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Search Results

  • Exploring changes in employee competencies based on analysis of data from a job search page

    By analyzing the job offers on the KarrierM job search portal, the research sheds light on the new competence needs appearing on the labor market. In order to successfully explore this, I performed a comparative analysis between the most important competencies during the first (Pirohov-Tóth-Kiss, 2021) (N=363) and the second (current) (N= 332) examination. Taking into account the employment data of the KSH with the help of analysis, we examine the development of the most important key competences and specialized areas based on the data of the second examination, and the regional results were presented. I also explored the role of foreign language knowledge as a workplace competency and other expectations appearing in advertisements. Based on the results of the research, the most important key competencies include working independently and in a team, as well as reliability.

  • Future-proof skills - What do you expect to need in the jobs of the future?

    Advances in Artificial Intelligence and robotics have made it possible to automate many high-level cognitive skills, but different jobs and occupations may be affected differently by technological developments. High-skilled occupations are less at risk of automation, as they also require skills and competences that remain important bottlenecks to automation. However, according to OECD 2022 results, the jobs most at risk from automation will not disappear completely, as only 18-27% of the skills and competences required in these occupations are highly automatable. Rather, it is likely that the organisation of work will need to be radically changed and that workers in these jobs will need to retrain as technology replaces workers in many tasks.

    In my study, I aim to summarise, based on the literature of recent years, the key skills that will potentially equip workers for the diverse workplace demands of the near future, arising from technological developments.

    I conducted a keyword search of the Scopus database for future jobs, workplaces, occupations, skills, abilities and competences. I narrowed down the search results to the period 2021-2023, English language journal articles, economic and business fields and relevant keywords associated with the articles by the authors. In addition to these articles, I also reviewed the reporting materials of other relevant professional organisations (OECD, World Economic Forum) for the period. The geographical, regional and territorial differentiation of the studies was taken into account.

    In my findings, I have also discussed the role of universities and other educational institutions in meeting the employability expectations of the Fourth Industrial Revolution in order to ensure that they can provide skills that are as relevant as possible to market expectations.  I will highlight the top 69 skills identified in the hospitality industry and their groupings, and the elements of the 4 important skill groups identified for accountancy professionals. I also cover the future-proof skills that entrepreneurs are expected to have. In general, I will describe the appreciation of soft skills based on the academic findings of recent years.

    The results collected can also serve as useful information for individual human capital investment decisions, organisational training and even the design of training frameworks for educational institutions.

  • Examination of entrepreneurial willingness among the master students of the Faculty of Economics at the University of Debrecen

    There is a lot of interest in entrepreneurship today, and there are also many initiatives to introduce young people to the mysteries of entrepreneurship. Starting and running a business requires different competences and a lot of courage. There are many barriers to start-ups, which in many cases discourage people from even starting up. In the present research, I set out to assess the entrepreneurial propensity and competences of Master's students of the Faculty of Economics at the University of Debrecen. My research question was focused on what future plans the students have, whether they would like to start a business, what barriers they think are related to entrepreneurship, and how they evaluate themselves in terms of their existing competences in starting and managing a business. To investigate my research questions, I created a questionnaire that, in addition to demographic questions, explores existing entrepreneurial experiences, plans, barriers, and core competencies. The questionnaire was administered in March 2022 through a face-to-face survey. 84 Master's students completed the questionnaire. The conclusions of the survey show that the sample is divided in terms of whether young people would like to be entrepreneurs and that a range of barriers are present in young people's lives, but that they rate highly the listed competences for entrepreneurship as self-reported.

  • Is the glass ceiling a self-fulfilling prophecy?! – Research of career opportunities among female workers

    „Is the glass ceiling a self-fulfilling prophecy?! – Connection between career opportunities and competencies among female workers” research has focused on the presence of women in the labor market. The objective of the questionnaire research is to assess whether women are stuck at certain career levels due to the lack of competence and motivation. During the research, I was able to gain insight into women’s attitudes towards careers, which showed a positive picture. I assessed that they were motivated, and I also got answer to the main question, that significant percentage of the 161- person sample would like to work as a leader, and they would have the appropriate skills. However, I was also told that they are building their own barriers to the workplace, many of them are happy with their current job, but not wanting more. The presence of a glass ceiling in the workplace is important to get proper attention as women make up a significant part of the labor market.

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