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  • Examination of the motivation of generation Z university students in a sample of students from the Faculty of Economics and Business and the Faculty of Informatics at the University of Debrecen

    Nowadays, organizations place increasing emphasis on motivating employees, as the effectiveness of an organization is greatly influenced by the motivation level of the employees, knowing that a motivated employee can perform better and remain loyal to the organization. In order to motivate employees effectively, it is essential that managers are aware of the various incentives available. In this study, I focus primarily on intrinsic motivation, as it is increasingly proven that extrinsic motivation tools alone are not enough to achieve the desired level of motivation for employees. My overall goal is to assess the motivational characteristics of students in my environment, including the relationship between extrinsic and intrinsic motivation. In the first part of the article, I present the literature on intrinsic motivation, which presents the topic in a more and more practical way, adapting to the needs of the present age. In the following, I present my research using a shortened version of the Aspiration Index. A total of 470 people from the Faculty of Economics and Business and the Faculty of Informatics of the University of Debrecen took part in my quantitative research. For the evaluation of the results I used both descriptive and mathematical statistical methods. After analysing the answers, I concluded that intrinsic motivation has a greater impact on students than extrinsic motivation, but money is still an essential motivational tool. I thought there was a difference in the answers of men and women and students of different programs, which led me to the conclusion that the generation should not be treated according to a scheme, it is worth developing the methods and techniques of motivation considering the individual characteristics. In conclusion, I try to formulate suggestions for managers based on the conclusions drawn from the research results. Thereby I hope that the Z generation entering the labour market in the future will be motivated more effectively.

  • Study of Eating Habits among the university students in Debrecen (exploratory research)

    The health and health awareness are getting more and more important nowadays. By the way, there are many health trends, what could be exercise or eating habits. This is one of the more important areas, because numerous studies have confirmed that the obesity, the overweight or even musculoskeletal and chronic diseases are becoming more common in the population. There are several components of health awareness. In my research among the components I analysed the healthy, moderate eating and the consumption of nutritional supplements and vitamins. The aim of my research is to analyse the eating habits of students at the University of Debrecen. I did primary and secondary data collection during my research. The primary research will be implemented in several steps in survey. In my paper I present the results of exploratory research. Based on the first results, it can be concluded that the most students do sports and take vitamin supplements to preserve their health. Food groups were used to assess their eating habits. More than 50% of the respondents consume meat, cereals and dairy products per day. However, most students only consume vegetables or fruits several times a week, which does not meet the latest recommendations.

  • Investigation of factors affecting students 'sports habits

    Nowadays, a health-conscious lifestyle has come to the fore, with one of their important components being leisure sports. In our research, we examined the sporting habits of Debrecen university students (n=178) and factors that may influence these habits, with an online questionnaire. We found out that 61% of respondents exercise regularly in their spare time. With the help of a fourpoint Likert scale, we examined how much influence the availability and quality of various sports services have on the students. The highest rating was given to having a friendly atmosphere (3.5), which is followed by good equipment and facilities (3.45). We analyzed how much they spend on their health and how willing they are to spend more on their health if they had more money. For nonsporting students, they more likely to be unsatisfied with their physical condition all the while they spend less on their health. Non-sporting students cited lack of time (3.49) as the greatest turn-off when questioned. A significant percentage of both groups (78.18% of sporting, 86.76% of non-sporting) would be willing to spend more on their health if they earned additional cash.

  • Analysis of Work Attributes According to Kano Modell and Paired Comparison in the Case of Higher Education Students

    The aim of our study is to examine university students' expectations about job attributes, what are their basic expectations and what factors are attractive when choosing a job. We analyzed the answers of 389 students learning at the University of Debrecen and the University of Nyíregyháza. In the study, we combined the Kano model and the pairwise comparison method. The former is related to Noriaki Kano and his colleagues, and categorizes product quality attributes according to their impact on customer satisfaction. The model is primarily used to assess the quality of a product or service, but has recently been used in areas of management like job satisfaction. The other method is the pairwise comparison, when answerers compare the attributes to each other thus setting up an order of importance. The possibility of merging Kano-model and importance is an opportunity to examine job characteristics more accurately and to apply a refined Kano-model that divides the original categories into two subcategories like critical (important must-be), necessary (less important must-be), high value-added (important one-dimensional), low value-added (less important one-dimensional), highly attractive, less attractive, potential (important indifferent) and care-free (less important indifferent) quality characteristics. In our research, we examined the following attributes’ effect on job satisfaction: wage, relationship with employees, long-term employment, the matching of field of education and work, the work environment, the career opportunity, the matching of education level and work, and company size. According to our results, there are job attributes with clear category, such as wage, which high value added attribute and a low salary causes dissatisfaction while high salary causes satisfaction. Long-term employment is a less attractive, modern environment is a highly attractive factor, so the absence of these does not cause dissatisfaction, but the presence increases satisfaction. Finding a matching job is a carefree attribute. This supports the literature that recent graduates take on jobs that require less education than theirs, if the salary and career opportunities compensate for it. At the same time, it is another question to what extent compensation can be realized if the overeducated earn a lower wage than their matched counterparts. It is possible that accepting the initial lower wage is part of the strategy that the employee moving up on his career ladder will be able to earn higher, but it does not work for everyone. Among the characteristics that cannot be clearly categorized, the career option should be highlighted, which was the most mixed category. For some people, it represents a highly value added attribute and its absence causes dissatisfaction (women), for others it is very attractive and its absence is not a problem (men), but in both cases its presence increases satisfaction. However, there is a group for whom this is a critical characteristic, i.e. its existence is natural, its absence increases dissatisfaction, and this is the MSc graduates. In the case of less congruent professions, matching the field of education to the job increases satisfaction more, but its absence does not cause dissatisfaction. The relationship with colleagues has a highly value added for women, i.e. its absence causes dissatisfaction, but it is very attractive for men, in their case its absence is not a problem. Small company size is a reversal (women) or care free characteristic. Employers should therefore pay attention to career opportunities in the case of freshmen’s with higher level of education, to find and integrate an employee who fits into the company’s environment in order to ensure good relationship with colleagues, as well as to the appropriate salary, since the lack of these causes dissatisfaction among significant groups of young applicants.

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