
Publikált ez után
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Keresési eredmények

  • On Law as a Multidisciplinary Phenomenon
    Megtekintések száma:

    The article introduces the limits of conceptual analysis of law, and the possibilities of functional and multidisciplinary approaches to law. It sketches some stations of the history of legal philosophy emphasizing spreading multidisciplinary tendencies of the philosophy of law. It illuminates some connection of various scientific approaches on the basis of a concrete research relating to the religious roots of Roman law. Finally it outlines vertical and horizontal structures of multidisciplinary legal research, which are based on the ontological levels of reality and special scientific interests.

  • Az alkotmánybíráskodás elméleti alapjairól
    Megtekintések száma:

    The paper researches preliminarily the problem of norm-control versus social-control. It criticizes the logical and normative approach of Consctitutional Court’s activity, pointing out this function necessarily deals with values. The paper introduces the ideological and historical antecedents of modern institutional norm-control, touching Grecian and early American ideas. The article finally refers spread of Constitutional Courts and some problematical phenomena of Hungarian Constitutional Court's activity.