
PPP: Kicsi többlet?- „Kicsit több lett. Maradhat?”


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Varga, J. (2011). PPP: Kicsi többlet?- „Kicsit több lett. Maradhat?”. Debreceni Jogi Műhely, 8(2), 51-63.

In this paper the past and present of public private partnership (PPP) was discussed in Hungary. The primal source-strings were reported of Interdepartmental Committee of PPP, which was been abolished at last year. Committee was more governmental and less professional. Instructive information was held by its bulletin. Amount which was applied for PPP’s projects was increased by actual government year to year. The growth reason was not overspend of central government. Financial limit was not exploited. The reason: more and more public functions were materialized in PPP.

Nowadays PPP’s support has been left off. New attitude is shown by modification of act, institution cessation (vide: Interdepartmental Committee of PPP) and realignment of departments. This form is refused by new political theory. Its negative attributes are emphasized without real disquisition. PPP has advantageous qualities too what are underplayed. Potential positive qualities could be prominently useful to manage financial problems.

PPP’s categorical refused without any monitoring would be a thoughtless decision. Have to take into account several factors to make deliberate verdict. For example:

· PPP could take up as credence.

· Post socialist countries are had special characteristics, like Hungary. (for instance: high national debt)

· PPP is an administrative contract, which mixes element of public and private law.

·  It came from a foreign legal system. Its use is not been trouble free in continental system.

More experiences, information, professionals are needed to create a final scientific notion about PPP.