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  • Transz-Atlantik: Egy Gombrowicz-regény két magyar fordításáról
    Megtekintések száma:

    Grácia Kerényi started working on Gombrowicz’s Trans-Atlantyk a˜er translating Ferdydurke, but the work was completed by Irén Fejér. “is Hungarian version is considered poor, so Gábor Körner re-translated the novel anew. “e differences between the two translations can be shown by the expression of two key concepts: ojczyzna (Vaterland) and synczyzna (Kinderland). While the first translation presents the equivalents of the French version: pátria, fitria, although the latter does not make sense; the second (Gábor Körner) rather showcases przetlumaczyl jako hazafiúság and lazafiúság. “e novel is modelled on Jan Chryzostom Pasek’s Baroque memoir, Gábor Körner found stylistic equivalents in the Hungarian Baroque tradition and in examples of archaic stylisation found in contemporary Hungarian literature.

  • Nyelvi rétegek, kulturális kódok, térképzetek Jevgenyij Vodolazkin Laurosz és Brisbane című regényeiben
    Megtekintések száma:

    The paper comprehensively interprets two novels by one of the most acclaimed Russian authors, Eugene Vodolazkin, which were published in Hungarian as well. The author of the article – as the Hungarian translator of the two texts – interprets Vodolazkin’s works as the particular meeting place of various cultural codes. Including some of the aspects of postcolonialist literary criticism he concludes that the latent imperial point of view in the novels – due to the diversity of cultural codes – cannot be transferred into the translation.