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  • On the Reception of the Poem The Twelve by Aleksandr Blok in German Criticism and Literature Studies of the Past 50 Years

    The article examines the German reception of Alexander Blok’s poem “The Twelve” based on selected criticism and works of literary history published by Slavists, poets and translators during the last fifty years. Analyses and interpretations of the poem are presented in detail, while other post-1917 writings and statements by Blok are also mentioned in order to provide context.

  • Singularity of Novel Discourse in Dostoevsky's The Idiot

    The article examines Dostoevsky's novel discourse as a singular unity in the novel The Idiot. This discourse is dominated by the principle of indeterminacy, and the category of subjectivity is closely connected with the novel model of singularity. The aim of the article is to understand the principles of discursive unity organization in the novel on the level of its basic metaphors. These basic metaphors are "point" and "line".

  • Ekphrasis - Chameleon of Literary studies “Theory and History of Ekphrasis: Results and Prospects of Study” Siedlce, 2018
    9 p.

    This article aims to highlight the various methods in which ekphrasis can be analysed and new interpretations of the phenomenon in the monograph “The Theory and History of Ekphrasis: Results and Prospects of the Study” published for the 15th year anniversary of the previous work “Ekphrasis in Russian Literature” (2002). The articles touch upon the history of the study of ekphrasis, its typology, the dynamics of its functions as well as the poetics of description in the history of literature, theory and classification, including the theme of narratology, and works containing analysis from autobiographical points of view. The novelty of the monograph is that it also includes contemporary fiction which provides an excellent opportunity to redefine and reinterpret the phenomenon.

  • The Current Status of Corpus Linguistics in Russian Linguistics (Shuneyko, A. A. : Корпусная лингвистика. Учебник для вузов. 2020. Moscow, Yurayt ISBN 978-5-534-13603-6)

    Corpus linguistics is a relatively new, however rapidly developing area of linguistics. Nevertheless, the methodology of corpus research and its results are scarcely applied in current linguistic research. In the present article a short overview of the history of corpus linguistics is given. The difficulties of the development and spreading of this discipline in Russia is also described. A brief outline of Russian textbooks on corpus linguistics is also provided with special focus on Shuneyko’s latest work.

  • The Hungarian reception of Dostoevsky until the 1920s in the context of European and Hungarian Modernism

    This paper deals with the questions Dostoevsky’s reception in Hungary in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The author investigates the growing interest in Dostoevsky in the context of the new trends of art and literature and gives a detailed survey of the most characteristic reactions (i.e. reviews, studies, introductions to books) about the new translations and editions of Dostoevsky’s works. Among the most relevant questions addressed arestereotypes about Russian culture and people, living in Hungary duringthe past centuries, the various interpretations of Crime and Punishment, and some comparative aspects in the analyses of this novel.

  • "React with Cobra's Speed to Everyday Life" On the Trap of Actuality - Andrzej Stasiuk's Beskidy and World Chronicles (2018)
    11 p.

    The goal of the paper is to analyze and depict the essays written by Polish contemporary
    author Andrzej Stasiuk in the wider context of writing strategies. The essays were collected
    in Beskidy and World Chronicles (2018). The paper also deals with Stasiuk's "workshop
    comments" about the art of writing and is concerned with author's attitude to changes in social,
    cultural and political life. Stasiuk searches for harmony and calmness. What he writes
    about is not topicalities but universal themes: nature, philosophy of living, everyday life.
    All that he can see in mass media is very strange and outlandish for him, while he looks for
    eternal values, describing chaos in modern world.

  • Aglaya Returns Home, The Mystery of The Apocryph of Aglaia. Ed. by Elena Kozmina. INTMEDIA, Yekaterinburg 2020, 231 pp. ISBN 978-5-6040560-8-0

    This collection of studies is a unique example of a collective monograph written by Russian, Polish and Hungarian scholars on a contemporary Polish literary work. The novel by Jerzy Sosnowski entitled Aglaia’s Apocrypha is an ideal subject of analysis because of its complicated narrative structure, multilevel composition and genre complexity. The authors of the studies describe the connections between the storytellers and the author, define the context of the novel both in high and popularculture. Some of them represent the best traditions of Russian poetics of prose. Jerzy Sosnowski began his career as a literary critic and literary historian, he was an influential interpreter and promoter of the new tendencies in the Polish literature of the eighties.When he became a prosewriter, he followed the new aesthetic trend of Polish postmodernism. Jerzy Sosnowski as the author of a novel written about an erotic cyborg, its/her admirer and the operator was a forerunner of posthumanism.

  • An insight into Russian history from the Middle Ages to the present: Tamás Krausz,Klára Radnóti and Endre Sashalmi (eds.): Apologia Historiographiae: Az orosz történelem évszázadai[Apologia Historiographiae: Centuries of Russian history]. Budapest, Martin Opitz Kiadó, 2023. Pp. 557. ISBN: 978-615-6388-37-7

    The collection of studies presented in the volume is a scholarly and informative compilation celebrating the birthday of Professor Gyula Szvák. It publishes new research results by Hungarian scholars into the historical past of the Central and Eastern European Slavic peoples and Russians. The volume is thematically rich, with short studies on the medieval Mongol rule, the political ambitions of the Russian Empire, the Soviet Union, and many other topics. The value of the book lies in the fact that the editors have made it possible – with a view to completeness – to present analyses by outstanding Hungarian representatives of the discipline of Russian Studies.

  • Bugs, Burrow, Inquisitor: Dostoevskian Intertexts in Eyeless in Gaza

    The present article is devoted to the discussion of intertextual connections between Aldous Huxley’s Eyeless in Gaza (1936) and three works by Dostoevsky: Notes from the Underground(1864), Crime and Punishment (1869) and The Brothers Karamazov (1880, Grand Inquisitor scene). As is well-known, the Dostoevskian novel of ideas was a major inspiring force for Aldous Huxley’s art: Huxley’s rewriting of the Grand Inquisitor episode in Brave New World (1932) is probably the best-known case in point. Nonetheless, insufficient critical attention has been devoted to the actual intertextual connections between the two novelists’ output. As I have demonstrated earlier, on closer inspectionPoint Counter Point (1928) turns out to be a rewriting of Devils (1872), which, however, alsoproves to be a low point in Huxley’s assessment of Dostoevsky – a companion piece to his incidental vicious critique included in his 1929 essay on Baudelaire, in which Huxley also targets spiritual quest. Let me argue that Eyeless in Gaza can be read as a sequel to that polemic, in which a change of Huxley’s attitude to Dostoevsky is clearly notable: the novel provides a much more subtle and even respectful critique of Dostoevsky by implying the universal relevance of the Dostoevskian underground to the understanding of the modern human condition and by re-embracing spiritual quest.

  • Issues of Translation from Russian to Hungarian and from Hungarian to Russian: Studia Litteraria 2020/1-2, LIX. évfolyam. Orosz irodalom fordításokban. Debrecen 2020, 146 p. HU ISSN 0562-2867

    This review is a content overview of the issue 1-2/2020 of Studia Litteraria, a Journal of Literary and Cultural Studies. This collection of scholarly articles is an excellent material for a varied and comprehensive look at current matters of translation and contemporary literature. The authors of the articles are practicing translators, therefore the general positions are explained through their own, specific works and practical experience. The purpose of this review is to briefly acquaint readers with the content of scholarly papers which have been categorized by topics for convenience.

  • Images of the East in the Short Fiction of Ivan Bunin
    16 p.

    The article examines the images of the East in the short fiction of Ivan Bunin. With the help of the narrative model of Jan van der Eng, consisting of three basic thematic levels (action, characterization, geographical and social setting) we read and arrange the works of Bunin through the prism of postcolonial criticism. On the one hand, we will consider the arguments of traditional postcolonial studies; on the other hand, we will also take into account the postcolonial theory regarding the “second world” (Russia, Eastern and Central Europe).We start our analysis with the texts in which images of the East are only featured on one thematic level, gradually directing our attention towards the short stories in which these images determine the whole semantic structure.

  • The Generational Narrative in Criticism of New Realism

    At the end of the 20th century, New Realism emerged in contrast to postmodern literature. The representatives of this school defined themselves in their manifestoes and critical writings as a generation with the same aesthetic and ideological principles. The anthology of New Russian Criticism, edited by Roman Senchin, is a demonstration of this common action. The present study aims to present how and what elements of this generational consciousness and cultural identity are created, i.e. how thinking about literature has changed.

  • Biblical parallels in Chekhov’s short story Murder

    The paper explores biblical allusions in Anton Pavlovich Chekhov’s short story Murder. It aims not merely to identify certain biblical themes, but, through an analysis of Chekhov’s text and its biblical parallels, to attempt to provide a deeper understanding of the main character’s changing worldview (a question interpreted by researchers in different, often conflicting ways). The paper also points to motivic and semantic connections between the biblical text and the internal struggle of faith that affects Chekhov’s heroes. On one hand, two Old Testament stories from the Book of Genesis are examined: the fratricide of Abel by his brother Cain, and Jacob acquiring first-born status and the paternal blessing instead of his brother Esau, as well as Jacob’s struggle with the angel. On the other hand, certain sections of the New Testament Gospel according to Matthew are explored, as referenced in Murder, which point to two groups of ideas: the argument between Jesus and the Pharisees concerning proper religious practice and the true essence of faith, and Jesus’s allegory about the camel, as well as his words on murder, which both ratify and amend the Ten Commandments. Through the prism of these references, Yakov’s (and also Matvey’s) internal journeys are interpreted as a shift between the law of the Old Testament and the teachings of the New Testament.

  • On the Existence of Expletive Subjects in Russian
    11 p.

    According to traditional grammars, Russian does not contain expletive subjects. However,
    investigations in the generative framework suggest, that the pronoun это with certain
    predicates can be perceived as an expletive subject. The present article gives a short overview
    of previous investigations and aims at providing a unified analysis of constructions with -o
    final adverbial predicates or with the verbs бывать and нравиться.

  • Rácz, Ildikó Mária: A lét és a szerelem szentsége. Ivan Bunyin művészi világképe. L’Harmattan, Budapest 2020, 373 pp. ISBN 978-963-414-681-0

    This review presents a critical analysis of the monograph on Bunin by the Hungarian researcher Ildikó Mária Rácz. The author describes the main thematic blocs of the volume, for example, the influence of classic Russian literature on Bunin (Turgeniev, Tolstoi, Chekhov, and Tiutchev), the role of Eastern philosophy in the evolution of Bunin’s art, the connection between the modern psychological concepts (Freud, Jung) and the short stories as Mitya’s love or The grammar of love.

  • Hungarian–South Slavic film relations: An introduction

    This study is an introduction to a larger work on Hungarian and Southern Slavic film relations. After reviewing the theoretical and conceptual considerations, the paper attempts to interpret the concepts of national film and transnational film, and it also outlines the types of Hungarian–Slovenian, Hungarian–Croatian, and Hungarian–Serbian film relations. Thus, from the Southern Slavic community, the study focuses on Slovenian, Croatian, and Serbian culture and film. Films from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria and Northern Macedonia, and their Hungarian dimensions are also referenced, but the primary focus is the film culture of the three countries neighboring Hungary.

  • The Heritage of Tolstoy’s Artistic Detail in the Poetics of Chekhov (Defamiliarization and „Randomness”)

    One type of the “random Chekhovian detail ”can be referred to as a special cognitive phenomenon arising during the perception of the background and foreground within the depicted perception of the hero. In this paper, I suggest that this technique works if we perceive Chekhov’s laconicity against the detailed descriptions of the inner world of Tolstoy’s characters in the process of their estrangement. In the first part using the example of “War and Peace” I examine the “random” details concerning various features of Tolstoy's defamiliarization and show their transformation in Chekhov’s poetics. The examples from Chekhov’s early short stories “Grisha” and “Polinka” demonstrate an intermediate level of this transformation. In the second part I turn to the story “The Lady with the Dog” and consider the transformation of Tolstoy's technique through parallels with the novels “War and Peace” and “Anna Karenina”. The situation of Gurov and Tolstoy’s characters (Natasha, Prince Andrei, Levin) is similar with regard to the fact that they retain true love in their hearts and get  into an everyday social situation, where they are exposed to the the automatism and lies of everyday life with special intensity.

  • Nowe dwudziestolecie (1989–2009). Rozpoznania, hierarchie, perspektywy [The New Twenties (1989-2009): Recognitions, Hierarchies, Perspectives]. Ed. by Hanna Gosk. Warsaw: Dom Wydawniczy Elipsa, p. 530, ISBN 978-83-7151-873-7

    The volume Nowe dwudziestolecie (1989-2009): Rozpoznania, hierarchie, perspektywy [The new twenties (1989-2009): Recognitions, hierarchies, perspectives] reflects on the twenty years of Polish literature and literary change between 1989 and 2009, and compares and contrasts this period with the twenty years between the two world wars. The two twenty-year periods are linked by the fact that their starting point is associated with a date of immense importance for Polish history: 1918 is the year when Poland was returned on the map of Europe, and 1989 is also the year of the change of regime in Poland. The period between the two world wars is also regarded as a separate period in Polish literary history, while the second twenty years covered in this volume are questionable as a literary unit, a question which the essays in this book seek to answer. The volume is divided into three large sections, the first focusing primarily on theory, the second on Polish characteristics and themes that characterised Polish literature after 1989, and the third large section on the genre characteristics that have characterised Polish literature since the fall of communism to this day but were also important between the two world wars.

  • Metaphors in Lyudmila Ulitskaya’s Short Story ”The Queen of Spades”
    8 p.

    In this paper it opens up how Lyudmila Ulitskaya in her short story “The Queen of Spades”develops the crisis situation whichher heroes getsinto. So, the problems of the crisis should beanalysed also from a broader perspective, however, we will confine ourselves to only one rather narrow aspect of the analysis of poetic utterance, namely the tropological one.The chosen (mechanical and animalistic) metaphors are connected with the figure of the main heroine and also her revolting daughter.

  • Novel-Commentary as a Method of Rethinking the Past and a Form of Authorial Reflection (on the Basis of E. Popov’s „The Real Story of the 'Green Musicians’”)

    The article shows how the genre of the novel-commentary by E. Popov «The Real Story of the Green Musicians” allows the author to evaluate his short story, “The Green Musicians”, written 20 years earlier, on the one hand,and to characterize the entire Soviet epoch, on the other. The pretext commented on, serves as a typical text of the Soviet era, written under the influence of that period: the short story is an excellent example of the review of the Soviet times, while the commentary functions as an independent artistic element of the novel. Also, the article offers a classification of a complex and interconnected system of post-textual notes, which are conditionally divided into several levels. Each level of the commentaries serves Popov’s goal of expressing his attitude towards the Soviet nomenclature, which is the underlying theme of his work.

  • The relationship between Excellent People by Chekhov and the ideological position and artistic attitude in the late short stories of Leo Tolstoy

    In Chekhov and His Prose (first published in 1965), the author, Thomas G. Winner contends that the subject matters of a few of Chekhov’s short stories written in the 1880s (such as «Хорошие люди» [Excellent People]) were created in the spirit of Leo Tolstoy, yet the one called «Несчастье» [Misfortune], written also in 1886, already marked the beginning of a series of texts that can be interpreted directly as “a light parody” of Anna Karenina (1873–1877) as well. The basic question posed here concerns whether there is really a significant difference that can be observed between the above two works and whether they reveal this sharp difference in the reception of Tolstoyan ideas that Winner's monograph suggests. The paper seeks to answer this query on the basis of the interpretation of Excellent People and the textual representation of the issue of goodness. In this analysis, particular attention is given to the way in which Tolstoy's ideas are represented and to the author's poetic choices that bring the text close to Tolstoy's late short stories.

  • Double Russian Lexical Сopies in the Mari Lexicon
    12 p.

    The author aims to reconstruct the phonetic, morphological, semantic and chronological
    peculiarities of three pairs of Mari words (wočko and pečke ‘barrel’, kaďilä and ká·δәn ‘censer’,
    moľo and mŭľo ‘young fish’) borrowed from Russian dialects. She comes to the conclusion
    that they can compose pairs as direct and indirect borrowings, different derivational
    varieties of the same verbal stem or the phonetically resembling Mari representations of two
    etymologically different Russian dialectal words.

  • Language Registers’ Variety and its Implementation in the Commentary Novel The True History of “The Green Musicians”

    The paper examines the tools and techniques Yevgeny Popov uses in his commentary novel The True History of “The Green Musicians", combining various styles and types of speech, thereby assembling a diverse linguistic picture of the Soviet era. Popov destroys the myth created by Soviet ideology and propaganda about the people supporting the government, emphasizing that the people expressed their true attitude towards the Soviet regime through adages, ditties and other genres of folklore. Gathering a broad collection of poems and proverbs, slang and officialese, examples of censorship and self-censorship, the writer gives his assessment of the Soviet totalitarian regime. Implementing a complex system of 888 notes to his early unpublished text, Popov also protests against the totalitarianism of the linear text, thus expressing his position not only at the thematic level of the novel, but also at the level of the novel’s form.