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  • Elementary Art School of Folk Dance and Music in the Context of Regional Culture-Oriented Schools in Slovakia

    In the study, we present the basic goals, content, strategies and organisational forms of education of the Elementary Art School of Folk Dance and Music in Ružomberok. The basic information about the school is supplemented with the ideas of its founder and the school principal, as well as the photo documentation of this school environment. We analyse this school model in the broader context of elementary regional culture-oriented schools, which began to develop in Slovakia after 1989. In connection with the school reform in 2008, the educational content of such schools was transformed and defined in the State Education Programme in the subject of Regional Education and cross-cutting topic Regional Education and Folk Culture. In addition to other alternative and innovative educational programmes in Slovakia, the regional culture-oriented school represents a domestic model of education, which is based on the historical and cultural peculiarities of individual regions of Slovakia. Despite the uniform name, each school with this orientation can have a unique character expressed in its school curriculum.

  • Exploring the Prerequisites for Transforming School as a Learning Organization

    The organization model has shifted from treating the workforce as machines to improving human centricworking environments. The Learning Organization is conceptualized as an organism that evolves through continuous learning to adapt with a constantly changing environment. School is a typical organization and many scholars argued to reconceptualize school as a learning organization. The Integrated Model of School as a Learning Organization (Kools & Stoll, 2016)) has been widely studied and tested in European schools, particularly in Wales. However, there is a gap in the research needed to understand the prerequisites of SLO transformation and thus to better prepare for reform. To explore the prerequisites of SLO, a researcher applies a qualitative approach to purposely collect secondary data from the eight empirical studies in Wales, Greece, Latvia, Spain, Bulgaria, Türkiye, and Italy. To conduct data analysis, a data coding strategy is employed to create the prerequisites and assign them to the main themes- System Level and School Level. To achieve the SLO transformation, the researcher then recommends a systematic reform that involves the education stakeholders, both at system level and at school level - to put forward the practice of the SLO seven actionoriented dimensions. Further meta-analysis research is recommended to widen the scope of conceptualizing antecedents of SLO transformation.