
Genetikai teszt a fogyasztók számára


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Tárczy, E. Z. (2013). Genetikai teszt a fogyasztók számára. Debreceni Jogi Műhely, 10(2), 61-69. https://doi.org/10.24169/DJM/2013/2/5

The European Academies Science Advisory Council (hereafter: EASAC) and the Federation
of European Academies of Medicine (hereafter: FEAM) published a study on „Direct-toconsumer
genetic testing for health-related purposes in the European Union” in the summer of
This paper shows the results of the research of the working group of the two mentioned
organizations. The main aim was to investigate the scientific, ethic questions and the
questions in connection with the possible regulation. The second aim was to define principles
and recommendations for the European Commission, the European Parliament, the Council of
Ministers and the political decision-makers of the Member States.
This paper also shows the results of the workshop – organized by the EASAC, the FEAM and
the Science and Technology Options Assessment (hereafter: STOA) - in the end of 2012.
Finally, there are some facts on the regulations on the genetic tests outside the EU.