Vol. 3 No. 2 (2018)

Published August 24, 2023



  • The use of CANVAS model to develop incubation organization in the university sector

    The mission of higher education in Europe and worldwide has been undergoing changes concerning its responsibilities and the requirements it has to satisfy. Making use of the experience gained from international benchmarking, the research paper investigates those business models that the institutions and their strategic partners can use in order to facilitate their market oriented incubation activities. In our research we aimed to develop an operating model such that is able to meet the challenges set by the competition on the international marketplace. We used the Canvas business framework model as a method to describe the business logic, – value creation – and functional elements of a market actor, and the interrelationships that exist between those factors.

  • The border issue in the Central European and Eastern European regions

    The new borders play a key role in the geopolitical situation not only from the point of view to define what a border is and demarcation, particularly in the analytical process of the changes taking place in the Central European and Eastern European regions. The establishment and functioning of the new European Eastern border is related directly to the specific geopolitical situation, which also determines its specificity and parameters. It is indisputable that the new structure of the Central European and Eastern European geopolitical regions will fundamentally change its relationship to the area, region and its borders. Essentially, the new geopolitical configuration of the European continent leads to the fragmentation of the old Central and Eastern European region. The border, first of all, is a physical concept and it is the boundary of national territories. It is understandable that in this situation we are analyzing a new border, which a being formed, which is not the same as Europe’s cultural borders, a new border that to our opinion is not a simple linear space or spatial boundary, which in our case separates the regions of Central Europe and Eastern Europe quite sharply. It is the co-called transparency of the borders, examination of “permeability”, that allows us to study the new borders not only as a linear space between neighboring countries, but as a system that takes into consideration cultural, ideological features, using civilization and religious criteria’s.

  • Public collections of Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county for regional researchers

    The public collection is a collective term, which contains national, local or public library’s, archives, picture and sound archives and museums. These institutions are collecting and systemizing document and allow them for use. There are public collections in ecclesiastical ownership and there are valuable private collections, which in some fortune cases serve scientific research in public collections. So is it in Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County, where many public collections contain the history of the region, including the lives of the inhabitants, their naturals and the economic conditions. There are other serious sources besides the well know county library, archives and museum. The goal of this study is to introduce these not well-known sources for bigger audience. For an area where the border has been severely changed by the history, the importance of cross-border archives, virtual books and data are more relevant to researchers. Among national database this study presents a number of local portals such as the "olvass-sokat.hu" or the "Byzantinohungarica" portal which created by the Greek Catholic Heritage Research Group.

  • Architect-Master Ferenc Orbán’s Court Buildings in Debrecen and its vicinity

    The modern Hungarian judicial system was based on Act IV of 1869 – which regulated the judicial power – and the acts of 1871, which stipulated the formation of courts of first instance. Operating of courts needed suitable and modern court buildings besides personal conditions. The creation of this court buildings took decades. Following the construction period of the country courts (around 1880–1910), the state concentrated on the decent placement of district courts. From the 1910s, it was seen that new district court buildings were built in the country. This process continued in the period between the two World Wars. We can also meet with expert architects in this field. One of them – perhaps less known by the general public – was Ferenc Orbán, an architect-master, who noted the design of a number of district courts in the 1920s. His buildings can be found in our narrower region: in Debrecen, Berettyóújfalu, Hajdúböszörmény and Hajdúszoboszló. This short interdisciplinary study focuses on these and the work of the architect.

  • Changes of soil chemical properties after sewage sludge compost treatment

    The small-plot experiment with sewage sludge compost (SSC) was started in the spring of 2003. Soil type is acidic Arenosol at the Research Institute of Nyíregyháza, University of Debrecen, in the NE part of Hungary. The applied SSC contained 40% of sewage sludge, 25% of straw, 30% of rhyolite and 5% of bentonite. Four treatments in five blocks have been conducted, where the SSC was applied at a rate of 0, 9, 18 and 27 t ha-1 and then was ploughed into the soil. Treatments were repeated in 2006, 2009, 2012 and 2015. Test plants were maize (Zea mays L.), triticale (x Triticosecale x Wittmack) and green pea (Pisum sativum L.) followed each other in a crop rotation every year. Composite soil samples were mixed from 5 subsamples in each plot from 0-30 and 30-60 cm soil layers after harvesting of test plants. Experimental results showed that composted sewage sludge Régiókutatás Szemle 2018 2. sz. DOI: 10.30716/RSZ/2018/2/5 application had positive effects on the chemical properties of the soil, especially the increase of pH and humus content.

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