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  • - Alternatives to imprisonment in the light of sentencing

    In most criminal cases, the judges and the society also think the same, imprisonment is the best option,because  the criminal have to suffer. I think there can be a different way of thinking. There area lot of theretical and practical view,which we can choose from. In my study I want to take a step, to open well-known doors in this well-known question. In my study i want to figure it out, how to find the balance, between the expectation from the society, and special preventation.  It is a really hard question, because it has not any golden rule. In every case we have to look for it.  I choosed verdicts from last 5 years  from hungarian courts, to figure out what was the reason behind the judgement. What was the key  phrase, or factor, which  convinced the judge to choose the alternative sanction.  As is said , there is no golden rule, it is just some theoretical study. In the future i want to make a bigger step, to search the answer.

    But in this study I have some little answers, which will help me to build up the in the future.  I figured out, in the hungarian prison system there is one problem, which is recidivism. In the prison more than 50% of the detainees are repeat offender, or habitual criminal. I think That can be a warning sign  about imprisonment. I think imprisonment is like penicilin in the 20th century. It has the purpose, and can be used in some cases, but not every time. The prisons are overpopulated, which hard for enforcement, and the criminals to. Lot of aggression and physical abuse can accumulate in one cell. I mention a case, which happened in a hungarian prison, where the offender have been killed by his cellmates, because he was weaker then them.

    In my study  I am trying to step forward to find the previously mentioned golden rule.