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  • Egy hallgatás története – gyerekirodalom: (Oravecz Imre: Máshogy mindenki más, 1979, 1996, 2018)

    The study attempts to expound the history of reception of Imre Oravecz’s book Máshogy mindenki más (Everyone Is Different in a Different Way). Oravecz published his third book (the first edition) in 1979. From a historical and explicitly YA perspective it was treated as a silent achievement, because this volume has almost disappeared among the other books of the author. However, this is not only important in the context of the author’s oeuvre, but also in the Hungarian children’s literature research. This study tries to examine the central role of this book with regard to possibilities and problems of the current YA studies. In the context of the rhetorical reading crucial questions may arise, such as the role of canon, the correlation between reading and game.

  • Egy paradoxon ígérete: A lírafogalom változása Borbély Szilárd kritikai munkáiban

    The critical reviews and articles of Borbély Szilárd are collected in the volume Hungarikum-e a líra? The central question of this book is whether the canonical position of Hungarian poetry is relevant or exists at all. Besides the books of certain authors, this volume inquires into different poetical forms, patterns and modifications in the history of Hungarian poetry, which are subordinated to the ideological discourse, beyond the system of literature. In my study I try to reveal the blindness and insights of Borbély’s reading, and moreover I try to show how the foregoing ideological figure, which Borbély tried to eliminate, can be basically rewritten into Borbély’s concept by the arrestive paradox that constitutes the structures and methods of his book. Hence I attempt to reveal ’Borbély’s unique voice’ that configures the language and narrative technique of his book. My aim was to present the merits of his volume and find its place in the author’s oeuvre.

  • Földút haza? A természet szerepe A rög gyermekei elbeszéléstechnikájában

    Th‹e aim of the article is to analyse the relationship between nature and the nature of narration in Imre Oravecz’ trilogy. Since the representation of nature and the depiction of landscapes play a prominent role in the author's novels, their poetic effects must also be considered. ‹The crucial question of the last novel is whether agriculture as a way of life can be sustained on another continent. ‹The paper therefore examines how agriculture and the relationship between humans and nature are presented in the trilogy.