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  • Identitás és differencia között: Állat az irodalomban: Kosztolányi Dezső kutyája
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    In my study the focus is on those literary works by Dezső Kosztolányi in which an animal, specifically a dog, appears. i am analysing a work of prose and a lyrical text – Hattyú halála (Dying Swan) and Hattyú kutyám… (Swan, my dog…). in order to do that, it is crucial to first discuss the ontological and cultural historical role of the animal, the relation of human and animal, the literary theoretical and literary historical aspect, as well as the literary representation of the questions regarding the animal. Since these questions are quite recent in the area of Hungarian literary studies, they require clarification, although here it might necessarily be in less detail. Therefore, the first part of this study is about the questions raised above, and only after that does it proceed with the actual analyses of texts. My aim is to provide an insight into how the animal and the literary text, the historical-cultural and the linguistic dimensions can be integrated into literary reading, and how the topic of the animal can be interpreted regarding the chosen works by Kosztolányi.

  • Varázstalanul: Vázlat a kortárs szerelmi költészet egy szólamáról
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    In my paper I provide an overview of the theme of love in contemporary Hungarian poetry. My investigation reveals a shiŸft in love poetry that is partly grounded in the latest decades’ socio-political tendencies in the global West and is partly connected to a broader transformation in the language of love as well. The paper offers two close readings as examples of the tendencies outlined above: one that interprets Márton Simon’s poem Életünk napjai and another one focusing on Tímea Turi’s poem Fontosabb dolgok.

  • Írni és megélni: Sajtóipar, mecenatúra és a gazdasági szabadságfok kérdése a magyar irodalmi modernségben
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    In the first one third of my paper, I pursue the analysis of the changes in connection with literary mediation’s possibilities in the late 19th century. In this analysis I overview the press’s expansion processes in relation to the shock that the exclusivity of book suffers around this period. Then, continuing with the analysis of the literary creation’s conditions of possibility, I investigate the patronage and the function of the Baumgarten Foundation. Ce paper ends with an analysis of the modern writer’s degree of freedom.