for a Heated Nanofluid Flow in the Presence of Magnetic Field

    The aim of this paper is to introduce some new numerical results on the magneto-thermomechanical interaction between heated viscous incompressible magnetic nanofluid and a cold wall in the presence of a spatially varying magnetic field. The governing nonlinear boundary layer equations are converted into coupled nonlinear ordinary differential equations by similarity transformation. The ODE system is solvable numerically for example using higher derivative method. The investigation is focused on the influence of governing parameters corresponding to various physical conditions. Numerical results are exhibited for the dimensionless wall skin friction and for heat transfer coefficients at the wall, along to distributions of the velocity and the temperature.

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