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  • A kényszermunka tilalma és a hátrányos megkülönböztetés tilalma összefüggései az Emberi Jogok Európai Bírósága esetjogában
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    The European Convention on Human Rights sets forth a number of fundamental rights and freedoms, including prohibition of slavery and forced labour (Article 4.) and the prohibition of discrimination (Article 14.). However, the European Convention on Human Rights prohibits discrimination only in relation to the enjoyment rights protected in the text of the Convention and did not originally include a provision proclaiming the equality of all before the law. As the European Court of Human Rights stated in Abdulaziz case: „Article 14 ... has no independent existence since it has effect solely in relation to „the enjoyment of the rights and freedoms” safeguarded by those provisions. Although the application of Article 14 does not necessarily presuppose a breach of those provisions - and to this extent it is autonomous -, there can be no room for its application unless the facts at issue fall within the ambit of one or more of the latter.”

    In this study we examine only the relationship between Article 4. and Article 14 of the Convention. There is only one case, in which the applicant could call upon Article 4 and Article 14 together with success before the European Court of Human Rights: the case of Van der Mussele versus Belgium. For this reason we introduce not only this basic case, but lots of other cases, in which there were no discrimination in connection with Article 4. The applicants should find another group of persons are in analogous situations, which worsens the position of applicants seriously because of the difficulty of this condition.

    In the above mentioned Van der Mussele case the applicant Belgian lawyer stated that Belgian lawyers are subject to less favourable treatment than that of members of a whole series of other professions, because in legal aid cases lawyers have to work without any remuneration, but the State accords remuneration to judges, registrars and interpreters in these cases. The Court emphasized that everybody could know the conditions of a profession in advance, and in the light of these conditions could choose it or not, and nobody compelled the applicant to be a lawyer. For this reason legal aid cases cannot be considered as forced labour, independently the remuneration of these cases.

  • Az Emberi Jogok Európai Egyezménye 6. cikk 1. bekezdésének általános áttekintése az Emberi Jogok Európai Bíróságának gyakorlatára tekintettel
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    The most important human rights were firstly defined by the French Declaration from 1789. These rights are called as first generation rights, because they guarantee the most important civil and political rights of people. The states mostly act passive in order to protect them. They create acts on their protection, special mechanisms for enforcing them. We can state that every field of law is based upon them and helps protecting the human rights.

    The right to a fair trial is a first generation human right. Its regulation scheme is very complex; therefore it is a hard and a complex task to define the importance and the key functions of this right, because the laws on it are varied. Besides civil procedural law, international law, EU-law and – within national legal systems – constitutional law has also been dealing with the right to a fair trial.

    In the field of international law many international and regional treaties exist on the enforcement of procedural rights. In my paper I examined the European Convention on Human Rights (hereinafter: ECHR). The ECHR is an international treaty on the protection of human rights. It was born under the auspices of the Council of Europe in 1950, Rome. From 1959 its control mechanism is the European Court of Human Rights.

    In my paper I examined the proper interpretation and the actual application of the ECHR art. 6. par. 1based on the work of the international court.The article 6 of ECHR is about the right to a fair trial. In par. 1 the Convention gives a list of the most common features of a fair trial: (1) a fair and public hearing; (2) with a reasonable time; (3) the tribunal must be established by law and must meet with the requirements of independency and impartiality; (4) and finally the judgement shall be pronounced publicly. It enshrines the principle of the rule of law, upon which such a society is based and built.

    The first chapter deals with problem of the interpretation of the article. I tried to give the most convenient statements, which I defined upon the case law of the ECHR. After the question of interpretation is answered, the third chapter tries to give an overview of the applicability of article 6.In this section I cited many cases of the ECHR, because the Court has been developing the question of applicability in its case law. It is because it considers the Convention as a living-organism, so the article 6. needed to be interpreted again and again during these decades.

  • A felszolgálási díj szabályozásáról az alapvető jogok biztosának eljárása kapcsán
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    The article introduces the statutory regulation of service charges in relation to the procedure of the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights in a complex manner, by referring to all affected parts of the statutory system providing a detailed and critical analysis, reasoning, furthermore the article also refers to the statutory dogmatic, constitutional issues, controversies, maladministration and interpreting questions related to service charges, by also making reference to the halts in consumer protection – repealing the 15% upper limit. The article presents the answer of the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights and the necessary reflection to this answer. The author publishes his thorough and firm opinion, which  takes into consideration consumer protection and discrimination aspects, in a usable manner for legislators and law enforcement bodies, and summarises the final conclusions, „missing items” complied in nine points.

  • A jogszerű adatkezelés a GDPR rendelet után
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    Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation), became effective on 25 May 2018. With the regulatory form the legislator raised the regulation of the right to the protection of personal data within the European Union to a higher level. The legislative act has a fundamental impact on the legal systems of the member states showing various differences from each other. Further, it can be stated as a general experience that the right to the protection of personal data and the nature of such right are less known either to those affected or to the data controllers. The new legislative act and the penalties with increased amounts [Article 84 of the GDPR] demand the elaboration of a study understandable for laics, too. Finally, as a result of the General Data Protection Regulation, the institution system ensuring the protection of personal data has fundamentally changed, so, therefore, it is also necessary to examine the authorities of the member states and the Union, as well.

    The study primarily approaches the occurring problems from the practice side. Accordingly, the examination conducted by the Commission nationale de l’informatique et des libertés (CNIL) against Google is described, as the first significant penalty imposed based on the General Data Protection Regulation.

    The first part of the study is intended to present the right to the general protection of personal data. The historical part addresses in details the major elements of the historical development of data protection and the development of its contents, with particular regard to the appearance of the right to information self-determination based on the so-called “census-judgement” of 1983 of the BVerfG (Federal Constitutional Court of Germany). Finally, this part touches upon the theories defined in connection with the historical generations of the right to the protection of personal data. After the historical part the study addresses the peculiarities of the right to the protection of personal data, paying particular attention to separation from the neighbouring legal areas.

    The second part is intended to present the prevalence of the right to information self-determination according to the GDPR. It is the institution system protecting personal data that has undergone the most significant change. The Work Group under Article 29 has been replaced by the Data Protection Agency set up based on the GDPR. Setting up the Agency, enlarging its scope of authority and its stronger independence from the executive powers of the Union can, by all means, be evaluated positively. As regards the security of personal data, the practice, major directives and opinions of the Work Group under Article 29 have been examined. It is a significant step forward that the GDPR has made the sphere of special personal data more specific, promoting by this the increase of the extent of protection. It is important that, as a general rule, the Regulation forbids controlling special personal data. The definition of the concept of personal data is an essential condition for understanding the regulation. In addition to the principles of controlling personal data, the legal fundaments of data control have particular significance, with special regard to the consent and the data control necessary for performing the contract. In my view, the consent is a legal fundament of auxiliary nature for data control, which is also supported by the opinions of the Work Group, too. Granting the consent and the individual excluding circumstances occurring in connection with this, were examined on a case-by-case basis. In my opinion, the automated decision making process and the regulation of profile creation are one of the most cardinal issues of the GDPR. The way in which profiles are created, their use and the permissibility of such use are discussed in details. In my view, the regulation of the GDPR is deficient as regards the automated decision making process and the profile creation. The decision making necessary for performing the contract is not separated sharply enough, and it is not necessary for this. In my opinion, in respect of this latter sphere of cases the GDPR is not strict enough and may easily serve as a basis for misuse on the part of data controllers. In my view, granting the consent should be made stricter in respect of creating profiles and the introduction of the (contradictable) legal presumption of refusal would also be desirous.

  • Értelmezési anomáliák a Bécsi Vételi Egyezmény kártérítési gyakorlatában
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    A dolgozat az ENSZ, az áruk nemzetközi adásvételi szerződéseiről szóló egyezményének a kártérítési joggyakorlatával kapcsolatos értelmezési anomáliákról szól.

    Az Egyezmény rendelkezései univerzális jellegűek, így egységes értelmezést és alkalmazást követelnek meg a részes államok bíróságaitól, ezért a szabályok értelmezésével és a joghézagok kitöltésével foglalkozó 7. Cikk elengedhetetlen az Egyezmény sikeres alkalmazásához. Dolgozatomban a vonatkozó ítélkezési gyakorlat elemzésével, elsősorban arra kerestem választ, hogy a különböző országok ítészei érvényesítik-e az Egyezmény univerzialitását, a kártérítés értékelése tekintetében. A kérdés megválaszolása érdekében az Egyezmény kártérítési joggyakorlatát a 7. Cikk által támasztott értelmezési alapelvek relációjában értékeltem. Ennek keretén belül a 74. Cikk joggyakorlatának szisztematikus felülvizsgálatát végeztem el, összesen 144 jogesetet elemezve, a 2006-tól 2016-ig terjedő időszak tekintetében. 

    A felülvizsgálat eredménye azt mutatja, hogy kilenc olyan döntés született amikor a bíróság nemzeti kárfelelősségi doktrínát, jogintézményt, jogszabályt, vagy joggyakorlatot alkalmazott a 74. Cikk értelmezése során. Ez a megközelítés nyilvánvalóan nem segíti elő az egységesség megvalósítását. A nemzetközileg egységes szabályozás ugyanis csak akkor valósul meg, ha azt egységesen alkalmazzák. A 7. Cikk által támasztott értemezési követelményekből az következik, hogy az Egyezmény rendelkezéseit autonóm módon, a lehetséges nemzeti felfogástól megkülönböztetve szükséges értelmezni. A dolgozat keretében feltárt jogi problémák azokat a kérdéseket próbálják kiemelni, amelyek nagyobb figyelmet igényelnek a bíróságok részéről, erősítve ezzel az Egyezmény univerzális jellegét.

  • Horpadások a karosszérián – felelős társaságirányítási kérdések az elmúlt időszak autóipari botrányainak tükrében
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    The aim of the article is to examine the key corporate governance issues in light of the recent scandals in the automotive industry. The article explores the underlying reasons which culminated in the events of the General Motors ignition switch scandal, and Volkswagen's "Dieselgate". While these two events may seem unrelated at the first glance, however, the facts show that similar problems led to these scandals, most of which were deeply rooted in the corporate culture. Factors, such as the lack of clear and honest communication and the willingness to bend the rules show that the principles of corporate governance were not put in practice within these corporations. The author believes that by taking corporate governance seriously the scandals could have been entirely preventable.

  • Az Endorois ügy, egy hosszú út eredménye – avagy az afrikai emberi jogvédelmi mechanizmus joggyakorlata és az őslakos népek jogainak védelme
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    The aim of the current article is to analyse the protection of indigenous peoples’ rights offered by the African human rights mechanism by introducing the Endorois Welfare Council vs. Kenya case[1] (hereafter: Endorois case). The author briefly introduces the preliminaries of the Endorois case, namely how the African mechanism was established and in doing so, he refers to the achievements of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights (hereafter: Commission) in the field of protecting the rights of the African indigenous peoples, also touching upon the critiques regarding its functioning. Then he briefly introduces why the Ogoni case[2]can be regarded as a milestone concerning the rights of indigenous peoples on the African Continent. In the second part, the author focuses on the Endorois case and analyses it in detail: he introduces both the matters of fact and the legal issues; furthermore he pays attention to the implementation of the decision. Finally, in the third part of the article, the author draws his conclusions based on the above mentioned and makes his recommendations.

    The author has the opinion that the African mechanism has followed in the footsteps of the Inter-American System and has interpreted the already existing substantial norms in an evolutiv manner, thus achieving tremendous results in the acknowledgement and protection of indigenous rights. They did so with such success that now the “master” – namely the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights – is quoting the student. It follows from the above mentioned that – according to the firm opinion of the author – the African mechanism worth the attention both present time, both in the future, because new trends regarding indigenous rights could arise from the practice of the African Commission.

  • Válaszúton – rendiség, abszolutizmus, polgárosodás? Hatalomgyakorlási modellek Jean Bodin Az államról című könyvében
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    The article approaches Bodin's philosophy from historical aspect outlining the characters of age of reformation. The paper emphasizes, Bodin's work came into existence in a transitional time, wherein holy and profane views coexisted, often interspersed. The conception of Bodin reflects a relatively rational way of thinking introducing the state phenomena as parts of political power structure. The writing analyses the functions of state and their institutions and operation. The article introduces Bodin's ideas about the professional state control and its relations with our modern public administration.

  • Az orvos gyógyító tevékenységének büntetőjogi vonatkozásai
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    The article introduces the criminal liability of the medical doctors in a nutshell. The topicality of this theme is exemplified by the increasing number of criminal procedures against physicians as trends show. During the introduction of the criminal liability of the medical practitioners, the article considers drawing a line between the liability of civil and criminal law of importance. After describing the matters concerning the drawing of line, the study is going to elaborate the legal brief of endangerment committed in the line of duty, followed by a review connecting the prior and the medical profession, presenting some legal cases, respectively. It is very essential to explore the legal brief of prohibited abortion and charlatanry, in addition to delineating the concepts of active and passive euthanasia, and, after having explained the refusal of provisions, it is necessary to aspire to draw a line between the prior mentioned and the legal brief of the assistance in suicide.

  • Az MH-17 légi járat lelövésének nemzetközi jogi megítélése a nemzetközi polgári repülésről szóló Chicagói Egyezmény tükrében
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    This paper addresses the downing of Malaysian Airlines flight MH-17 in 2014 from the perspective of the Chicago Convention on international civil aviation. Two issues are closely examined namely the applicability of Article 3bis on prohibiting the use of force by states against civil aircraft to the specific case and States’ obligation to close the airspace to civil aviation over conflict zones.

    If the assumption of the Joint Investigation Team is correct in that flight MH-17 was shot down from a territory held by separatist groups it will be a legally challenging task to prove the necessary link to Russia requried by international law to determine state responsability for the breach of Article 3bis. The fact that the International Court of Justice has never delivered a judgement on merits concerning aerial incident cases due to the lack of jurisdiction does not advance the prospect for a reassuring conclusion of the case concerning flight MH-17 from the perspective of international aviation law.

    The obligation to close the airspace by the state exercising sovereignty over the airspace over conflict zones is not spellt out explicitly in the Chicago Convention. States responsible for the airspace should however close their airspace if the airspace in question is not safe for civil aviation. The critical question remains whether the state responsible for the airspace has all the relevant information at its disposal when making the complex decision about closing the airspace. In case of a non-international armed conflict non-state actors are not obliged under the Chicago Convention to share aviation safety related information with the enemy state responsible for the airspace under international law over the conflict zone.

    It is hereby proposed that binding regulations should be adopted either in the field of international air law or humanitarian law to the effect that during an armed conflict non-state actors co-operate in information sharing for the sake of guaranteeing the safety of (international) air traffic.

  • A kommentekért való felelősség bírói gyakorlatának evolúciója
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    The article focuses on the examination of the judicial practice related to the liability for reader’s comments. Comments have become an important instrument for internet communication and expression, however they also cause specific legal problems.

    Internet Content Providers (ICP) have offered such content so far, disclosure of which was the result of editorial’s decision, but now they play a role in the disclosure of such contents, that they do not have direct contact with.

    The examination of liability for comments is further complicated by the features of the online environment, because the courts shall have to overcome the problems of the scheme of special definitions.

    Courts have failed as yet to provide a satisfactory solution for the problem: who shall remain liable for the infringements appearing in anonymous reader’s contents? Therefore the article is an attempt to present the development of the judicial practice from the beginning to the current opinion appearing these days.

  • Az orvostudomány elméleti, gyakorlati eredményei és a büntetőjog kapcsolata
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    In the 19th Century the results of the natural sciences – physics, chemistry –, the technical
    achievements incorporated in the medical science, and made the medical science an intensive
    progress. This article presents the scientific results, which have the largest relevance regard
    the criminal law and which have a significant impact on the science of criminal law and its
    The advance of medical science results the appearance on the one part the expansion of the
    medical knowledge and medical tasks, on the other hand new offenses and new types of
    evidence. The practical application of the results of medical research into the criminal
    procedure (blood tests, DNA test, etc.) allows primary the faster detection in the investigative
    stage of criminal proceedings, and the making of more reasonable judgments. On the territory
    of psychiatry are very important the results of research of the state of consciousness, that
    influence the offenders culpableness, because they give an answer to the question, in what
    consciousness was the offender at the time of the crime.
    This article submitted the most important correspondences of the medical science and
    criminal law, and it is established, that the results of the medical science support the further
    development of the criminal law and its affiliates.

  • A polgári eljárások egyszerűsítése az Európai Unióban, különös tekintettel a kis pertárgyértékű ügyek szabályozására
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    Introduced to reduce obstacles to the free movement of goods and persons, judicial cooperation in civil matters has become part and parcel of the new European area of justice. Creation of this area is meant to simplify the existing legal environment and to reinforce citizens' feeling of being part of a common entity. The Conclusions of the Tampere European Council state in this respect that “in a genuine European Area of Justice individuals and businesses should not be prevented or discouraged from exercising their rights by the incompatibility or complexity of legal or administrative systems in the Member States.”

    At present, the judicial cooperation in civil procedures is based on the Hague Programme, adopted by the 2004 Europen Council in Bruxelles.The Hague Programme requires that the Commission should translate the Hague objectives into concrete measures. To this end, the Annex to the Communication from the Commission to the Council and the. European Parliament on the Hague Programme, consists of an Action Plan listing the main actions and measures to be taken over the next five years, including a specific set of deadlines for their presentation to the Council and the European Parliament.

    The chapter dealing with this area is named „Strengthening justice”, and it includes amongst others the following tasks:

    • Specific Programme on Judicial Cooperation in Civil and Commercial Matters (2007)
    • Support by the Union to networks of judicial organisations and institutions (continuous)
    • Creating a „European Judicial culture”
    • Evaluation of quality of justice (Communication - 2006)
    • Creation, from the existing structures, of an effective European training network for judicial authorities for both civil and criminal matters (2007)

    The European Union has set itself the objective of maintaining and developing the European Union as an area of freedom, security and justice in which the free movement of persons is ensured. For the gradual establishment of such an area, the Community is to adopt, among others, the measures relating to judicial cooperation in civil matters needed for the proper functioning of the internal market.

    The Community has among other measures already adopted Council Regulation (EC) No 1348/2000 of 29 May 2000, on the service in the Member States of judicial and extrajudicial documents in civil or commercial matters; Council Decision 2001/470/EC of 28 May 2001, establishing a European Judicial Network in civil and commercial matters; Council Regulation (EC) No 44/2001 of 22 December 2000 on jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters; Regulation (EC) No 805/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 April 2004, creating a European Enforcement Order for uncontested claims; Council Directive 2002/8/EC, of 27 January 2003, to improve access to justice in cross-border disputes by establishing minimum common rules relating to legal aid for such disputes; Council Regulation (EC) 2201/2003, of 27 November 2003, concerning jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in matrimonial matters and the matters of parental responsibility, repealing Regulation (EC) 1347/2000; Regulation (EC) No 805/2004, of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 April 2004, creating a European Enforcement Order for uncontested claims; Proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council creating a European order for payment procedureProposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a European Small Claims Procedure.

    The disproportionate cost of litigation for small claims has led many Member States to provide simplified procedures for claims of small value which are intended to provide access to justice at a lower cost, thus influencing one of the three factors that determine the rationales in dispute resolution. The details of these procedures have been investigated and documented in detail in studies prepared for the Commission. The evidence from these reports suggests that the costs and timescale associated with the domestic simplified measures, and thus their use and utility to claimants, varies widely. A 1995 study for the Commission found evidence of how costs of cross-border claims were significant compared to the size of most potential claims, and that these costs varied substantially between Member States. The total costs of pursuing a cross-border claim with a value of € 2.000 was found to vary, depending on the combination of Member States, from € 980 to € 6.600, with an average quoted figure of € 2.489 for a proceeding at the plaintiff’s residence. The study also showed that due to different and conflicting costing rules part of the costs have to be paid even by successful plaintiffs.

    On 20 December 2002, the Commission adopted a Green Paper on a European order for payment procedure and on measures to simplify and speed up small claims litigation. The Green Paper launched a consultation on measures concerning the simplification and the speeding up of small claims litigation.

    The European Small Claims Procedure is meant to simplify and speed up litigation concerning small claims, whilst reducing costs, by offering an optional tool in addition to the possibilities existing under the laws of the Member States. This Regulation should also make it simpler to obtain the recognition and enforcement of a judgment given in a European Small Claims Procedure in another Member State, including judgements which were initially of a purely domestic nature. In order to facilitate the introduction of the procedure, the claimant should commence the European Small Claims Procedure by completing a claim form and lodging it at the competent court or tribunal. In order to reduce costs and delays, documents should be served on the parties by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt, or by any simpler means such as simple letter, fax or email. The procedure should be a written procedure, unless an oral hearing is considered necessary by the court. The parties should not be obliged to be represented by a lawyer. The court should be given the possibility to hold a hearing through an audio, video or email conference. It should also be given the possibility to determine the means of proof and the extent of the taking of evidence according to its discretion and admit the taking of evidence through telephone, written statements of witnesses, and audio, video or email conferences. The court should respect the principle of an adversarial process. In order to speed up the resolution of disputes, the judgment should be rendered within six months following the registration of the claim. In order to speed up the recovery of small claims, the judgment should be immediately enforceable notwithstanding any possible appeal and without the condition of the provision of a security. In order to reduce costs, when the unsuccessful party is a natural person and is not represented by a lawyer or another legal professional, he should not be obliged to reimburse the fees of a lawyer or another legal professional of the other party. In order to facilitate recognition and enforcement, a judgment given in a Member State in a European Small Claims Procedure should be recognised and enforceable in another Member State without the need for a declaration of enforceability and without any possibility of opposing its recognition. Since the objectives of the action to be taken namely the establishment of a procedure to simplify and speed up litigation concerning small claims, and reduce costs, cannot be sufficiently achieved by the Member States and can therefore be better achieved at Community level, the Community may adopt measures in accordance with the principle of subsidiarity as set out in Article 5 of the Treaty. In accordance with the principle of proportionality as set out in that Article this Regulation does not go beyond what is necessary to achieve those objectives.

    The European Council underlines the need further to enhance work on the creation of a Europe for citizens and the essential role that the setting up of a European Area for Justice will play in thisrespect. A number of measures have already been carried out. Further efforts should be made to facilitate access to justice and judicial cooperation as well as the full employment of mutual recognition. It is of particular importance that borders between countries in Europe no longer constitute an obstacle to the settlement of civil law matters or to the bringing of court proceedings and the enforcement of decisions in civil matters.

  • Az orvos gyógyító tevékenységének polgári jogi vonatkozásai
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    The article wish to briefly cover the civil liability of the medic. The actuality of this topic is exemplified well by the fact that court trials for compensation of damages against healthcare providers show an increasing tendency year by year. It is deem important to briefly delineate the drawing of line between the civil and criminal liability during the presentation of the civil liability. After speaking about issues of drawing of line, the study is going to cover the effective liability for damages of the medic. While explaining the liability for damages of the medic, it will cover the concept of legal nature of invasive procedures, matters concerning the liability of healthcare institutions, and the basic topics of tort and contractual liability. The article is going to introduce the issues concerning illegality, the patient’s right to self-determination, his or her right to information, the obligation of medics to disclose information, in addition to matters related to the concept of the legal nature of informed consent along with the connected judicial practice in the chapter about the informed consent of the patient. As for closure, during the analysis of issues regarding evidence, it wish to cover the rules of culpability, the choice for healing methods of medics, and medical documentation, respectively.

  • A civil szervezetek program- és jogalkotásban való részvételének egyes kérdései Magyarországon
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    Among the tools of including the concerned elements of society into the decision making processes the government operating since 2010 rather prefers the non-legal ones (i.e. those which do not constitute direct obligations for the government); rather solutions outside of the legal system are put into focus. Therefore the so-called national consultation, which – among others, such as sectoral, professional and other negotiating forums – introduced in Hungary a previously unknown political technique: within two years – in ordinary mail – each citizen received two surveys with possible answers to choose from, furthermore, – as a method not really used before in Hungary – an information booklet was sent to all citizens with the right to vote which presented the newest pieces of legislation.
    Looking beyond political slogans and pathetic forms it may be well observed that the government expects from the method of crowdsourcing – which may be considered traditional in other countries – as well as from different online consultations and the introduction of new means (surfaces) of information the establishment and deepening of discussion (cooperation) with society. Among the new means of information we shall mention that the government of Hungary created its websites and related to the civil sector (in broader sense about legislation related to the civil sector). The websites – according to the intentions of the government– are part of the process of changing the attitude aimed at with the new act on the civil sector (Act CLXXV of 2011 on right of association, non-profit status, operation and support of NGOs), through which the government wishes to establish transparent connections with the civil sector.
    In Article 7 of the new Act CXXX of 2010 on legislation the two basic form of social compromise are described, general negotiation and direct negotiation. The former one provides opportunity for sharing opinion on the website of the organisation publishing concepts, drafts (in a way which obliges the organisation which asks for the opinion, e.g. through confirmation obligation or through preparing summaries on the merits), while the latter one allows the concerned minister to directly request persons and organisations to give opinion. A specific form of direct negotiation – creating obligations on the side of the minister – is the institution of strategic partnership, the framework of which is settled in a thorough agreement. One material weakness of the regulation, however, is that Article 13 paragraph (2) of the act only lists in an exemplary way those with whom such partnership may be concluded, by mentioning forms of organisations (e.g. church, trade union, civil organisation).

  • Az infláció hatása a magánjogi jogviszonyokra
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    Évtizedek óta nem láttunk olyan áremelkedést Magyarországon, illetve Európában és általában a világon, mint amivel 2022-ben voltak kénytelenek szembesülni a fejlett világ lakói. Az infláció 2022 decemberében Magyarországon 24,5 % volt, 2023 januárjában pedig a mutató 25,7 %-on állt. Az írás összefoglalja az inflációval kapcsolatos lényeges fogalmakat, kitérve az infláció definíciószerű megközelítésén túlmenően annak fajtáira, illetőleg annak mérésére vonatkozó legfontosabb elvekre, módszerekre. A gazdasági fundamentumok alapvetően meghatározzák a magánjogi jogviszonyokat, jogintézményeket is. Ilyen esetben beindul a válságjogi jogalkotás, ami elsődlegesen azokat a területeket érinti, amelyek a gazdaság működésére, a fogyasztók mindennapjaira a leginkább kihatással vannak. A jelen írás áttekinti azokat a fontosabb civiljogi struktúrákat, és az azokat szabályozó Polgári Törvénykönyvbeli, illetőleg egyéb törvényi és kormányrendeleti szintű szabályokat, amelyek tartalmát egy tartós inflációs környezetben indokolt módosítani, de amelyek ezidáig nem kerültek a jogalkotó fókuszába, hangsúlyozva a magánjogi normáknak a megváltozott gazdasági környezethez történő igazításának szükségességét. Azokat a jogszabályokat tekinti át az írás, amelyekben a jogalkotó a jogszabály szövegében rögzít értékre, árra utaló adatokat, nominálisan meghatározva, számszakilag konkrétan megjelölve azt az árat, értéket, amely jelentős szerephez jut egy adott magánjogi jogviszonyban. Ez a fajta jogalkotás azonban egyáltalán nincs tekintettel az értékviszonyok változására, így arra, hogy inflációs környezetben a magánjogi normában nominálisan rögzített ár- és értékadatok nem igazodnak a gazdasági folyamatokhoz, azaz nincsenek összhangban a mindenkori, gazdasági fundamentumok által determinált árszínvonallal. A szerző javaslatokat fogalmaz meg, szabályozási technikákat vázol fel ezen jogszabályi rendelkezéseknek a megváltozott ár- és értékvisszonyokhoz történő igazítására irányuló jogszabálymódosításra.

  • Az Alaptörvény XX. cikk alkotmánybírósági gyakorlata, kitekintéssel az ENSZ emberi jogi végrehajtás-ellenőrzés közvetlen alkalmazhatósági indikátorára
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    A tanulmány egy szélesebb körű kutatás részeként, az Alaptörvény XX. cikkében is elismert testi és lelki egészséghez való jog, s kiemelten az egészségügyi ellátás megszervezésével kapcsolatos állami kötelezettségek vonatkozásában készült. Az egészséghez való jogot, mint emberi jogot, napjainkban is fennálló jogérvényesítési dilemmájára tekintettel, többek között a Gazdasági, Szociális és Kulturális Jogok Nemzetközi Egyezségokmánya állami jelentéstételi mechanizmusában a 2009-es évben bevezetett közvetlen alkalmazhatósági indikátor és azzal összefüggő állami visszajelzések alapján vizsgáltam. Az említett indikátort ugyanis hosszabb távon a jogérvényesítés előmozdítására alkalmas kezdeményezésnek tartom abban a folyamatban, amelyet Buza László a nemzetközi jog programjellegű normáinak teljes értékű jogszabályokká alakításaként határozott meg.

    Ennek hazai vonatkozásban elengedhetetlen kiegészítőjeként tekinthetünk az Alaptörvény XX. cikk Alkotmánybíróság általi értelmezésére. Ezt az Alaptörvény elfogadásának tíz éves jubileuma mellett egyrészről alátámasztja, hogy a legutóbbi évek gyakorlatáról az államjelentések még nem reflektálnak. Másrészről, a testület által kimondottan, bár az alkotmányossági elbírálás alapját az alaptörvényi rendelkezések képezik, az mégsem zárkózik el feltétlenül a releváns nemzetközi és európai (jog)politikák, megközelítések vizsgálatától sem. Ezért elsőként a közvetlen alkalmazhatóságot és annak alkotmánybírósági gyakorlat által meghatározott akadályait, majd az államjelentések által nem érintett részkérdést tekintettem át.

  • Zárt ajtókról nyíltan Avagy vannak-e persona non grata-k a büntetőeljárás keretei között végzett igazságügyi pszichológiai szakértői vizsgálatokon?
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    Authorities and courts are supported by various experts from a long time in the process ofdomestic criminal procedures, howeverlegalpsychologyis a pretty young profession in this field. Despite of its brief history it has achieved stability in the system of criminal sciences and has an outstanding role in influencingjudgementon cases. What happens when this specialty itself becomes the subject of an expert procedure? My article willtryto answer this question. I examine the mechanisms of hungarianlegal psychological expertingthrough personal features of the experting-examination within thecriminal legal procedures of law. At the same time I verify thepresumption that thesecomponents work unrealistically and dissimilarly to the actual practice due to thenatureof current legislations. My hypothesis is supported by four interviews with legalpsychological experts and relevant statistical data brought from the analysis of thirty-one cases from TheCourt of Law of Debrecen, between 1st Jan 2000 and 15th Jul 2016. In the last section of my work I propose individual recommendations and guides for the legislator in relation to the earlier highlighted defects.

  • A büntetőjogi mediáció gyakorlati aspektusai
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    Mediation is a conflict-management method designed to achieve restorative justice (offenders should assume responsibility and pay the penalty for their deeds, with the greatest emphasis on reparation of the victim, and the affronted community should be conciliated). This method may be applied to solving a variety of disputes or conflicts (e.g. disputes involving neighbours, families, couples, and companies).
    The mediation technique has already been used in the fields of civil law, family law and employment law. From 2007 onwards, it can also be applied in criminal procedures. According to Article 221/A of the Code on Criminal Procedure (Act XIX of 1998) the mediation process may be used in criminal procedures dealing with certain offences against the person, property or traffic offences if the crime is punishable with no more than five years imprisonment, and the offender has made a confession during the criminal investigation.

  • A bírói pervezetés és szubjektivitás – befolyásolás a tárgyalóteremben
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    The image of the judicial proceeding and the impressions of the participants are defined by various facts. These are important things, because the prestigious environment and the skill-based human approach are key factors in the acceptance of the judgments. The article analyzes the possibilities of the judicial influence through examples: like the condition of the buildings, the appearance and behavior of the employees and the staff. The statements made by the accused during the investigations are also very important within these topics, because they can justify the charge and predict the process of the proceedings. The personality of judge has great importance in the lead of the proceedings – for example tone, questioning style, situation awareness and logic. These things above are definitely specify the way of the proceedings.

  • A magyar öröklési jog fragmentálódása, változásai
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    Az örökléshez való jogot az Alaptörvény elismeri, a részletes anyagi jogi szabályok a Polgári Törvénykönyv Hetedik Könyvében kerültek rögzítésre. Az utóbbi években a jogalkotó a magánjogi kódexünkön túlmenő egyéb jogszabályokban anyagi jogi öröklési szabályokat fogalmazott meg. A bejegyzett élettársi kapcsolatról szóló törvény szerint a házastársra vonatkozó szabályokat a bejegyzett élettársra is megfelelően alkalmazni kell, ami azt jelenti, hogy a bejegyzett élettárs is törvényes örökös. A mező- és erdőgazdasági földek tulajdonjogának végintézkedéssel történő megszerzésének speciális szabályait rögzíti a földforgalmi törvény (2013. évi CXXII. törvény). 2023. január 1-jén lép hatályba egy újabb törvény (2021. évi CXLIII. törvény), ami a Ptk-beli öröklési jogi rendelkezéseket egészíti ki, az osztatlan közös tulajdonban álló termőföldek több örököstárs általi közös törvényes öröklése esetére. Az államot az öröklési jogi jogviszonyokban képviselő állami szerv kijelöléséről egy külön miniszteri rendelet rendelkezik. A jelen írás azt elemzi, hogy mindezen összetett, szórt szabályozás hogyan nehezíti a jogalkalmazást, mennyiben akadályozza a hagyatéki eljárások gyors lefolytatását. A jelen írás kritikával illeti a fragmentált szabályozást és javaslatot tesz a külön törvények szabályainak a Ptk.-ba történő integrálására, ugyanis ez hozzájárulhat a hatékonyabb jogalkalmazáshoz.

  • Az élőlények jogalanyiságának környezeti etikai háttere
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    In the focus of the discipline of environmental ethics stands the moral relationship between human beings and the environment. The development of this science was necessary due to the traditional anthropocentrical approach, which provided an excellent moral base for the exploitation of our natural environment.

    Although nature was the focus of much of nineteenth and twentieth century philosophy, contemporary environmental ethics only emerged as an academic discipline in the 1970s. Basically two main lines can be distinguished: the invidualistic and the holistic approach. The main idea of individualism (biocentric), similarly to traditional anthropocentrical paradigm, is that only individuals can represent value, which must be respected by others. These individuals are not only human beings, but all living being?, because each individual living thing in nature - whether it is an animal, a plant, or a micro-organism - is a ‘teleological-center-of-life’ having a good or well-being of its own which can be enhanced or damaged, and that all individuals who are teleological-centers-of life have equal intrinsic value (or ‘inherent worth’) which entitles them to moral respect. The holistic approach offers a totally different solution by extending the moral concern to the whole biosphere.

    Hereinafter this article, along with the most popular disciplines of environmental ethics, examines whether non human beings can have legal standing or not.

  • Gyermekkorú bűnelkövetők és áldozatok
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    In this article an evergreen topic will be discussed again and certainly not for the last time ...

    After the presentation on the children of the information society,  the "Z" generation currently living its childhood , their specific problems and their living space, and after discussing the psychological and sociological background, legal history, and last but not least, the statistics,  I am looking for answers in my study such as what factors, data, precedents motivated the legislature to modify the punishable age for crime, furthermore, whether the more than three years since the entry into force of Law C of 2012 have confirmed the decision to be correct. I will also make mention of victims because of the considerable overlap between the perpetrator and the victim circles characterizing juvenile crime, showing the process which broadens the victims’ rights besides the ever stricter penal policy.

    Have hopes regarding the new regulations proven right? What else can the legislature do, and what can we do for our own children?

  • A lopás büntetőjogi és kriminalisztikai megközelítésének aspektusai a román Büntető Törvénykönyv alapján
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    A lopás a köz- vagy magánjavak eltulajdonításának egyik legrégebbi változata. Mint a vagyon elleni bűncselekmények tipikus megjelenési formája, valamennyi történelmi korban jelentős veszélyt jelentett a társadalom számára. Ebből következik, hogy a büntetőeljárásban részt vevő hatóságoknak, ismerniük kell az ilyen bűncselekmények kivizsgálásának alapkérdéseit, illetve az elkövetés természetét és körülményeit, továbbá azokat az okokat, melyek szerepet játszanak a bűncselekmény elkövetésében.
    A román Büntetőtörvénykönyv 208. §- a tartalmazza a lopás alapesetét, míg a 209. § szabályozza a minősített eseteket. A lopás alapesetei a gyakorlatban a következők: ingó javak, energiák vagy iratok ellopása; olyan tárgy ellopása, amely egészben vagy részben az elkövető tulajdonát képezi; jármű használati célból történő ellopása; házastársak közötti lopás; a sértettel együttlakó vagy tartása alatt álló személy által elkövetett lopás; kiskorú által gyámja sérelmére elkövetett lopás. A román büntető törvény rendelkezése alapján, lopást az követ el „aki idegen ingó dolgot, más tulajdonából vagy birtokából, annak beleegyezése nélkül, abból a célból vesz el, hogy azt jogtalanul eltulajdonítsa”, ezeken túl bizonyos körülmények bekövetkezése szükséges ahhoz, hogy a lopás minősített esetéről lehessen beszélni.
    A nyomozástan és a román Büntető eljárási kódex által előírt nyomozási cselekményeknek az alábbi körülményeket kell tisztázniuk: a tett színhelyének vizsgálata, az eltulajdonított javak mibenléte, a bűncselekmény elkövetésének körülményei, a lopás elkövetésében résztvevő személyek száma, helyi és időbeli feltételek, a színhely megközelítési módja. Az ügyben nyomozati cselekményeket, bizonyítási kísérletet, személyek és tárgyak felismerésre bemutatását, illetve kihallgatásokat lehet elrendelni. Tanulmányomban tehát, büntetőjogi és kriminalisztikai aspektusait a román szabályozáson keresztül mutatom be.

  • A GDPR-ról – különös tekintettel a könyvtárakra és levéltárakra
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    Nowadays data has become one of the most important value which raises the question of protecting personal data. The European Union responds to the challenge by legal instruments: since 25 May 2018 it has been obligatory for the member states to apply GDPR. In the article, first I study the novelties of GDPR. Then I examine to what extent the provisions apply to libraries and archives.

    The novelties can be divided into several larger groups. Some of them belong to the data subjects (data portability, right to be forgotten, pseudonymisation), the other parts are principles like data protection by design and by default or the closely related accountability principle. The Regulation also introduces a new legal institution, the data-protection impact assessment and requires the notification of personal data breachConcerning the expected impacts, it is clear that the Regulation strengthens the rights of the data subjects but imposes new obligations on data controllers and strengthens the role of control. GDPR is a determinative law for the undertakings and business life, and it must also be applied by libraries and archives. For archiving purposes in the public interest, however, the Regulation allows for exemptions concerning libraries and archives. The provisions require libraries and archives to identify the risks that may occur while processing personal data as well as to examine their regulations.