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  • The Outlines of Meaning’s Analysis of Social Phenomena in the Concept of S. L. Frank
    14 p.

    The present paper deals with the problem of how cultural meanings are perceived in S. L.
    Frank’s social theory. His conception lies between two main paths of sociological thought:
    Durkheim’s cognition of social facts as objective phenomena on the one hand, and Weber’s
    cognition of subjective meanings of personal actions, on the other. In his theory Frank concentrates
    on the concept of objective forming idea-force, which resembles the concept of
    social fact in its quality of exerting pressure on individual consciousness and volition, but it
    should be brought into harmony with interpretive methodology. In Frank’s view social ideas
    are regarded as a force forming social relations and therefore lie in the foundation of social
    institutions. These are, for example, ideas of state, of family, of friendship and so on. Social
    ideas are connected with the consciousness of the individual by their moral force. That is
    why such ideas are accepted by the individual at the emotional level of his spiritual life,
    because they believe that these ideas are true and organize their meanings and activities according
    to them. Thus social meanings of moral good or evil in human relations and in the
    social structure arise. At the same time they signify the emergence of sacred phenomena in
    society. Human beings, according the Frank’s theory, have an internal need to be possessed
    by the sacred senses that give them the feeling of the participation in the implementation of
    the transcendent goals. Society is an objective living idea which provides sacred meanings
    for the individual. On the whole, a society’s life is formed by the historically specific complex
    of ideas that are freely accepted or rejected by individuals and determine their feelings and
    behavior. There is no contradiction between personal freedom, creativity and social structure
    in S. Frank’s theory. The author of the present paperfinds similarities between S.Frank’s ideas
    and the fundamentals of cultural sociology.

  • The chronotope of O. E. Mandelshtam’s Poems about the Unknown Soldier

    The chronotope of O.E. Mandelstam’s Poems about the Unknown Soldier has at least three levels: (1)  the level  of internal time-space as immanent to the subject, the author-hero; this is the level of subjective refraction of events in individual consciousness/thinking; (2) the  level of external time-space: the historical and natural beginning of world life (historical and physical cosmos) in their correlation; here worldly life is presented as if outside any of its perception from the outside, “by itself”; and (3) the mythical-symbolic dimension shining through the other two; the events here are interpreted in their parabolical content, including in the aspect of the philosophy of culture and intertextuality as a kind of “new mythology”.

  • The story Сhildhood as the beginning of Leo Tolstoy’s linguopoetic search

    The paper discusses the most prominent linguistic and poetic techniques in Leo Tolstoy’s story Childhood. Linguistic poetics is understood in a broad sense: with the inclusion of not only linguistic units themselves, but also compositional characteristics, stable plot moves, details of subject expressiveness, and effects on the reader. The evolution of the studied techniques in Tolstoy’s further work is traced.

  • Coping with Trauma: Minority Art Practices in the Context of the New Sensuality of Metamodernism
    7 p.

    The information age has provided new opportunities for the institutionalization and functioning of various subcultural movements including those uniting people by offering them an alternative mental state. The proposed material is analyzed as an example of these associations. The article provides a brief analysis of the historical dynamics of the study of minority art practices and of their role and significance at present. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of Art Brut. Today minority art practices find their new meaning also in the context of the new sensuality of metamodernism, which is based on co-creation. We believe that the
    discourse of outsider art fosters a tolerant consciousness, raising issues of stigma, norm, deviation and internal liberation.