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  • „Mélyedés az agyagban”: Biopoétika és nyomolvasás Nemes Nagy Ágnes prózai írásaiban

    œThe paper discusses the prose writings of Ágnes Nemes Nagy. œThe thematic focus of these texts, which form a peripheral part of the oeuvre, is the representation of nature, and thus their examination can nuance the insights into landscape poetics. In the context of the posthumous work Az öt fenyő, which bears traces of crime fiction and the Künstlerroman, the article attempts to answer the question how the relationship between nature and man (the notion of the sublime nature), the interpersonal relationships between people, and the inclusion of images and ekphrasis can provide solutions to the investigation. œThe paper interprets the tale of “Felicián vagy a tölgyfák tánca” from the perspective of ecological crisis and ecocritical content.