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  • Lokalizációs és identifikációs technikák a modernizálódó Alföldön 1900 körül
    Megtekintések száma:

    In Hungarian the word ’local’ refers to a somewhat inferior and subordinated term correlated to national identity. Therefore, local identity is handled as merely a subnational category. However, if we speak of local identity as a historic phenomenon, it can be seen as a directly inaccessible category which once implied notions of networks and extensively interacted with the national identity itself. The towns on the Great Hungarian Plain experienced rapid urbanisation and social change in the second half of the 19th century that arose the question regarding the identities of the inhabitants. Many archaic, local rites were still in use, yet under the aegis of modernisation new, general values became universal. In these circumstances people sought the best forms to express their thoughts, mentality and vernacular while living a modern lifestyle. Their demand for regional orientation has not been studied yet. Researching these historic practices, long forgotten rituals and traditions may overwrite the way we now think of these as simple juxtapositions. e history of these techniques of localisation and identi€cation goes far beyond the subnational perspective. These traditions, that are considered to be of local importance, help us understand social, artistic and architectural changes. us the history of urbanisation, especially the urbanisation of the country, which is oen told eschatologically, can be better understood.