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  • The Principle of Public Trial in Criminal Proceedings

    Publicity, as a key principle of the criminal procedures, has been one of the major topics of the criminal procedure reform-movements since the 18th century. Publicity is a safeguard which guarantees the indepence and impartiality of the court and it is also a significant instrument of social control. In the Hungarian legal system, regulations concerning publicity are located on multiple levels, which means they are not integrated. This kind of disintegrationen dangers the legal certainty. This study introduces the legal practice of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) concerning publicity and also detail show this principle appears in the constitutions of various European countries. Furthermore it examines the relevant legislations in force and the new Criminal Procedure Statute, which will come into force on 1st of July, 2018. Finally, the study mentions some de lege ferenda recommendations, in order to support the future legal-developing actions

  • The proprietary rights as the objects of contribution in kind and the occurring problems caused by the lack of unified rules

    According to the new Hungarian Civil Code, the funders of the legal entities have to make contributions to the authorised capital and the two forms of these contributions are the contribution is cash and the contribution in kind. The regulation states that proprietary rights can also be transferred to the capital of businness accociations, by those funders, who are entitled to demise them.

    The judicial practice unanimously defined the rules in those cases, when the object of contribution in kind is a certain proprietary right, especially when the right is connected to the real estate. On the other hand, the Civil Code does not contain a list of those proprietary rights, which can be transferred to the authorised capital and unfortunately, different acts contain different lists of these rights.

    The three mentioned acts are the following: the personal income tax act, the act about the fees and the accounting act. All of them contain a list of proprietary rights and some of the items are regulated by all the three of them but most of the items are different, which means it is impossible to create an accurate list of these rights. For example, the list in the personal income tax act contains only five items, on the other hand, the accounting act contains two lists and both of them are unfinised.

    Because of the lack of unified rules, it is impossible to define which proprietary rights can become the objects of contribution in kind and this misfortunate situation causes a lot of unwanted indefinability and states a lot of questions.

    In my essay I introduce this problem and I use a chart to illustrate the differences between the mentioned lists. In my opinion, this problem could be solved with an unified list, which is normative for every regulation in connection with the proprietary rights or the Civil Code should contain a list of those proprietary rights, which can be the objects of contribution in kind.

  • On theoretical bases of Constitutional Court's activity

    The paper researches preliminarily the problem of norm-control versus social-control. It criticizes the logical and normative approach of Consctitutional Court’s activity, pointing out this function necessarily deals with values. The paper introduces the ideological and historical antecedents of modern institutional norm-control, touching Grecian and early American ideas. The article finally refers spread of Constitutional Courts and some problematical phenomena of Hungarian Constitutional Court's activity.

  • Rethinking principles of civil procedure - expectations and experiences:

    The central topic of the present study is certain features of the principles re-regulated during the codification of the Hungarian Code of Civil Procedure. It can be said that the number and content of the principles have also become more concentrated as a result of codification.

    The Act CXXX of 2016 on the Code of Civil Procedure (hereinafter “CPC”) brought a number of conceptual changes, which can also be observed in terms of principles. The principles chapter of the CPC has been renewed, some principles that are not yet known in Hungarian civil procedure law have been laid down. The present study reviews these changes and also seeks to take a position on the content of the principles, with a separate examination of the Principle of Concentration of Proceedings, which has also been identified as a priority objective by the legislator.

    The paper analyzes the academic debates on the principles and attempts to answer whether the experience of the period since its entry into force has met some of the expectations for the reform of the principles. The study examines the changed regulations that have led to opposing views in the literature.

    An important topic of the study is that, in line with the divided structure of the proceeding, the court's intervention activities have also changed. This change can also be observed in the principles, as the Principle of Court's Obligation to Intervene has emerged as a new principle. Some features of the Principle of Truth-telling and Principle of Good Faith are also analyzed.

    The study seeks to shed light on the fundamental issues of civil procedure through foreign examples, in which certain elements of German legislation are mainly mentioned.

  • Financial consumer protection and financial culture

    The global economic crisis in 2008 highlighted that there is an information assymetry between the financial service providers and consumers, furthermore given the vulnerability of the consumers there is a need for immediate actions to protect the latter. Financial consumer protection has come to the fore, which is a relatively new area of law, however by now has fought for a highly significant role for itself and its importance is growing day by day.

    Unforunately, however, the financial culture of the Hungarian population is extremely low. This carries significant risks, since citizens with lower financial literacy tend to be less active in the economic life and and they make decisions that are clearly unfavorable to them en masse, therefore the development of a financial culture is essential.

    In my opinion, financial awareness can be developed primarily through the transfer and dissemination of knowledge about financial literacy, in other words the most effective way is through education. Education should be aimed primarily at the youngest generations and the main emphasis should be on educating children, since they are extremely receptive to the acquisition of new knowledge and will have the most outstanding impact on the future. If the education of financial awareness begins at a very young age, by the time these children grow up, they will routinely make conscious financial decisions, therefore the next generation can grow up to be able to “handle money” properly. 

  • Manifestations of Para-administration in Hungarian Public Administration

    Az angol nyelven olvasható értekezés alapját a 2007. november 8-án Sninában (Szlovákiában) megrendezett Nemzetközi Konferencián tartott angol nyelvű előadásom képezi. Az írás középpontjában egy közigazgatási jogi fogalomnak, a közvetett közigazgatás jelenségének és annak egyes megnyilvánulási formáinak bemutatása áll. A paraetatizmus az ún. atipikus közigazgatás részét képezi. Lényegében egy gyüjtőkategória, mely számos megoldást foglal magában. A kérdéskör azonban ezidáig viszonylag kis figyelmet kapott a közigazgatás kutatói részéről.

    Az egyszerűség és a könnyebb megértés érdekében az értekezés három nagy szerkezeti egységre tagolódik.


    A dolgozat elején azoknak a történelmi folyamatoknak és jellemzőknek a bemutatására kerül sor, melyek végső soron a vizsgált megoldások kialakulásához vezettek. Ennek során fokozatosan eljutunk a direkt (lényegében szűk értelemben vizsgált) közigazgatás fogalmától az indirekt közigazgatás, azaz paraetatizmus jelenségéhez. Nélkülüzhetetlen azonban annak a hangsúlyozása, hogy a közvett közigazgatás egy meglehetősen tág kategória, mely tartalmában erőteljesen heterogén. A paraetatizmus fogalmán belül vizsgált jelenségeknek nincs taxatív felsorolása. Nem is lehet, hiszen a lehetséges megoldások köre koronként és területenként is változhat, és változik is.


    A dolgozat második része a magyar szabályozás ismertetésével foglalkozik. Először a hatályos jogi szabályozás bemutatására kerül sor, mely egyúttal rávilágít arra az igen fontos tényre is, hogy a paraetatikus megoldások alkalmazására mind az államigazgatás területén, mind pedig az önkormányzati közigazgatás keretein belül adott a lehetőség. Ezután kerül sor a konkrét megoldások bemutatására, azaz a köztestületek, a magánszemélyek felhatalmazása köfeladatok ellátására, a közvetítő szervezetek és személyek, a magánszféra szereplőinek, valamint a non-profit szektor szerepének ismertetésére.


    Végezetül a harmadik gondolati egység az, amely összegző jelleggel tartalmazza állásfoglalásomat a bemutatott megoldások közigazgatásban való alkalmazhatóságával kapcsolatban. Ennek a gondolati egységnek a jelentősége abban ragadható meg, hogy rámutat arra a szerepkörre, melyet ezek a megoldások egy már létező, élő, működő közigazgatásban betölthetnek. Ezek a megoldások ugyanis a mindenkori közigazgatás kisegítésére, a már alkalmazott megoldások kiegészítésére szolgálnak és sohasem azok helyettesítésére, illetve negligálására.

  • Joghatóságok áthidalása: A kapcsolattartási jog érvényesítése a Brüsszel IIb rendelet alapján

    A kutatás a gyermekekkel való kapcsolattartás kérdését vizsgálja az új Brüsszel IIb rendelet kontextusában. A rendelet számos fontos újítást vezet be, amelyek megkönnyítik a nemzetközi válások kezelését, és biztosítják, hogy a gyermek jogai és legfőbb érdekei érvényesüljenek. A tanulmány kiemeli különös figyelmet fordít a külföldi ítéletek elismerésére és végrehajtására a nemzeti családjogban. Végezetül bemutatásra kerül egy közelmúltbeli kúriai döntés, amely fontos precedenst jelent a kapcsolattartási jog érvényesítése terén.


  • The adjudication of the unlawful financial service in the notarial practice and its connection to the document forgery

    The unlawful providers destroy the trust, as well as in the lawful providers in the whole financial system. The adjudgement of the loan service by non financial providers can cause problem in the notarial practice. Namely the notary can just conclude of the frequency, for-profitnature and organization of the loan service provided by the parties statements.

    My present study gives a summary about the criminal facts and their analysis occur in the practice as well as to the notarial bench, who can be seen as non-proffessional connected to the criminal education. The article provides useful information, the reader gets an opportunity to analyse the unlawful financial service from the notarial aspect.

  • Judicial practice regarding the compensation for personal injuries caused by the circumstances of penal institutions, violating the fundamental rights of convicts and detainees of other dues

    The studied topic is the judicial practice regarding the compensation for personal injuries caused by the circumstances of penal institutions, which violate the fundamental rights of convicts and detainees of other dues. Dual research questions have been posed because of the characteristics of the covered topic. The first one is related to civil law and is about demandants’, defendants’ and courts’ attitudes and tendencies relating to the topic in question. The second question, inseparably stemming from the previous one, is from the field of penal execution: what kind of traits can be abstracted from the judicial decisions when it comes to the condition of Hungarian penal institutions.  To answer these, empirical methodology must be applied. Accordingly, I examined 91 judicial decisions from 2014 to 2020. Thus, this study depicts the entirety of the relevant time range, meaning that the demandants’, defendants’ and courts’ characteristics are introduced in their arc of development, rather than pointwisely. In my study I delineate the demandants’ actions firstly: their claims, their supposedly violated rights and the ontological phenomena causing harm. Secondly, as displaying the defendants’ statements of defence, I specify the legal arguments brought on in order to support the claim that the penal institutions caused no harm to those held captive, or that they cannot be obliged to pay compensation. Afterwards, I examine the judicial practice. Firstly, I write about the ways courts treat the claims of ascertainment, namely whether or not the rights of those who are captivated were violated. Subsequently, I portray the claims of detain, about which I illustrate the relevant regime of liability and its partial requirements. Then I write about the matrix of the compensation for personal injury and the indemnification for the prison circumstances, the relation and the delimitation of the two. Finally, I answer the research questions. I draw an ideal model about the first question, in which the parties adduce correctly and make fair judgements.  By these the demandants can make sure that the violation of their rights is ascertained and that they are given compensation.  By following the model, the defendant can achieve the lowest amount of compensation possible, while the court can make the correct decision from a dogmatic point of view. As for the penal executive question, I give suggestions to solve the problem of the circumstances of penal institutions violating fundamental rights.

  • The legal basis and the conduct of probate proceeding, particularly the distribution of the tasks in the proceeding and some of the possibilities of appeal

    As the title suggest, the study intends to provide a summarized overview on the regulation of probate proceeding. The legal nature of out-of-court proceeding and the various stages of the procedure are briefly presented in this study. The procedural steprelated to the task of inventory taking and each stage of the proceeding related to the notary public are explained too. Finally, the study includes an overview of the available remedies (like the certain aspects of appeal and the possibility of retrial) and the basic rules on enforcement of inheritance claims.