
Földút haza? A természet szerepe A rög gyermekei elbeszéléstechnikájában

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Pataki, V. (2023). Földút haza? A természet szerepe A rög gyermekei elbeszéléstechnikájában. Studia Litteraria, 62(1–2), 77–86. https://doi.org/10.37415/studia/2023/62/13475

The aim of the article is to analyse the relationship between nature and the nature of narration in Imre Oravecz’ trilogy. Since the representation of nature and the depiction of landscapes play a prominent role in the author's novels, their poetic effects must also be considered. The crucial question of the last novel is whether agriculture as a way of life can be sustained on another continent. The paper therefore examines how agriculture and the relationship between humans and nature are presented in the trilogy.