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  • The syndicate agreement

    Before the new codex of civil law the law of business associations was cogent, that is why the syndicate agreement became a popular contract again. Yes, I would like to emphasize again, because in the past decade, after the commercial law became valid, this type of agreement and cooperation, what was regulated by the syndicate agreement was well known in the Hungarian civil law. Namely this commercial law had a provision, which said, that every occasional associations i.e. civil association or consortiums, are actually civil associations not business associations. The bottom line is, they are contractual collaborations, with one purpose, to make profit. If someone comes to make this kind of cooperation/collaboration, it has to be regulated by a syndicate agreement.

    After the WWII, the syndicate agreement was not popular. By the time when the first law of business association entered into force, this type of cooperation reached high popularity, because of the cogent rules, in respect of the private limited company. This is the reason why the syndicateswith vote became so popular,and they will be after a dispositive civil codex.

    First I would like to present syndicate agreement of company law, second I would like to give a brief overview about the syndicate agreement of public law.

  • Family businesses and shareholders' agreements - possible links

    The concept of a family company is not defined in current law. In the case of companies in which members of a family have a decisive influence, it allows only a formal approach. However, in addition to the formal approach, the substance of the company, the specific nature of family interests and values, justify an examination of the company from other points of view, which allow not only the long-term commercial economic activity but also the specific nature of family relationships to be examined on the basis of company law. It is therefore of the utmost importance that family companies should reflect family relationships, the need to operate intergenerationally and protect the family nature of the company, and ensure the family's long-term prosperity. The combination of the formal and substantive elements makes it possible to conclude that family companies are special legal entities in which a particular family community has a decisive influence, has and represents specific interests and values, among which the protection of family assets, the aim of intergenerational operation and the safeguarding of the long-term well-being of family members are to be highlighted. The Civil Code provides for multiple means of achieving these interests, in addition to the classic instruments of company law, including the possibility of shareholders’ agreement.