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  • Features of organizational culture change

    Nowadays, change has become a commonplace. Organizations are also undergoing changes that shall meet to survive in the long term. Organizational culture is one of the important factors that can contribute to a successful and timely response. However, in many cases, due to external environmental effects change also the organizational culture. In such cases it is necessary to act in a planned and conscious manner. Changing culture is a complex, complicated task. There are many approaches that list the factors of successful cultural change. These define the key of success along different ways, but some similarities can be observed. The leader has a most important role in such a situation. In this paper I introduce the basic relationships, the background and the evolution of the change, organizational culture and cultural change.

  • The lessons learned from private document donations in JNSZ County

    Our historical knowledge is based on historians’ research of written documents. These written historical documents are preserved by archives. The biggest of our country’s public collections is the National Archives of Hungary which was established in 2012 by merging the national and county acrhives. For many decades the Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County Archives have collected the administrative documents of the county’s settlements. Various offices, courts, schools and state-owned companies are required by law to submit their records of historical value to the archives after fifteen years. However individuals, associations and parties are not required by law to pass on their private records or photographs to any of the archives. In addition to the official sources the private documents can also provide a number of valuable insights for a more detailed presentation and understanding of history. This bried study shows the changes of private records gifting in JNSZ County, the reasons behind the change, what documents were offered to them and are they important for archival research.

  • Questionnaire analysis of the situation of the artisans of the Debrecen Folk Crafts Festival in 2021

    Debrecen Folk Craft Festival faithfully preserves the cultural, social and economic traditions of Debrecen. As a tourist event, the festival provides an opportunity to learn about the centuries-old folk crafts, the artisans, their tools and their products. The traditional fair character of the event is given by the street stalls and the possibility to buy the products. The fair is part of Debrecen's history (it has had the right to hold fairs since the early 1400s), which has given a strong impetus to its economic development. The town's geographical and social characteristics made it a market centre. On the one hand, it was built at the junction of land routes and, on the other, it was owned by lords of national rank who helped to create a farming town and a local society of artisan-traders. In Debrecen, handicraft and trade fair past is still preserved in street names such as Külsővásártér, Mester street, Faraktár street, Csapó street, which is also the venue of the 11th Folk Craft Festival. The aim of the research is to investigate the extent to which Debrecen Folk Craft Festival is a Debrecen event, as well as the composition of the local artisans still operating (craft, age, gender, experience), their business strengths and weaknesses, and their presence on the internet. This representative quantitative survey was carried out with 23 representatives of 15 crafts (leatherworkers, potters, beadworkers, embroiderers, straw weavers, enamelers, furniture makers, woodcarvers, textile toy makers, honeycake makers, etc.) using a self-completion questionnaire. The survey is representative as all participants completed the questionnaire. Since folk crafts are part of the Debrecen identity, and the local culture, their survival is in the interest of the city. The survey covered the forms of their businesses, their sales opportunities, their financial background, etc. The structure of the paper: Introduction presents the festival itself, Material and Methodology, Results and Conclusions chapters describe the questionnaire survey’s results. Conclusions of the research: the cultural and social impact of the Folk Craft Festival is significant, especially through the promotion of folk art heritage, community organisation and its impact on consumer habits. There is still a wide variety of folk crafts in Debrecen, but the masters of some folk crafts are ageing. Traditionally, these one-man businesses still prefer to sell at fairs, because they are weak in marketing and advertising, and nearly a third of them have online presence on the association's website only. Their strength is their expertise, with 40, 50 or even 60 years of experience. The majority of products are qualified by the Hungarian Heritage House, which protects the masters from having their products copied and mass-produced by others.

  • Archival opening to the public in JNSZ County: why and how?

    A Magyar Nemzeti Levéltár Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok Megyei Levéltára, más levéltárakhoz hasonlóan, az elmúlt három évtizedben fokozatosan nyitott a társadalom felé. A tanulmány azokra a kérdésekre keresi a választ, hogy Szolnokon hogyan és miért következett be ez a nyitás. A legszegényebb megyék egyikében kis létszámkeret mellett működő közgyűjtemény a gazdasági válság éveiben nem leépítette tevékenységét, hanem új közművelődési projektekkel szakmai és társadalmi elismerést vívott ki magának. Az iratok gyűjtése és a tudományos kutatómunka mellett széles társadalmi kapcsolatokat kiépítő intézmény az országban első levéltárként valósított meg iskolások tanórán kívüli foglalkozásait célzó TÁMOP pályázatot. Sok éves munkával országosan is egyedülálló kapcsolatot épített ki a megye családkutatóival, melynek eredményeként 2017-ben már a második országos családtörténeti konferenciát rendezték meg nagy sikerrel. Időszaki kiállításaival nemcsak a levéltárosok kutatási eredményeit teszi közzé, de mára már a magánszemélyek iratajándékozásait is fellendítette. A levéltár ismertségének és elismertségének növelését nagyban előmozdította, hogy a helyi médiával is szoros kapcsolat épült ki. Bár a megyei levéltárak minisztériumi fenntartás alá kerültek, a levéltárosok továbbra is a helyi lakosság igényeinek kielégítését, a kiépített kapcsolatok megőrzését tekintik elsődleges feladatuknak.

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