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  • Kortárs novella az irodalomórán: Tóth Krisztina Pixel című kötetének értelmezési lehetőségei
    Megtekintések száma:

    In secondary school literary education contemporary Hungarian literature directly appears at the end of 12th grade. Pixel by Krisztina Tóth can be an exceptionally interesting reading for students with its thematic emphases like social taboos and the proposal of the stereotypes of city life. This paper sets out to introduce the interpretational possibilities that were the outcome of the teaching process. Besides the interpretation of the volume composition based upon contemporary reception, I also propose methodological objectives that, if applied to certain texts, can help teacher trainees use the perspective system of narratopoetics in a reflected way. This paper wishes to explore short story series as interpretational possibility, as well as the understanding of certain excerpts taken out of the text based upon narrative position and logic, metaphoric storytelling, and the plot constructing dynamics of certain motifs.

  • Az emlékezet helyei a kultúratudományok térbeli fordulatának aspektusából
    Megtekintések száma:

    Die Verortung von Gedächtnis, hg. Csáky Moritz, Peter Stachel, Wien, Passagen Verlag, 2001.