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  • The Internal Sources of the Jews in the Source Material of MNL (Hungarian National Archives) 1760-1848

    The study is focused on the collection and complex analysis of the original, yet unpublished Jewish documents in the feudal source collections of MNL, Hungarian National Archives from the second half of the 18th century until 1848. The search for original internal sources began with a review of government records during the period under review. The collections in the Chancellery Archives, Acta Generalia (A 39) and the Council of Governor-General Archives, Departamentum Judaeorum (C 55) maintain the documents of the first and second instance bodies of the public administration in their relations with the intermediate administrative authorities. The source material in the Chancellery Archives presents mostly records of general affairs, whereas the Departamentum Judaeorum collection of the Council of Governor-General contains Jewish-related issues. In support of the presumptions, the collections are rich in Jewish-related internal, historical sources. The documents allow for a complex analysis of the time, number, geographical distribution, and content of the document collections. The sources contribute to a better understanding of the history of the Jews, their settlement, their economic, cultural, religious life, and their system of relations with Christian society. The document pages present their content to researchers in the wording of the members of contemporaneous Jewish society. Based on the research experience, it can be concluded that the vast majority of the sources come from Pest County, more closely from the town of Pest. Research on these inner sources in the collections of other counties is expedient to increase awareness of Jewish history in the modern Kingdom of Hungary. Therefore, the future goal of the research may be to review the materials of the county archives. It provides an opportunity to compare how the archival material in the national archives is complemented by archival collections from the counties. The development of a database could also be a step forward and could integrate the sources in national and county archives by indicating headings, names, locations, indexes, and short regestas. The available internal source material can refine and enrich the known history of 17-19th century Jews.

  • PR Opportunities for MNL SZSZBML

    Hungarian National Archives Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County Archives is committed not just to preserving historical documents but also to presenting them. With this intention for more than three decades ago there have been started programs to present researchers and researches of our region, as well as to present the most valuable archival documents. Our regular public programs, publications made the Archives’ work well-known. Besides professional partnerships with schools, universities, museums and libraries, we also try to focus on today’s recordcreators and on general public interested in local history. Due to increasing role of computers in delivering and changing data, our Archives runs more websites, uses social media platforms and makes archival documents user-friendly available through databases.

  • Long live generalissimus Stalin! – The first experience of digital storytelling in the Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County Archives of the National Archives of Hungary

    In 2020 Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County Archives of the National Archives of Hungary tried a new form of presenting. In contrast with the previous static posts, this time Institute used the opportunity of modern video making, which can satisfy the needs of today’s audience more successfully. Digital storytelling is such content that is meant to be shared, and is created by the logical connecting of auditory and visual elements. We found it important to place such original archival documents in the centre of the video that are capable of grabbing the attention both with their substance and appearance. The demonstrated documents originate from 1949. They include the texts and drawings of young students, celebrating Stalin’s 70th birthday. These documents can appeal to the interest not only by their spectacular appearance but also by their historical value. The children's words are trustworthy proof for Stalin's personality cult and perfectly reflect the propaganda of the era. The video was published on YouTube.

  • The lessons learned from private document donations in JNSZ County

    Our historical knowledge is based on historians’ research of written documents. These written historical documents are preserved by archives. The biggest of our country’s public collections is the National Archives of Hungary which was established in 2012 by merging the national and county acrhives. For many decades the Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County Archives have collected the administrative documents of the county’s settlements. Various offices, courts, schools and state-owned companies are required by law to submit their records of historical value to the archives after fifteen years. However individuals, associations and parties are not required by law to pass on their private records or photographs to any of the archives. In addition to the official sources the private documents can also provide a number of valuable insights for a more detailed presentation and understanding of history. This bried study shows the changes of private records gifting in JNSZ County, the reasons behind the change, what documents were offered to them and are they important for archival research.

  • Archival opening to the public in JNSZ County: why and how?

    A Magyar Nemzeti Levéltár Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok Megyei Levéltára, más levéltárakhoz hasonlóan, az elmúlt három évtizedben fokozatosan nyitott a társadalom felé. A tanulmány azokra a kérdésekre keresi a választ, hogy Szolnokon hogyan és miért következett be ez a nyitás. A legszegényebb megyék egyikében kis létszámkeret mellett működő közgyűjtemény a gazdasági válság éveiben nem leépítette tevékenységét, hanem új közművelődési projektekkel szakmai és társadalmi elismerést vívott ki magának. Az iratok gyűjtése és a tudományos kutatómunka mellett széles társadalmi kapcsolatokat kiépítő intézmény az országban első levéltárként valósított meg iskolások tanórán kívüli foglalkozásait célzó TÁMOP pályázatot. Sok éves munkával országosan is egyedülálló kapcsolatot épített ki a megye családkutatóival, melynek eredményeként 2017-ben már a második országos családtörténeti konferenciát rendezték meg nagy sikerrel. Időszaki kiállításaival nemcsak a levéltárosok kutatási eredményeit teszi közzé, de mára már a magánszemélyek iratajándékozásait is fellendítette. A levéltár ismertségének és elismertségének növelését nagyban előmozdította, hogy a helyi médiával is szoros kapcsolat épült ki. Bár a megyei levéltárak minisztériumi fenntartás alá kerültek, a levéltárosok továbbra is a helyi lakosság igényeinek kielégítését, a kiépített kapcsolatok megőrzését tekintik elsődleges feladatuknak.

  • Community culture in the National Archives of Hungary Bekes County Archive

    In this essay will present the activity of the community culture in the National Archives of Hungary Bekes County Archive. The new strategy of the opening has started in the middle of the 2000’s. During the review of the results I am focusing on our programs, cultural activities, our educational works with regards to the essencial base from the history. At first since 2006 our annual conferences, our gallery in the head building in Gyula and our temporary exhibitions has been providing insight into our daily works in the archive, our scientific works and it makes visible our collections, the actual documents of our history. We’ve had the opportunities to join to some widespread program both in Bekes County and in the country. In these events we have introduced ourselves to new audiences. Meantime we have built a fruitful relationship with the local and county press, hence besides the coverages from our events we have found a new platforms (newspapers, online media, television) for our cultural activities. Our education activities has formed in line with our other programs. If so our prime purpose is the familiarizaton of our institution to younger ranges but we also have created lessons about specific historical topics based on our documents. Often the groups are spread good reputation on our works, or – like the librarians from the city library – returned. After a visit they ofter asked a lesson on the subject of the actual summer camp for elementary school pupils. Essencally the Bekes County Archive have had a successful past decade. We are looking forward the next period, and trying to stand our’s ground in the fields of the comunity culture which is more and more come to the front in the National Archives of Hungary.

  • „Dusty corpus delictis of the bygone world’s bureaucrats…” Disposal of public records and rescue of documents in the County of Szolnok in 1950s

    Disposal of public records is an ordinary element of document management, which is also practiced nowadays by various organizations. The arrangement of disposal depends on the own records schedules of the offices, authorities and institutions and the County Archives can review this process. was formed for the first time in the Hungarian history in the 1950s, when the government attempted to regulate the integrated order of disposal of public records. However the regulations were not detailed, prudent and therefore appropriate enough,so the officials could hardly distinguish the „long-term value records” and the worthless documents. Furthermore there were local cadres, who did not even know these regulations. At the same time, after the Second World War there was a huge selection of records supported by the government, because of the lack of paper. The main standing-point has become the quantity, independently of the quality of the wasted historical papers. Political aspects also appeared during the process. For example, a newsreel from 1953 promoted the disposal as it was a good opportunity to destroy the „dusty corpus delictis of the bygone world’s bureaucrats” meaning the documents originated before 1945. For these reasons a lot of valuable documents were transported to the Papermill of Szolnok as recyclable raw material. Archivist Antal Szedő wrote several reports on the large amount of important scripts he found there. For example in 1950 Szedő found 2000 kilograms of valuable documents originated from Debrecen from the 18th and 19th century. There were also cases in the County of Szolnok, where councils made irresponsible decisions during the selection. Once archivists found old and estimable documents (including protocols from the 19th century) of Jászalsószentgyörgy, Kenderes and Besenyszög in the By-product and Waste Utilization Company of Szolnok. Unfortunately not all records could be rescued, so probably a lot of relevant ones were destructed in 1950s.


  • „Dusty corpus delictis of the bygone world’s bureaucrats…” Disposal of public records and rescue of documents in the County of Szolnok in 1950s

    Disposal of public records is an ordinary element of document management, which is also practiced nowadays by various organizations. The arrangement of disposal depends on the own records schedules of the offices, authorities and institutions and the County Archives can review this process. was formed for the first time in the Hungarian history in the 1950s, when the government attempted to regulate the integrated order of disposal of public records. However the regulations were not detailed, prudent and therefore appropriate enough,so the officials could hardly distinguish the „long-term value records” and the worthless documents. Furthermore there were local cadres, who did not even know these regulations. At the same time, after the Second World War there was a huge selection of records supported by the government, because of the lack of paper. The main standing-point has become the quantity, independently of the quality of the wasted historical papers. Political aspects also appeared during the process. For example, a newsreel from 1953 promoted the disposal as it was a good opportunity to destroy the „dusty corpus delictis of the bygone world’s bureaucrats” meaning the documents originated before 1945. For these reasons a lot of valuable documents were transported to the Papermill of Szolnok as recyclable raw material. Archivist Antal Szedő wrote several reports on the large amount of important scripts he found there. For example in 1950 Szedő found 2000 kilograms of valuable documents originated from Debrecen from the 18th and 19th century. There were also cases in the County of Szolnok, where councils made irresponsible decisions during the selection. Once archivists found old and estimable documents (including protocols from the 19th century) of Jászalsószentgyörgy, Kenderes and Besenyszög in the By-product and Waste Utilization Company of Szolnok. Unfortunately not all records could be rescued, so probably a lot of relevant ones were destructed in 1950s.

  • Corruption as a concomitant phenomenon of the lack of democratic traditions or thoughts on the margin of failure of the democratic experiment in 1945

    For decades, there has been an open debate among historians about whether there was democracy in our country in 1945, and if so, what those few transition years were like, and what caused the failure of democracy. The study, – instead of the democratic state of the electoral system, the rule of law, respect for freedoms, self-government and civil society organization, – attempts to highlight the presence or absence of democratic traditions, which is generally less attended to, but undoubtedly was also part of the failure of the democratic experiment in 1945. Perhaps surprising, but the political and moral traditions of a society determine the chances for the development and survival of a democracy. In a corrupt, morally inferior society, it is more difficult to establish and operate democracy. Thus, democracy is guaranteed not only by the appearance of institutions and elections, but also by the thinking of the people living in it and by the norms that determine their behavior. The study illustrates the peculiarity of Hungary with examples mostly from Szolnok that in the 20th century the interchanging systems were struggling with a serious deficit of democracy, and therefore no democratic traditions could be formed in the society, and in 1945 they could not go back to such antecedents. Therefore, after 1945, Hungarian society appears as corrupt as it did before 1945. Corruption has affected not only politicians but also those at lower levels of society and has engulfed society as a whole. Thus, in order to consolidate democracy, it will not be enough in the future to replace politicians and reform institutions, but the society as a whole must change too, especially in its way of thinking and behavior.

  • Public collections of Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county for regional researchers

    The public collection is a collective term, which contains national, local or public library’s, archives, picture and sound archives and museums. These institutions are collecting and systemizing document and allow them for use. There are public collections in ecclesiastical ownership and there are valuable private collections, which in some fortune cases serve scientific research in public collections. So is it in Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County, where many public collections contain the history of the region, including the lives of the inhabitants, their naturals and the economic conditions. There are other serious sources besides the well know county library, archives and museum. The goal of this study is to introduce these not well-known sources for bigger audience. For an area where the border has been severely changed by the history, the importance of cross-border archives, virtual books and data are more relevant to researchers. Among national database this study presents a number of local portals such as the "" or the "Byzantinohungarica" portal which created by the Greek Catholic Heritage Research Group.

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