Vol. 12 No. 3-4 (2015)

Published December 31, 2015



  • Hedges beyond the Edge - Overview of Potentials and Risks of Hedge Funds

    The first thing that comes to one’s mind about hedge funds is risk taking and excelled level of profitability. However, the operation of hedge funds is a disputed and sometimes contradicted process and market participants often express their doubt about the effects of the phenomenon. Therfore, the role of legal regulation is crucial at this field. Avoiding the effect of the afore mentioned regulations is however still intended by many funds that operate all over the world. This paper intends to offer a deeper insight in to the world of hedge funds and the regulatory background. In light of the 2007-2009 financial crisis the topic seems to be evergreen and the future of hedge funds largely depends on the application of the regulatory reforms based on the recent experiences.

  • Non-competition agreement

    The “agreement on non-competition” is essentially the extension of the protection of the basic economic interest of the employer. While during the employment relationship several labor law provisions protect the interest of both parties, the “agreement on non-competition” is designed to protect the employer’s interests after the termination of the relationship. This means – in return for financial compensation – the former employee needs to refrain from any kind of business competition against his/her former employer. This necessarily involves financial compensation and may have several restrictions, such business or geographical area or time.


    The previous Labor Code did not specify for detailed regulation of the issue and the law remained rather vague. It merely referred to the fact that parties – based on their own free will – may enter into such agreement. However the new Labor Code contains explicit regulations under title XVIII of the Act as “Particular Agreements Related to Employment”.


    The “agreement on non-competition” belongs to the field of employment law. Unlike the previous Labor Code that categorized this possible agreement as of purely civil law in nature, the new Labor Code declares it to belong under the scope of the Labor Code. The previous regulation even ordered the provisions of the Civil Code to be applied to such agreements however the new legislation brought a conceptual change.


    The currently effective regulation provides for a 2-year limitation on such conduct on the employee’s part that would create competition with the employer. The exact amount of the consideration payable for this obligation remains to be decided by the parties however the Labor Code suggests that it shall be based on how difficult the applied restrictions make it for the employee to find another job with his qualifications and experience. As a basic limit the law provides that the amount shall not be less than one-third of the base wage payable for the same period of time.


    The “agreement on non-competition” is not to be confused with similar legal institutions. The paper points out two close similarities in the legal system. One being the employee’s obligation of confidentiality; this prevails after termination of the employment relationship as well without any time or similar restrictions and even without any financial compensation. The other one is the so called “non-compete” agreement from the field of competition law. This is applicable after takeovers where the seller shall refrain from engaging into business in the same area as the buyer.


    In the field of labor law the time period for the “agreement on non-competition” is up to the agreement of the parties however the new law invokes an upper limit of two years that is following the termination of the employment relationship. This is a decrease from the previous regulation that provided for a period of three years. The agreement can be modified by the consent of both parties just like the employment contract or civil law agreements.


    In case of violation of the agreement three cases are to be analyzed. The first is the case of the employee breaching the provisions of the contract. In this case the employee is liable for damages towards his/her former employer. The provisions of the new Civil Code and those of the Labor Code are to be applied to the damages. In the second case the employer may request an injunction to prohibit the employee from any conduct breaching the agreement while the third case involves the breach of the agreement on the employee’s part for which the rules of the Civil Code and the Labor Code are to be applied as well.

  • The Hungarian Regulation of Domestic Partnership and The Domestic Partnership Registry

    In recent decades, the number of the couples who live in domestic partnership and the number of children born to parents in a domestic partnership in Hungary and across Europe increased significantly. Because of these facts and reasons there was a need for a significant revision of the Hungarian regulation on domestic partnership that took place in the new Civil Code of Hungary of 2013. The notaries of Hungary have had a new role in the area of registration. In my work as a vice-notary, I often experience that couples who live in domestic partnership are entirely unconscious of the legal effects of choosing this form of living together.

    In this paper I give an overview of the past and present of the Hungarian regulation on domestic partnership. I pay particular attention to the Domestic Partnership Registry conducted by the Hungarian National Chamber of Civil Law Notaries. This summary gives me an excellent opportunity to give an account of my opinion about the registry and my practical experience with the conduction of the registry.

  • Issues of the client status, the scope of appreciation and the legal consequences related to the procedures of the Hungarian Authority for Consumer Protection

    This study focuses on the issues related to the procedures of the Hungarian Authority for Consumer Protection. The article includes the main questions from the field of administrative law, such as the problems of the legal status of consumers and the use of sanctions. I used contextual and teleological methods of interpretation to demonstrate the problems and the possible solutions.

  • The syndicate agreement

    Before the new codex of civil law the law of business associations was cogent, that is why the syndicate agreement became a popular contract again. Yes, I would like to emphasize again, because in the past decade, after the commercial law became valid, this type of agreement and cooperation, what was regulated by the syndicate agreement was well known in the Hungarian civil law. Namely this commercial law had a provision, which said, that every occasional associations i.e. civil association or consortiums, are actually civil associations not business associations. The bottom line is, they are contractual collaborations, with one purpose, to make profit. If someone comes to make this kind of cooperation/collaboration, it has to be regulated by a syndicate agreement.

    After the WWII, the syndicate agreement was not popular. By the time when the first law of business association entered into force, this type of cooperation reached high popularity, because of the cogent rules, in respect of the private limited company. This is the reason why the syndicateswith vote became so popular,and they will be after a dispositive civil codex.

    First I would like to present syndicate agreement of company law, second I would like to give a brief overview about the syndicate agreement of public law.

  • Richterliche Unabhängigkeit und das Recht zum redlichen Verfahren

    Die Studie versucht die Frage zu beantworten, in welchem Verhältnis die richterliche Unabhängigkeit zum redlichen Verfahren steht.


    Aufgrund der im Gerichtssystem verbreiteten Auffassung muss die richterliche Unabhängigkeit als völlig uneinschränkbar betrachtet werden, die richterliche Entscheidung kann auf keinem Fall bestritten werden und der Richter kann wegen der Urteilsfindung nicht zur Verantwortung gezogen werden. Gegenüber dieser Auffassung muss die im Grundgesetz verankerten Erwartungen der Partei und des Verfassungsgerichtshofs zur Sicherung oder Vermeidung des Rechts zu dem redlichen Verfahren und die gerichtliche organisatorische und die individuelle richterliche Verantwortung gegengestellt werden.


    In diesen Rahmen befasst sich der erste Teil der Studie mit dem Wesen der richterlichen Unabhängigkeit. Neben der Übersicht der Geschichte der Unabhängigkeit des richterlichen Organisationssystems und neben der Feststellung deren Vorhandenseins ergibt sich die Frage, dass die individuelle richterliche Unabhängigkeit in diesem System gewährleistet ist. Neben der geschichtlichen Übersicht der Gewährleistung der individuellen richterlichen Unabhängigkeit wird in der Studie auch die jetzige Lage vorgestellt. In diesem Zusammenhang scheint es möglich zu sein festzustellen, dass die individuelle richterliche Unabhängigkeit zur Zeit wegen dem Mangel der die individuelle richterliche Unabhängigkeit sichernden Garantieregel weiterhin nicht gewährleistet ist. Deren Vorhandensein wäre auch deswegen wichtig, weil das Recht zum redlichen Verfahren nur auf dieser Art zu gewährleisten ist.


    Zum Verstehen das Verhältnis zwischen dem Recht zum redlichen Verfahren und der richterlichen Unabhängigkeit ist die Kenntnis des Inhalts des Rechts zum redlichen Verfahren notwendig. Deswegen werden in der Studie die Grundsätze und Grundrechte zum Recht zum redlichen Verfahren aufgrund der jetzigen Rechtsprechung des Verfassungsgerichtshofs dargestellt. Dargestellt wird auch das Wesen des Rechts zur unparteiischen Urteilsfindung, zur redlichen Verhandlung und zur Beendigung des Verfahrens in sinnvollen Zeitrahmen. Ohne den Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit werden in der Studie neben der Bestimmung des Inhalts der oben erwähnten Grundrechte auch die gerichtliche Rechtsanwendungs- und Rechtsinterpretierungsprobleme dargestellt, weswegen sich die Verletzung des Rechts zum redlichen Gerichtsverfahren ergeben kann.


    Bei der Verletzung des Rechts zum redlichen Verfahren ergibt sich das Problem, mit welchen Reparationsansprüchen sich die beschädigte Verfahrenspartei an die Gerichte wenden kann bzw. welche Chance die Rechtsdurchsetzung dieser Ansprüche zur Zeit im jetzigen Gerichtssystem hat. In diesem Zusammenhang werden die Bestimmung der Funktionsform als verantwortungslose Organisation und die Ursachen der Qualifizierung des Gerichtssystems als verantwortungslose Organisation in der Studie behandelt.


    Das Funktionieren als verantwortungslose Organisation ist hinsichtlich des richterlichen Organisationssystems sehr gefährlich. Das Gefährlichste ist die Erscheinung der offenen Korruption an den Gerichten. Die möglichen Folgen des Vorhandenseins der Korruption und des Funktionierens als verantwortungslose Organisation werden in der Studie ebenfalls dargestellt.


    Der Autor arbeitet auch zur Zeit als Richter am Komitatgericht Szeged. Das Hauptziel der Studie war, die Aufmerksamkeit auf die Anomalien der Rechtsanwendungstätigkeit der Gerichte zu richten. Zur Bewahrung des Ansehens der Gerichte ist die Beseitigung dieser Probleme unbedingt notwendig, deswegen sind die darzustellen und die Forschungen fortzusetzen.

  • On theoretical bases of Constitutional Court's activity

    The paper researches preliminarily the problem of norm-control versus social-control. It criticizes the logical and normative approach of Consctitutional Court’s activity, pointing out this function necessarily deals with values. The paper introduces the ideological and historical antecedents of modern institutional norm-control, touching Grecian and early American ideas. The article finally refers spread of Constitutional Courts and some problematical phenomena of Hungarian Constitutional Court's activity.

  • Liability for dameges caused by a person of lack of discretionary power

    The new Hungarian Civil Code also modernizes the non-contractual liability law in several aspects. Even if the so-called general clause of non-contractual liability reamains unchanged, its contstitutive elements are regulated in detail in the new Civil Code. The new Code also introduces some new provisions with regard to liability for dameges caused by a person of lack of discretionary power. The objektive of this survey is to present these changes and to examine its possible impacts on judicial practice.

Articles of Students

  • Presidential Pardon from the Aspect of Criminal Law

    The individual pardon, exercised by the President of the Republic, has recently become the centre of attention in the media and among the lawyers in context of life imprisonment without parole eligibility. This prompts me to investigate the presidential pardon in this article.

    I am dealing with the origins and the standardization of pardon, then I move on to the conditions and criteria the Head of State can take into consideration when making the decision. Afterwards, I am presenting some statistics.

    The power of pardon is stipulated by the Fundamental Law of Hungary, and the specific rules can be found in the Criminal Code, the Criminal Procedure Act and the Punishment Executive Act.

    I am focusing on the last one, in which the Government and the Parliament have redressed the problems of life sentence, regarding human rights, with a compulsory procedure of pardon, thus giving the convict the hope of being released from prison. However, this solution raises a few questions, so arguments can be made both for and against it.

  • The proprietary rights as the objects of contribution in kind and the occurring problems caused by the lack of unified rules

    According to the new Hungarian Civil Code, the funders of the legal entities have to make contributions to the authorised capital and the two forms of these contributions are the contribution is cash and the contribution in kind. The regulation states that proprietary rights can also be transferred to the capital of businness accociations, by those funders, who are entitled to demise them.

    The judicial practice unanimously defined the rules in those cases, when the object of contribution in kind is a certain proprietary right, especially when the right is connected to the real estate. On the other hand, the Civil Code does not contain a list of those proprietary rights, which can be transferred to the authorised capital and unfortunately, different acts contain different lists of these rights.

    The three mentioned acts are the following: the personal income tax act, the act about the fees and the accounting act. All of them contain a list of proprietary rights and some of the items are regulated by all the three of them but most of the items are different, which means it is impossible to create an accurate list of these rights. For example, the list in the personal income tax act contains only five items, on the other hand, the accounting act contains two lists and both of them are unfinised.

    Because of the lack of unified rules, it is impossible to define which proprietary rights can become the objects of contribution in kind and this misfortunate situation causes a lot of unwanted indefinability and states a lot of questions.

    In my essay I introduce this problem and I use a chart to illustrate the differences between the mentioned lists. In my opinion, this problem could be solved with an unified list, which is normative for every regulation in connection with the proprietary rights or the Civil Code should contain a list of those proprietary rights, which can be the objects of contribution in kind.

  • The online infringements of personality rights in the judicial practice

    This essay examines the judicial practice of infringements of personality rights in the online media. The purpose is to evaluate the effectiveness of the protection of legal regulation.

    The new media law that came into force in 2011 does not include specific measure for online media products, so it is up to the judicial practice to find a solution to tackle the problems brought forth by the differences of online and print press.

    Being a legal area where the legal development activity of the judicial practice plays a significant role due to the broad framework of regulation, the joint interpretation of legislation and the practice is necessary to evaluate. Thus the evaluation of the effectiveness of the protection of personality rights is only possible with the joint examination of legal environment and judicial practice.

    The starting point is the observation of the characteristics of online media and the comparison with print media through elements that can be relevant in a lawsuit.

    The investigation of the judicial practice focuses on the infringement of personality law and the process of press correction, considering that these are the most frequently occurring legal actions in lawsuits.