
The theoretical and practical implications of Criminal Convention regarding the corruption concluded in Strasbourg 1999 upon Romanian legislation


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Sabău-Pop, O. A. (2011). The theoretical and practical implications of Criminal Convention regarding the corruption concluded in Strasbourg 1999 upon Romanian legislation. Debreceni Jogi Műhely, 8(2), 39-44. https://doi.org/10.24169/DJM/2011/2/5

Considering Resolution (58)7 regarding the authorisation of creating of an enlarged partial Agreement, which establishes the Group of States against corruption - GRECO, the Penal Convention regarding Corruption was also issued in January 27, 1999 at Strasbourg (STEN 173), convention which had a decisive impact upon changing the vision of the Romanian legislator regarding aspects concerning the notion of ‘corruption’, both of incriminatory as well as of procedural order.