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  • Tengerek, szigetek, mítosz: A kortárs magyar gyerekpróza antikvitásképe
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    The aim of the article is to give a panoramic view about the reception of ancient culture in contemporary Hungarian children’s literature. Because of the almost total disappearance of Latin and Greek instruction from secondary school education, the only way to present Antiquity to this generation is through literature, which carries genuine aesthetic and ethic messages. This analysis focuses on short stories and novels written in the last decade for children aged 8-12, highly influenced by the international trends of films and computer games which adapt Greek mythology for a popular entertaining narration (see the detective stories of F. Lenk or the action thriller series Percy Jackson by R. Riordan). The works analysed (Ida and the Golden Fleece by K. Baráth, Csoda and Kósza by Z. Czigány, the Siren-episode of J. Berg’s Rumini, Diabaz the Thunderbolt-throwing by E. Szakács, The Garden of Malena by K. R. Molnár), on the contrary, offer the up-to-date versions of Greek myths retold in a poetic or humorous register. Making the children acquinted by the most important elements of greco-roman culture, by the transmission of the humaniora, they help as well to create a humanistic attitude.

  • Tradíció, modernitás, inzuláris írás: Roland Barthes Athénben
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    En Grèce, one of the early essays of Barthes published in 1944 and based on his summer trip with the Groupe de Théâtre antique of Sorbonne in 1937, is a remarkable amalgam of enthusiasm and repugnance towards Ancient and Modern Greece. The novelty of the text can be seen one part in its fragmentary way of writing which announces the future courte écriture Barthesian: the sequence is formed by ten short units detached from each other, where the alternation of description and narration realizes a circle of textual islands. On the other part, the piece astonishes by its naturalistic and disrespectful tone which highly differs from traditional philhellénisme. From the Romanticism on, Greece is considered by France as the noble cradle of Western civilisation, the two countries respect each other as main sources of liberty, knowledge and arts. |is sense of kinship and mutual affinity can be detected also in the Parisian review Le voyage en Grèce published in 1934-1939 and realized by the main figures of French Avant-garde, whose view of Greece is, of course, influenced by Nietzsche as well. |e approach of young Barthes, student of classical philology, is remarkably different from this modern perception of Greece as well. |e aim of the study, focusing on the chapters Athens and Museums, Statues, is to shed light on the religious and metapoetical background of this text full of elliptic references to literary criticism and personal poetical initiation.

  • Seneca már (megint) nem a régi: A young adult fantasy és az antikvitás az Időfutár tükrében
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    The article examines antiquity in the most successful young adult novel series in recent times, Időfutár. The text, which intertwines the genres of fantasy and alternative historical fiction, is built upon parallel time-travelling narrative schemes, the pathos of quest fantasy is replaced by absurd humor, Greek mythology by Roman history and some classical literary models. The plot takes place during Nero’s reign and it interweaves ancient artifacts and Latin literature with state-of-the-art scientific and technical developments, to create the symbiosis of modernity and antique culture. This bears an even more significant message in the era when the ancient languages and cultures, which provide the basis of European intellect, lose importance globally.

  • Kortárs Médeia kamaszoknak: (Marie Goudot: Médée, la Colchidienne)
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    Médée, la Colchidienne (Medea the Colchian woman) is a novel written for adolescents by the French Hellenist and writer Marie Goudot, published in 2002. Rooted in the still very rich French literary tradition about the princess, the novel of Goudot seems to adhere to a particular way of interpretation of the myth. This one considers the well-known portrait of Medea, an infanticide witch, as a Euripidean forgery conceived to destroy the originally highly positive image of the wise-woman and benevolent healer. One of the most important representatives of this rehabilitating lecture is Medea. Stimmen, a German novel published in 1996 by Christa Wolf, strongly influenced by psychoanalysis and feminism. The aim of the present article is twofold. Firstly, we would like to investigate the Wolfian inspiration of the French novel. Secondly, we examine the special role attributed to children in the narrative, and the complexity of mother-child relation in the novel by which Goudot is able to add a new aspect to our traditional way of thinking about Medea.