
Historia Ecclesiae Evangelicae […] tredecim oppidis Scepusii (1830): Munyay Antal Lajos munkája a szepesi evangélikusok történetéről

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Voigt, V. (2012). Historia Ecclesiae Evangelicae […] tredecim oppidis Scepusii (1830): Munyay Antal Lajos munkája a szepesi evangélikusok történetéről. Studia Litteraria, 51(3–4), 259–266. https://doi.org/10.37415/studia/2012/51/4052

This study analyses a book which was published in 1830 in Halberstadt (Kingdom of Prussia) by Carolus Brüggeman: Historia Ecclesiae Evangelicae Augustanae Confessioni addictorum in Hungaria universe; precipue vero in Tredecim Oppidis Scepusii. The author, Antal Lajos Munyay, a Lutheran preacher whose name did not appear in the book, interpreted the history of the Lutherans of the county of Szepes (comitatus Scepusiensi) from the Reformation to the nineteenth century. Munyay did not mention the word “martyr” even in the context of the Protestan persecutions of the 1670s. The present study thus tries to disclose the reasons for this surprisingly neutral narrative of early modern Lutheran history in Upper Hungary.