A fiatal prózaíró Kosztolányi kötetkompozíciós megoldásainak nyomában: (Kosztolányi Dezső: Beteg lelkek)
Hogyan hivatkozzuk
In my work, i examine the collection of short stories titled Beteg lelkek by Dezső Kosztolányi, published in 1912; searching for proof for my theory, in which i propose that Beteg lelkek is the result of Kosztolányi’s conscious and thorough composition of the book. Based on the results of the literature fundamentally connected to the topic, on the one hand the importance of colours as symbols will be revised in some short stories, on the other hand, the seven short stories of the collection will be examined focusing on the topic of sickness regarding as the central theme. During my work, besides examining the history and theory of literature, i also use some writings of cultural history and psychology, connected to the matter; this method is requested by the title as well as by the topic of the short stories that give the substance of the collection. In some chapters, i also mention the results of the philology researches in connection to the oeuvre of Kosztolányi, and i try to focus on the challenges raised by the examination and complexity of the sources in connection with Kosztolányi.