Évf. 62 szám 1–2 (2023): Bioepika

Megjelent November 9, 2023

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  • Szerkesztői előszó
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    Folyóiratunk legfrissebb lapszáma olyan előadások tanulmánnyá bővített változatát tartalmazza, melyek eredetileg a Biopoétika a 20–21. századi magyar prózában című, 2022. szeptember 22–23-án Debrecenben megtartott konferencián hangoztak el. Az írások célja, hogy feltérképezzék a modern magyar próza biopoétikai tendenciáit: azaz, egy új keletű szóalkotással élve, bioepikaként olvassák az elmúlt közel száz év néhány meghatározó alkotását. 

  • Az emberi élet határai Kosztolányi Dezső Tengerszem című kötetében
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    ‚The last collection of short stories by Dezső Kosztolányi, Tengerszem (Mountain Lake, 1936), repeatedly raises the question of where the boundaries of human life are and how human beings can be defined. In the context of natural affects and mechanical existence, the book questions the privileged position commonly attributed to humanity. As human and nonhuman actors o†en intertwine in the narratives, life can only be understood as part of a complex constellation. Consequently, the structure of the short stories involves different perspectives, which also serves to develop a critical approach to the homogeneous interpretations of human dignity.

  • Az anya és a nyelv: Az Esti Kornél harmadik fejezetének biopoétikai összefüggéseiről
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    Th“e third chapter of Kosztolányi’s volume of short stories is oŸften considered to be a coming of age story, in which the eighteen-year-old protagonist’s train journey symbolizes his transformation from a child into an autonomous and independent subject. My interpretation attempts to undermine this reading through exploring the various roles family relations play in the narrative. Although Esti leaves his biological mother behind in the beginning of his adventure, I argue that his story remains centred around the of image of the mother(s); he is surrounded by mother figures and figurations of maternity. Via presenting the mouth simultaneously as an organ of eating, feeding, speaking, and kissing, Kosztolányi’s writing explores the intimate, corporeal, somatic aspect of language shared by the mother and the child. However, the frequent references to school, classical authors and foreign tongues (Latin, Greek, Italian, French) also display language as an external medium of reading, writing and memorizing. “ese two aspects – in parallel with the biological and metaphorical understandings of motherhood – turn out to be inseparable in Kosztolányi’s work.

  • Táj és ember viszonya: Biológiai burjánzás Szentkuthy Miklós Fejezet a szerelemről című regényében
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    In this paper I will focus mainly on the biopoetic aspects of Miklós Szentkuthy’s novel, Chapter on Love. In his novel, Szentkuthy creates an intense rhetorical web of biological metaphors and imagery, also elaborates a specific literary language, a unique world of fiction, in which the boundaries between man and nature are blurred or, on the contrary, even sharpened. ™e novel, like many of Szentkuthy’s works, uses a theoretical, philosophical vision to approach the experience of elementary perception. I examine the narrator’s interpretation of the individual’s relationship to the larger biological processes, and how the text creates a kind of visual and rhetorical forest.

  • Az egerek népétől a geometriai progresszióig: Kafka és Mészöly
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    Th–e paper analyses Franz Kafka’s Josephine the Singer, or the Mouse Folk and Miklós Mészöly’s A Report On Five Mice, examining the modulations of the traditional genre of the animal fable in both works, and its relation to the narratological structure and the narrative language of the texts, seeking an answer to the question of how non-human existence can be expressed in human language.

  • „Mélyedés az agyagban”: Biopoétika és nyomolvasás Nemes Nagy Ágnes prózai írásaiban
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    œThe paper discusses the prose writings of Ágnes Nemes Nagy. œThe thematic focus of these texts, which form a peripheral part of the oeuvre, is the representation of nature, and thus their examination can nuance the insights into landscape poetics. In the context of the posthumous work Az öt fenyő, which bears traces of crime fiction and the Künstlerroman, the article attempts to answer the question how the relationship between nature and man (the notion of the sublime nature), the interpersonal relationships between people, and the inclusion of images and ekphrasis can provide solutions to the investigation. œThe paper interprets the tale of “Felicián vagy a tölgyfák tánca” from the perspective of ecological crisis and ecocritical content.

  • Tranzitusok, exitusok és modulációk: Átmenetek a Sinistra körzetben
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    The networked narrative complexities of Bodor texts are achieved by variations and iterations, and this is especially the case with the intricately written Sinistra körzet. This allows for the kind of alinear reading that makes possible the cross-referencing of the different textual levels (e.g. a plot point, a description, or a phrase uttered by a character) as well as the self-reflexive correlation of textual elements and speech events that otherwise appear in separate contexts. This means that the text opens itself up to additional semantic possibilities and self-representational shi”fting. The character and landscape descriptions in Bodor oft”en have the marked effect of blurring the lines between humans, animals, plants, and objects, thereby creating a rich field of metaphorical relations and modulations that venture into the ironic and the grotesque. Humans are substituted/reattributed as animalistic via the act of naming, in order to garner a sense of uniqueness, of the unknown, of the alien, but at the same time this substitution brings about both the annihilation and the familiarization of what is human. is paper explores the textual semiosis of Bodor texts through close readings, focusing on characterization (e.g. “vörös kakas”) and on soundscape descriptions which include the mixing of biophonic and antropophonic sounds. e narrative is “unreliable” and the speech events are idiomatic, resulting in a performative textual worlding and a grotesque-absurd modality that never quite become thetical. In Bodor, the transitions/transformations resist being allegorized.

  • Földút haza? A természet szerepe A rög gyermekei elbeszéléstechnikájában
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    Th‹e aim of the article is to analyse the relationship between nature and the nature of narration in Imre Oravecz’ trilogy. Since the representation of nature and the depiction of landscapes play a prominent role in the author's novels, their poetic effects must also be considered. ‹The crucial question of the last novel is whether agriculture as a way of life can be sustained on another continent. ‹The paper therefore examines how agriculture and the relationship between humans and nature are presented in the trilogy.

  • Fürjek és akácok: Fluktuáló otthonosság és idegenség a Kaliforniai fürjben
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    An important problem of Imre Oravecz’s trilogy is the relationship between man and nature. This brief analyses concentrates only on two motifs and provide a more detailed interpretation of a few short passages of the text, which show striking motivic and structural similarities and seem to be organized in a way that they interpret each other. The problem of the ’quail’, which is also the title of the volume, is one of the most important elements of a rather complex web of references. It signifies (often in a proleptic way) the changes occurring in the relationship between human and nature, domesticity and strangeness, community and individual, or even father and son. In order to gain a clearer picture of the novel’s fractal-like motivic structure, I concentrate on the episodes in which István encounters quails and point out that in each case, the birds are associated with similar feelings and emotions by the language of narration.

  • Testpraktikák enumerációja és az önértés dilemmái: (Tompa Andrea: Fejtől s lábtól)
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    The story of Andrea Tompa’s novel takes place in Transylvania in the first decades of the 20th century. In the first half of the novel both protagonists are medical students, in the second half they are practicing doctors. œrough using them as first-person narrators, the writer had the opportunity to use many of the discourses of medicine. Thœis article analyses how they are implemented into the language of the novel and the way they can sometimes function on a metaphorical level. Furthermore, I examine how these discourses represent the change in the way modern humans relate to their own bodies and the bodies of the others.

  • Hallgatás három nyelven: (Molnár T. Eszter: Teréz, vagy a test emlékezete)
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    Molnár T. Eszter’s Teréz, vagy a test emlékezete operates with three first person narrators, each originating from the same childhood trauma: the main character was abused as a child and she has never been allowed to talk about what happened. Restriction of speech appears not only in the lives of the three women but also in the mode of narration itself. Language, speaking, identity and body are intertwined on the level of the story as well as through intertextual associations and intermediary constellations, such as the use of a nursery rhyme or collages made of dictionaries.

  • Környezet és humántudomány: Az Environmental Humanities alapvetéseiről, céljairól, kiemelt kutatásairól röviden
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    Environmental Humanities has emerged as a discipline that seeks to explore aspects of ecological relations that have not been analysed (or are not possible to be analysed) by the natural sciences. ™The enquiry carried out in this particular field must be done by using the toolkit of the humanities in order to gain a better understanding of the current ecological problems. Th™e paper aims to provide an overview of this field of research with special attention to exploring its historical antecedents and presenting its basic philosophical concepts. It also identifies the most important publications of the field and refers to textbooks, studies, and the system of journals. ™is introductory study tries to open up the discourse on the possibilities offered by the humanities that can contribute to solving (or soothing) the above mentioned environmental issues.