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  • „Hogy a’ Posteritas meg-tudgya, kicsoda […] Idvezült Czeglédi István”: Köleséri Sámuel és az első református vértanú

    An outstanding work of controversial early modern theological literature in Hungary, Sion vára (Fortress of Zion) was published in 1675, as a posthumous book of István Czeglédi, the excellent Calvinist preacher of Kassa, Upper Hungary. For several reasons, this volume can be interpreted as the part of the publishing programme of Mihály Veresegyházi Szentyel’s press in Kolozsvár (Transylvania) in the decade of persecution (persecutio decennalis) of Hungarian Protestants. On the one hand, the book provided the victims of the Counter-Reformation with a protective armour and boosted resistance. On the other hand, recalling the author’s course of life and the series of tribulations he had suffered, this book also offered an example for the ones in despair. Sámuel Köleséri Sen., editor of the volume, used the opportunities that the title offered ingeniously: he relies both on mournful and combative rhetoric, a typical feature of the texts written during the decade of persecution, focussing on the narrative of Protestant martyrdom.