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Search Results

  • The impact of COVID-19 pandemic on different areas of life in Hungary (work, private life, health and mental state)

    The COVID-19 epidemic had an enormous impact on the entire world, including the Hungarian population. The situation was accompanied by numerous new restrictions, strict regulations, and their consequences had to be dealt with, which also affected the life of everyone. Therefore, it was considered that it would be worthwhile to assess the different reactions to this situation among the population, what effects the people had to face and whether there was a change in their lives. The opinions of respondents on different areas of life was surveyed, such as private life, changes in personal relationships, introduction of changes in workplace habits, and the effects on health and mental state. Also the survey intended to reveal newly developed good and bad habits. The survey method was a questionnaire-based survey, which was delivered to the respondents online (n=362). The results obtained from the sample were evaluated, subjected to descriptive statistical analysis, and then crosstabs were performed based on background variables (gender, age, educational attainment, occupation, and income) to present correlations. The results of the sample are not representative, but they properly represent and summarize the situation.

  • Community culture in the National Archives of Hungary Bekes County Archive

    In this essay will present the activity of the community culture in the National Archives of Hungary Bekes County Archive. The new strategy of the opening has started in the middle of the 2000’s. During the review of the results I am focusing on our programs, cultural activities, our educational works with regards to the essencial base from the history. At first since 2006 our annual conferences, our gallery in the head building in Gyula and our temporary exhibitions has been providing insight into our daily works in the archive, our scientific works and it makes visible our collections, the actual documents of our history. We’ve had the opportunities to join to some widespread program both in Bekes County and in the country. In these events we have introduced ourselves to new audiences. Meantime we have built a fruitful relationship with the local and county press, hence besides the coverages from our events we have found a new platforms (newspapers, online media, television) for our cultural activities. Our education activities has formed in line with our other programs. If so our prime purpose is the familiarizaton of our institution to younger ranges but we also have created lessons about specific historical topics based on our documents. Often the groups are spread good reputation on our works, or – like the librarians from the city library – returned. After a visit they ofter asked a lesson on the subject of the actual summer camp for elementary school pupils. Essencally the Bekes County Archive have had a successful past decade. We are looking forward the next period, and trying to stand our’s ground in the fields of the comunity culture which is more and more come to the front in the National Archives of Hungary.

  • The role and opportunities of short supply chains - with a focus on the organizations of Hajdú-Bihar county

    An important basis for the development of new rural development practices is the re-creation of supply chains. SFSCs (Short Food Supply Chain) are also capable of breaking the system of long, complex industrial chains. In the case of SFSCs, producer-consumer relations are “shortened” and redefined. After exploring the literature, I came to the conclusion that short supply chains are receiving more and more attention nowadays, and more and more forms of operation are appearing in Hungary as well. The promotion of local products has been helped by a number of programs in recent years. I have found that the international literature presents the operation of RELs in the form of a case study. The primary aim of the study was to search for international examples that can form a basis of comparison for the organizations operating in Hungary, especially in Hajdú-Bihar County. After that, I presented specific networks operating in Hajdú-Bihar county, four networks were identified. Finally, I discussed the results of a questionnaire survey between REL members. In summary, 80% of the respondents believe in the viability and economical operation of RELs. Most identified the development of information technology as an area of operation to be developed. Farmers would be willing to strengthen direct sales in order to make product production economical. 88% of producers sell in local, producer markets. They are basically satisfied with the functioning of the producer market and also consider it economically satisfactory to sell on the producer market.

  • PR Opportunities for MNL SZSZBML

    Hungarian National Archives Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County Archives is committed not just to preserving historical documents but also to presenting them. With this intention for more than three decades ago there have been started programs to present researchers and researches of our region, as well as to present the most valuable archival documents. Our regular public programs, publications made the Archives’ work well-known. Besides professional partnerships with schools, universities, museums and libraries, we also try to focus on today’s recordcreators and on general public interested in local history. Due to increasing role of computers in delivering and changing data, our Archives runs more websites, uses social media platforms and makes archival documents user-friendly available through databases.

  • Archival opening to the public in JNSZ County: why and how?

    A Magyar Nemzeti Levéltár Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok Megyei Levéltára, más levéltárakhoz hasonlóan, az elmúlt három évtizedben fokozatosan nyitott a társadalom felé. A tanulmány azokra a kérdésekre keresi a választ, hogy Szolnokon hogyan és miért következett be ez a nyitás. A legszegényebb megyék egyikében kis létszámkeret mellett működő közgyűjtemény a gazdasági válság éveiben nem leépítette tevékenységét, hanem új közművelődési projektekkel szakmai és társadalmi elismerést vívott ki magának. Az iratok gyűjtése és a tudományos kutatómunka mellett széles társadalmi kapcsolatokat kiépítő intézmény az országban első levéltárként valósított meg iskolások tanórán kívüli foglalkozásait célzó TÁMOP pályázatot. Sok éves munkával országosan is egyedülálló kapcsolatot épített ki a megye családkutatóival, melynek eredményeként 2017-ben már a második országos családtörténeti konferenciát rendezték meg nagy sikerrel. Időszaki kiállításaival nemcsak a levéltárosok kutatási eredményeit teszi közzé, de mára már a magánszemélyek iratajándékozásait is fellendítette. A levéltár ismertségének és elismertségének növelését nagyban előmozdította, hogy a helyi médiával is szoros kapcsolat épült ki. Bár a megyei levéltárak minisztériumi fenntartás alá kerültek, a levéltárosok továbbra is a helyi lakosság igényeinek kielégítését, a kiépített kapcsolatok megőrzését tekintik elsődleges feladatuknak.

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