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  • Kontroll és definíció: Médeia monológja Ovidius Metamorphosesében
    Megtekintések száma:

    Medea’s monologue (Ov. Met. 7, 11–71) is the first fully dramatic soliloquy in Ovid’s Metamorphoses and as such has been regarded as the prototype for other dramatic speeches in the poem. The monologue opens the long Ovidian Medea-episode and is in close dialogue with the intertextual tradition regarding Medea. This paper seeks to show how control plays a key role in the monologue both in Medea’s battle with herself and as part of her self-reflection. In my new reading, the moment of definition is central both to the epistemological process by which Medea understands her situation, and to the ethical considerations connected to her decision.

  • A Tinószemű, Kirké és az „istenek”: Borbély Szilárd Bukolikatájban című kötetének antik vonatkozásai
    Megtekintések száma:

    Szilárd Borbély’s (1963–2014) collection of poems, Bukolikatájban (In a Bucolic Land), was published posthumously, eight years after the author’s death. In this collection, Borbély creates a bucolic world of his own, which is closely linked to the literary space known from his novel Nincstelenek (The Dispossessed). ”The aim of this study is to investigate the relationship of the collection to the oeuvre and to address the question of genre. ”The essay focuses on the role of the “gods”: the meaning of this word oscillates between man-gods and ‘actual’ gods, thereby creating a complex semantic game throughout the poems. By analysing the role of some specific mythological figures, the paper shows that the relationship of Borbély’s long poems to the tradition of idyll is ambivalent.