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Discussion on São Paulo Mobility Plans
17-33Views:157Since urbanization rising and urban demographic increase, urban transportation has been an important life quality aspect and a strategic decision for cities. Mobility seems to follow citizens' behavior and be influenced by urban cultural changes at the same pace it influences back the city routine and resident’s conduct. The discussion around the future of mobility gained new magnitude nowadays since some sort of vehicles have proved themselves as the cause of significant environmental impact, while others showed themselves as alternatives of low impact for different reasons – from quality public transportation to individual transport with minimized emissions. The city of São Paulo in Brazil published its Master Plan in 2014 and its Mobility Plan in 2015, analyzing the current situation and proposing a future for the city’s transportation system. This paper intends to analyze both plans, construe the popular participation in their formulation and application, discuss how data and strategy were presented and whether they are aligned with other countries’ thinking on the subject. As a city of over 10 million inhabitants, in a Metropolitan Region of 39 cities with over 20 million inhabitants, the transportation system of São Paulo is not an easy or single-solution issue. It is known the need for a combination of different transportation modes, requiring likewise new visions for all methods. Owing to the fact that modes complete each other and, in that manner, may reach a wider range of options for the population to plan daily life, then a system with a great variety of modes ensures the best functioning of them all. This paper focuses on an outsider view that searches for answers and solutions on the São Paulo transportation system, having as a base what is considered outstanding in the world for this issue.
The Individual, Education or Work Environment Influences the Quality of Graduates’ Employment?
244-260Views:194In this paper I examine what has an effect on the quality of the graduated students’ employment. The quality is measured by the the discrepancy between the educational attainment of workers and the educational requirements of their job. On the base of this I can distinguish matching and overeducated workers. The latter category can be divided into two other groups, so called genuinely overeducated, who are not satisfied with their mismatch, and apparently overeducated, who are satisfied with their mismatch. Using multinomial logit model I try to identify those individual, educational and workplace’s characteristics that influence being matching, apparently, or genuinely overeducated using the database of students graduated in 2007 and 2009 in the University of Debrecen. I try to test those factors that were determined in the literature like mobility and commuting propensity, market rigidity, career mobility, job tenure.
Temporal Changes of Pyrite Oxidation Rate in Bolivian Sulphidic Mining Wastes
194-202Views:90Since the 70's, when huge sulphidic open pits were developed, the acidic rock drainage (ARD) become the leader problem of the sulphidic mining industry. Although the recycling is an essential technology, it cannot cover the demand alone, thus mining activity needs to continue. Acidity in mine drainage commonly requires most of the attention, but the main problem is the caused elevated level of metal mobility and leaching, which are generated by the increased rates of sulphide weathering under acidic conditions. The Itos mine is a polymetallic vein deposit in Bolivia, had been mined for silver and tin until 1990, leaving behind much and huge tailings and mine waste heaps, where quite often the pyrite content exceeds 10 %. Serious ARD effects take place in the mine waste heaps. These processes can be well characterized with the pH 1 or 2 of the seepage water, which forms serious alteration in the waste itself and the neighbouring rocks. In three consecutive years, the pyrite oxidation rate was investigated on the same 7 samples by humidity cell test. 5-6 months pauses were left between the humidity cell test periods, which mimics the alternation of wet and dry periods, typical for the place. The results give much more information, than the oxidation rate in the individual test periods, showing the changes by time. This applied method gave good result to characterize the behaviour of the waste in long-term. The column test was complemented with mineralogical analyses, such as electron probe micro analysis. The mineralogical and column test analyses show, that the changes of the pyrite oxidation rate split the samples into three different groups, one where the oxidation rate decreases, second where it increases with time and the third where oxidation rate is maximal and stays stable for several years.
Analysis of the Policy Background of Transport Related Use of Renewable Energy
124-129Views:106The EU energy policy prioritizes the following principles: sustainability, competitiveness and security of supply and addresses the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions as a priority. The related EU policy (including the White Paper on Transport) outlines these principles, identifies goals and opportunities for action. At company level methodological guidelines and standard procedures can be used to assess the carbon footprint of the organization, to generate efficiency goals and to prepare action plans. In the Hungarian policy framework, a comprehensive National Sustainable Development Framework Strategy defines the basic principles for the analysis of the sectorspecific or regional strategies. Sustainable Energy Action and Climate Plans (SECAPs) integrate energy and climate issues and include interventions and improvements for the better use of renewable energy sources in transport at municipal level. As a summary it can be stated that exploration of the policy background would needed to influence the use of renewable energy sources for transport and definition of the development goals can help economic organizations to transform their mobility patterns and reduce related carbon footprint.
On Institutional Services from Foreign Students’ Perspective – What Makes a Higher Educational Institution Multicultural?
343-363Views:151Higher education is of the utmost importance in terms of the competitiveness of every nation, including the Hungarian economy, therefore it is considered determinant for the future to survey student mobility of foreign students pursuing their studies in Hungary. Demographic decline that is characteristic to Hungary, already makes its influence felt in higher education, therefore internationalisation of institutions is of essential importance in terms of their operation and sustainability. Currently, it cannot remain unmentioned that it is a question of vital importance for domestic higher education institutions – and this process might only be further strengthened in the future – how they are able to compensate declining domestic demand by making their workshops attractive to foreign students and researchers.
Analysis of the Situation and Structure of Passenger Transport in Hungary
195-208Views:138Traffic and transportation are important segments, as they contribute to the economy's functioning, to mobility, trade and job creation. Transport per capita spending in recent years exceeded 10% of the total spending of the population. In the first part of my article, I review the characteristics and importance of passenger transport. In the subsequent chapters, I will show how significant are the trends and differences that can be discovered when analysing population spending on transport, car purchases and maintenance and passenger transport by age group and educational attainment.
Agriculture and Seasonal Work - Features and Prospects
416-428Views:226In terms of employment specialities, certain sectors of agriculture may show quite a different picture. Especially the seasonal nature of employment, including day laborers and / daily work hireling nature deserves attention. In our country it has long tradition and can be directly linked to regional mobility and commuting trends since some people move near the western border to Austria for work. However, at the same time, near the eastern border, seasonal workers arrive from the East, which has an impact on the local labor markets, and for the lives of some settlements. In our study, we want to study and elaborate the specific details of these processes that connect the two countries and the issues of the advantages and disadvantages as well. In our paper we rely on literature data, private experiences, and the opinion of small scale farmers in Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county, who have experience in employing laborers on a seasonal basis.