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  • „Van másféle híre, de miért nem hangosabb?”: A debreceniség mintázatairól – Meliustól Téreyig
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    In the first decades of the 21st century Debrecen is once again preoccupied with the question of its existence, as in this time period a number of major conferences were devoted to the overview of the city’s cultural media and media representations (arts, mass culture, tourism), moreover, with the survey of its local identity, local economy, contemporary arts and popular culture. The conference, titled A debreceniség mintázatai: Városi identitás és a lokális emlékezet rétegei a kora újkortól napjainkig (Patterns of Debrecenness: Layers of Urban Identity and Local Memory from Early Modern Era to the Present), organised by the Hungarian Memory Places Research Team of the Institute of Hungarian Literature and Culture at the University of Debrecen in January 2018 was also part of this series of conferences. The conference, starting out from the discourse of memory place archaeology but also including the present, questioned the diverse Debrecen-representations’ potential to form identity. The 9th volume of the esteemed series, Loci Memoriae Hungaricae, collected the materials of this colourful and efficient discussion. This complex interdisciplinary and inter-artistic volume is separated into five major segments: starting with the stereotypes, the systematic discussion of the concept of „debreczeniség”/debreceniség (Debrecenness) and the effect of the culture creating force of reformed Protestantism, through the interpretations of literary representations, urban texts, and social history-historiographic interconnections, finishing with the descriptions of the architecture of recent past and present, and urban marketing. The present review, now extended into a study, responds to the papers included in the volume by maintaining an animated discussion with them.

  • Tranzitusok, exitusok és modulációk: Átmenetek a Sinistra körzetben
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    The networked narrative complexities of Bodor texts are achieved by variations and iterations, and this is especially the case with the intricately written Sinistra körzet. This allows for the kind of alinear reading that makes possible the cross-referencing of the different textual levels (e.g. a plot point, a description, or a phrase uttered by a character) as well as the self-reflexive correlation of textual elements and speech events that otherwise appear in separate contexts. This means that the text opens itself up to additional semantic possibilities and self-representational shi”fting. The character and landscape descriptions in Bodor oft”en have the marked effect of blurring the lines between humans, animals, plants, and objects, thereby creating a rich field of metaphorical relations and modulations that venture into the ironic and the grotesque. Humans are substituted/reattributed as animalistic via the act of naming, in order to garner a sense of uniqueness, of the unknown, of the alien, but at the same time this substitution brings about both the annihilation and the familiarization of what is human. is paper explores the textual semiosis of Bodor texts through close readings, focusing on characterization (e.g. “vörös kakas”) and on soundscape descriptions which include the mixing of biophonic and antropophonic sounds. e narrative is “unreliable” and the speech events are idiomatic, resulting in a performative textual worlding and a grotesque-absurd modality that never quite become thetical. In Bodor, the transitions/transformations resist being allegorized.